Yesterday morning on the way to work, I spent time in quietness with Ross. I told him how much I love him. I shared how much it pains me not to be able to show him I love him like I used to, by making his favorite meal, or finding a way to make him smile, when we were both incarnate.
With my heart fully open, when he asked me what wish I would like for the day, I said, 'I would like to show you I love you by doing something that will make YOU feel like you are loved.'
He paused and got serious. He's a thinker. And he was thinking.
Never in a million years did I expect to hear his request.
He said, 'get a makeover tonight after work.'
This whole Oneness thing flashed into my awareness with great clarity. To show Ross I love him he wanted me to tend to my own wound in my heart, my beauty, or in my opinion, my frustration at my lack of self-care due to all my many things I do.
I realized perhaps it would be wise to learn how to take care of my aging skin and make the most of my beauty I have left. These people would know how.
I also realized I will need to make more effort to look attractive and professional since I will be masked for six months due to my refusal to take the flu shot at work.
At the end of the day, I knew Anthony was at practice with the babysitter. And I sensed Ross wanted me to go to the mall near our house, at the store where I have a gift card, and to go to Lancome.
So I did!
It was after eight p.m.
There was a woman in line ahead of me, and she looked good after her makeover. Not too much, and pretty for her. On a woman older than me.
While I waited another worker came to me and asked me what I would like?
I explained to her I'm not a makeup person, but I need a simple routine I can do every day even when I'm tired, due to the mask requirement at my work. My eyes will the the only part of my face my patients will see. They better look good, since my smile will be hidden.
I also confessed I'm fifty-three, and my skin is changing, I don't know what to do.
She looked at me, she works at the MAC counter, and was puzzled. She said, 'you don't look fifty-three. You look good! You don't have any wrinkles.' She asked me, 'What is your secret?' I said, 'I guess I picked the right family (genes)?'
She couldn't help me with Lancome cosmetics, and I had to wait for the other lady. She said anyhow her makeup product is 'more dramatic' and 'not as light as Lancome'. I laughed, and I said to her, in a joking tone, 'Yes, I don't want to look like a work!' (That's the inside joke--with my gay hairdresser--that everyone at MAC looks like a vampire.) She laughed a genuine laugh too.
Gina helped me. She had a thick Southern accent and had been an ER nurse for twenty years. She's seen everything. We laughed. It's true.
I asked her if she got so burnt out that's why she's selling makeup?
She laughed. She's waiting for her license for California. But yes she misses some of the excitement of the ER.
I got the first new--from a makeup counter--foundation, and eyeshadow/liner--since before Anthony was born. She chose my blush to match the one in the giveaway to save me money.
A long time ago, when I was with Frank my ex-husband, I was crying because I felt ugly and poor. I was a resident, and I couldn't afford to get the Lancome free gift like I used to when I worked or lived at home.
Frank took me and bought it for me, and got me Tresor fragrance too.
I didn't know it was free gift time.
Ross did.
When Gina rang me up, this song came on the speakers at the store.
I almost started bawling because I knew who had sent the song...
My beloved...
Yesterday I had a case cancellation.
I went for a walk.
I crossed the street to the shopping center. There was a Pokemon 'raid battle' I tried and lost twice.
I said to myself, 'some things are just too big to fight'.
I kept walking.
Something said to call Marc Gamma so I did.
He picked up! It was perhaps six p.m. his time.
We caught up on our work and our families.
Then we talked the Divine Healing Codes.
Marc gave me them to be caretaker for them, many years ago, because he had other projects which interested him more, and I'm a doctor so I could add the medical expertise.
The codes came from sources, about six from Marc, perhaps about that many from Lauren, about twenty from a reader in Britain, more from Lunela, even more from Isabel, and the most from me.
Marc asked me why I only have a webpage? People are going to need more coaching in them. New people are waking up. They need to share their experiences, their successes, and also, know the history. Perhaps a podcast?
I told him plainly and simply, 'Marc, I can make the YouTube videos on it no problem. I would love to. But I can't because of the lawsuit against me. ' (it might give ammunition to the plaintiff's team.)
He understood.
I told him I would speak with my guides. I would love to create an app, but it's super expensive and I don't know how.
The trick with the codes is, many people have split off onto their own projects. A team--against my wishes--in the Netherlands-type area--took them, put them on spreadsheets and did whatever with them.
There is only one current up to date source--that list on this blog--and I don't know how to automatically update and populate other resources with each new code. I won't have incomplete lists 'out there' because someone might look for a healing, think there's no code for their condition by looking at the incomplete list, when the MASTER list (mine) has it!!
No bueño, right?
Anyhow, I went back to work, started my case, and got a phone call from my lawyer.
I said, 'I'm in the O.R., I can't really talk long. I may talk briefly.'
She said it was brief.
The plaintiff decided to stop the case!!!
I asked her in earnest, 'you're not joking, are you?'
She was totally serious. She said the only hitch was I had to promise not to sue back for a frivolous lawsuit against me, and I had signed forms already that said I wouldn't.
Why would I ever want to go to court with that plaintiff again?
No Way!
I hung up, I told the room, and I asked permission of the surgical team to call my mother.
They thought it was cute I asked permission (I never talk on the phone in the O.R.) and the celebration began!
I'm free!!
Ross had told me, at the beginning when I was served, that the lawsuit would 'go away as if it never happened'.
Ross can see the future.
I trusted in him.
I had thought it would go away at the expert witness part, when my lawyers said it would go away.
They pressed forward with hurtful things written by their expert witness (remember the person I had to turn the other cheek to at work?)...
I was lost, defenseless, and facing a trial, with all the pain and agony and loss of income.
Their team wanted to delay the case until January.
I explained politely my work doesn't have time free until the end of February--no vacation it's all taken--and I could only postpone once because going without work is expensive. (I can't work in October, you see, I have time off)
My insurance would pay me for court dates--WOW!--but not for missed court times due to pushing back court dates.
Two weeks ago, Raphael stepped in to help.
First we did the green flush on the plaintiff.
Another day we did the blue flush.
He also healed the plaintiff to full and perfect health, I saw it and he showed me.
Another day we invented a new healing--light purple like lavender.
Raphael told me to work only on the plaintiff, not the family or legal teams. The goal was for a change of heart.
I went once, in my spirit body (very light, sparkly, like an angel and I don't look like 'me') and asked, 'why are you persecuting me?'
I have sent unconditional love and Reiki to this person ever since I got sued--every day--but with Raphael, it was much stronger.
Raphael did it!!! He set me free and changed the heart of the person too!
And someone somewhere wants me to get back on YouTube.
It was the same day.
After the cosmetics, we celebrated, babysitter, Anthony, me, at the Cheesecake factory restaurant.
Anthony still can't believe it. He's never seen me so happy.
To pay it forward, although I can't afford it, my baby sitter had needed an advance on her services to pay for phlebotomy school tuition. It's five weeks. It cost $2,900. She has saved $700. (she paid off her tuition for medical assistant school in August). I had promised her I could afford $1000 and she needed her family to help her for the rest.
Because of God's mercy to me, I wrote the check for the balance, $2,200...and she can work to pay me back.
Yesterday was two miracles, from Heaven. Not just one.
When I paid for her tuition the last time, it was to avoid a shady deal. A man would pay her tuition up front, but she would have to work for him for two years to pay it back. It didn't seem right. So the first time I bought her freedom. This second time, she will always have a way to support herself, no matter what.
There are more miracles!
Ham radio operators send messages to Puerto Rico
(I guess we mediums are basically spiritual Ham Radio operators, huh?)
Thirty meter telescope decision shows how sick government is--$$$ talks
Gaia wants all these things off her summit.
No more.
I read Hawaii News Now first thing before I get out of bed...BTW.
I want you to watch Carla's example in her experience of her miracle.
What did she do?
Did she party?
A little bit. She had a celebration dinner with her loved ones that night, and enjoyed one glass of wine.
Did she thank us back for giving her the miracle--although I would like to take credit for it, I owe a lot more to Raphael (he smiles)?
Carla stretched herself this week a lot towards the betterment of others:
- she took her ACLS and PALS ahead of her class with her coworkers, to be able to keep her promise to another so he may go to his kid's tennis tournament
- she worked late on her short day to give anesthesia to a friend who needs her
- she helped her babysitter's tuition
She also took direction from me, and kept her promise to 'get a makeover', something which gave me great joy and pleasure to observe, as you can tell by my reaction with my choice of the music.
Spirit is important.
Feeling good about ourselves is important, especially in the culture of Southern California where Carla was born and raised and lives.
Turning grey isn't an easy task. And although Carla had sworn as a child she would never dye it, the grey started coming in at twenty-eight, so she does.
I thank you Biramel for your heartfelt message to Carla, and I appreciate your guidance to her at this difficult time. You are older, and you show her the possibilities that life does not 'end at thirty' like the popular culture would have one to assume here in Southern California.
And how about that Hugh Hefner? (he rubs the dust and dirt off his hands gesture--ed)
He is already merged back with Creator of all that is.
Spit spot! (like Mary Poppins says--ed)
clap! clap!
Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Couple