Sunday, August 20, 2017


The energies are very weak right now.  I feel them. I feel the energy of the sun, having been born and raised in Long Beach, California, and having lived on the west coast for all of my life. (I had a summer in Cincinnati but that was the only time I was away).

I am always feeling the energies which are coming in from the sky. They are invisible, and yet, I 'eat' them--metaphysically, I need these energies to help me connect to Source, and also, to my guides.

When I am at my mother's house, it's harder for me to 'connect' up.  She has this stuff on the roof of her house.

But when I am on the road, I have always connection open, open, open, like this:

I got a message from Ross.

I'm not too excited about the eclipse because between the hype, the mass reaction to the mainstream media, and all the stuff going on behind the scenes, as an empath, I feel like I am the washing machine going back and forth, back and forth.

So I'm quiet.

I'm taking extra steps to ask for forgiveness from others.

I'm doing what one would do before they die.

I don't expect to die.

But as one approaches death their Life Force is waning, and with the cosmic energies as they are, I feel the same hopelessness and waning in my own connection to the Galactic Life force too.

I am weakening with every minute we click closer to that astronomical event.

Here's Ross' message to me, while I was on call, and waiting for a case:

8.18.17  1456

R:  I want to talk to you.
Hold on to your hats.
Are you ready honey?
I invite you to something greater than yourself, than me.
You are/shall be a part of us -- FOREVER.

C:  Hate? News? So much conflict?

R:  Let go of the stars -- there is only LOVE and LOVE is what it takes (I see his two fists bumping toward one another and they impact)  We are going to meet everyone half way.
On their terms, because that is the only way possible.
Even if you are incarnate.

I will hold you in my arms tonight and love you soundly.

All my love,
God is Glorious!
Your Beloved,

What I sense is that if you are ultra liberal, you are going to like and connect to the message the Galactics have to give.

If you are ultra conservative, you are going to like and connect to the message the Galactics have to give.

If you are highly spiritual, and have studied and worked hard, like me, you are going to like and connect to the message the Galactics have to give.

If you are very worldly--in the world and OF it--you are going to like and connect to the message the Galactics have to give.

If you are suffering, you are going to like and connect to the message the Galactics have to give.

If you are living 'the good life' and not suffering in any way at all, you are going to like and connect to the message the Galactics have to give.

If you are welcoming change, you are going to like and connect to the message the Galactics have to give.

If you hate change more than anything in the world, and do all you can to resist it, you are going to like and connect to the message the Galactics have to give.

If you are alone, old, tired, and desperate, you are going to like and connect to the message the Galactics have to give.

If you are young, and full of enthusiasm, you are going to like and connect to the message the Galactics have to give.

Does this make sense?

I have seen just a glimpse of their elaborate plans, and contingencies, and backups for that.

The Galactics do fine work, and leave nothing to chance.

We have the gift to help others with their lessons.

By some strange phenomenon, we can see what others who are having their lessons, can't.

However, due to the nature of lessons, most people who are in one, not only can't hear their guides in spirit, but they can't hear their guides, teachers, friends and family, who are incarnate right there with them, too.

There is an energy that is given off by every living thing.

I can read it.

And one of the worst energies I have felt, next to this whole impending eclipse thing, is the energy of the cheating lover.

I had a friend/Boss at my old work, at Clorox. Let's call her 'rolle'. She was single. Tall, very thin. It's because she had a terrible disease, scleroderma. Her face skin was a little tight, and her fingers turned blue. She wasn't attractive, but she was smart and very outgoing. And super, duper, Christian. We used to pray together, and go to lunch outside of work.

Enter 'ike'...the new hire from Arizona who was married and had a son.

Sparks flew between 'rolle' and 'ike'.

It's the only thing that mattered to them.

Me being the friend, I heard lots from 'rolle'. It seems people like this always have a 'wing man' and never explore this type of 'lesson' on their own.

I wasn't a willing 'wing man'.  But I had to be polite.

As an empath, I saw where this was headed, every nuance, every step of the way for this couple.

Ironically, as much as they wanted it to be hidden, by their actions, and their energies, everyone else in the company knew what they were up to, also.

So did the wife.

Torn, as a Christian, 'rolle' would tell me 'she wouldn't' and 'she knew it was a sin'  and 'why would God send her this love?'

The whole time I was like, 'dude? he is married! don't get involved!'  Every single time.

Soon they were kissing in the copy room.

Not longer after that it was more than kissing.

'rolle' was very, very, very lonely, and vulnerable...but I knew in my heart this wasn't a solution to the loneliness.

'ike's' wife got pregnant.

He had to choose.

The wife, determined to save her family, chose the most painful day of the year to give birth to their new daughter--'rolle's birthday, July 4.

With much drama, 'ike' broke up with 'rolle', quit work, and moved the family back to Arizona.

I ended up leaving the company not much longer than that, and I've been out of touch with 'rolle'.

It still makes me feel icky to write about it.  The energy was so heavy, so gross, so backwards from the whole relationship!

Why not just find someone who is right for you? Or leave your partner before you have sex with someone new--if you are not happy?


Well, I've done it.

I've cheated too.

I've been in that role of 'rolle'.

I was in fellowship, and it was a neighbor, and it was for less than one month the relationship was there.

I was dreadfully unhappy, and I felt 'stuck' with my husband.

The reason?

Our sex life was terrible, and I wanted to enjoy being intimate.

I knew I was cheating--not leading up to it--but while it was happening. I felt a little bit of that 'invulnerability' I could have everything I wanted in life and the rules didn't apply to me.

What I learned was important--I could change my life--I needed to! If I could only find the courage to leave my home for good.

That one data point was worth risking my marriage, which eventually collapsed due to a combination of things.

I was so weak I was ready to stay with my unhappiness, because it was a 'hell I knew' rather than exchange it for 'a hell I didn't know' (a new life).

But my ex knew it was time to go, and we decided to part while on vacation in Hawaii.

What are vows? I don't know. Why are they so important here, and not so much in the Higher Realms where stuff like this happens more often--their views on love are very 'open' to put it lightly. Monogamy is a 'can' but not a 'must'...that's how they put it.

I'm sorry.

While I'm here on Earth, I go by what I sense, the energies.

The energies of cheaters are very low vibration, there is nothing beautiful about it, and I don't like to experience it. Not from either end. But I am human and will tell you, I've been there (once), I've had the lesson too, and I grew from it.

Would I repeat it?

Not on your life. It was a painful lesson. My 'friend' dumped me hard and told me never to contact him again because he was getting married. I wasn't interested in him in the first place, but to be rejected like that still hurts.

This is a city in Spain.  It's by the water.

I was born and raised in a city by the water, Long Beach, California.

It was rumored to have lots of ties to Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart. It was supposed to be a big group of them there...

When I was born I didn't know.

I just barely found out later in life.

But most of my life, with the exception of training and education, has been on the 33rd parallel.  The home I lived in with my ex was actually on the 33.33 parallel.

I educated myself last night by watching some videos, one was on the hidden energy work built in to the layout of Long Beach architecture/city planning by the masons. Apparently it collects energy, and not just earthly but human energy, and focuses it for an 'adept' to be able to use. This person who is making the video seems nice. Kind of curious and interested in the occult and the use of unseen power that the descendants from Egypt knew--such as found with the masonic order. He also aligns strongly with music and JZ. I watched the whole hour plus...because he pointed out the structures, I saw he was right, and I wondered what the conclusion was going to be? There was a part where an entity asked him to create a time portal with sound and his computer and a flashlight. He didn't want to be interrupted. He locked himself in his room, and the whole building started to shake. His roommate started cursing and asked him to stop and banged on the door. He didn't. He passed out (went to sleep at ten instead of his usual 3 am).  When he woke up there was a swastika in ashes on his apartment building front wall that faced the street.  This portal was timed to match a release of JZ's something--I'm not sure what.

This was in early 2012, and the entity had said 'someone had HIJACKED' the regional energy flow system and it was to 'get it back'. 

I am the Hijacker.

I do lots of work with these things I can't see, and always, always, always, with my teams.  The location of the hijacking was in Anaheim! But the timelines were close.

So I do good work.

And I'm sure there's no backing down from the Hijack in the first place--shaking buildings and all, because Gaia has her Free Will and that is to be joined to infinite supply of Nurturing , Warmth, Love and Compassion for herself and all inhabitants.

I'm not even going to give you the link, because it's dark, that video. It's not super dark. But it's definitely from The Other Team.

Someone shared this with me for the Eclipse.

It's total darkness.

There's no Nurturing, Warmth, Love and Compassion to the found anywhere in it.

I wouldn't even watch it.

The eyes glow.

Things are supernatural and ominous. 

Just so you know, I even went to analyze backwards the vocals--I'm not very good at it--but this is the type of 'entertainment' that pays homage to something else, some other belief system, that is NOT from the Divine Creator of All That Is.

This video explained things.

Now I know why there are 'funny arches' to Adventure Land, and in a statue at my work. It's the arch of Baal. 

I also understand why in that strange video clip of Rihanna with some mason dudes in some meeting where the old guys with grey hair and black robes sit like judges in court, and she opened her legs in a chair at the audience, and did writhing and flipping dance moves--she was opening her Vescica Pisces  to create some portal or something.

This also explains to me this photo:

what this photo means. It's souls coming through a portal, or being consumed by the Galactic central sun. There's sex orgy and death energy in it. Just ask icky as the cheater energy.   I had brought it up with Divine Mother Incarnate earlier--what is it and why does it feel so icky and so related to this Eclipse thing?

I suspect it's souls falling to earth from heaven, fallen angels.

In summary:

  1. We are in the middle of a war we can't see, it's spiritual, it's invisible, for the most part.
  2. There are strong proponents who trace back to the two hundred fallen angels, Baal, Egypt, and organized groups like Masons--who not only built our cities to harvest ours and nature's life force energy--but control the news and the media too. Their 'attack' on our psychology is at an all time high.
  3. 2020 is the proposed rollout of 5G (, and an 'event' with Bitcoin, and also, reportedly, the time satanism will be worshipped openly. People are already getting chipped like their pets--their employers will require it instead of a badge--I've read that article too. We are only two and one half years from that time. Do know the effects of an eclipse aren't always seen immediately and last for months to years after?Link to my teacher Anne's description of the astrology And that the Dark Ones worship the Black Hole Sun.
  4. This video totally makes me smile. I could watch it over and over and over.
  5. We hold the upper hand. Team DOES Have Your Best Interest At Heart. There are some very high ranking incarnate angels and sentient beings from the cosmos walking here on earth, now! They might not remember what they were sent to do, but they are very very good at it, and are doing it. (the Dark ones invaded Saturn. Saturn before the invasion is good. Saturn is infested, like Earth is. Mars was depleted by the invaders before they came to Earth. Earth is poised to turn into a dry, desolate planet by Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart...and Divine Creator of All That Is has intervened to stop it.) This Channeled message from Anne is especially timely

Am I afraid?


My soul has been through lots of things like this before.

Am I glad Ross is strong, and with me?

Yes. He has overcome the darkness, and instead of going on his merry way, has committed himself and all his teams to guiding us to overcome it too.

Lots has to do with our inner world, our thoughts, our choices to remain silent when we could choose to be painful or angry, our choices to raise our vibration UP...and to hold our heads up high as we pass through our lessons and tests and challenges.

Our souls outnumber those of the fallen angels and their sympathizers.

And the more our inner world 'straightens up', the more higher vibration utopia we will be able to manifest. 

I laugh a little, because at my work, I could be very grim. It's a ghost town already in the O.R. because we don't care for CalOptima patients. And as of the fifteenth, now even my own insurance, Anthem, isn't taken by my healthcare system I work for. That's right, I can't go to my own hospital, it's out of network, and so are my doctors. Yet I pay seven hundred dollars a month for health care!! The only places I can go now are basically county hospitals, which are over crowded, until I can change healthcare plans in November. 

I've been wanting time off work, and I've manifested it REALLY well, right? LOL. No work to pay for the seven hundred a month in healthcare insurance.

I'm so glad I trusted my intuition, and didn't move a few years ago. I couldn't pay a mortgage on a new home. But with this old one, I still can, even with much reduced work. 

I've lived a life as a kitten, with all the terror, right in the bosom of Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart.  It didn't touch me--my heart of hearts, my consciousness--but I did gain lots of reconnaissance about the other team.

I've been born and raised in some locations linked to the other team, and been employed by, some very strong proponents/players on the other team--without having a clue for most of my life.

It's ubiquitous. 

And yet, we can be FREE and GROW and raise our VIBRATION no matter where we are!

Nature, is our best ally here while we are incarnate on Earth.   Go to Nature for strength in your battles are incarnate Ground Crew while we go through this really dissonant energy of the Eclipse. 

Everything is going to be okay.

Ross is going to meet you halfway.

Ross is even going to meet the most enthusiastic eclipse embracer who erroneously thinks it from the good angels--halfway.

Everyone is going to be delighted.

Ross wanted me to write this for you first thing when I got out of bed. I've been writing for two hours.

I hope it helps.

And I hope my husband and Twin is satisfied with my efforts.

clap! clap!

I guess he is because he's clapping and smiling.

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla