Thursday, August 17, 2017

A Stretch!

We are One.

Just like with our bodies, all the parts make us 'one'--technically--hands, feet, heart, eyes...

That being said, I am going through a 'stretch' mentally, trying to reframe my perspective from 'Ground Crew Incarnate' to 'Galactic'.

Here's the article that really made me stop in my tracks:

In it, our Guiding Council shows it's mastery, it's total being outside the Illusion, and in a way, it irked me somewhat to listen to the audacity of their statements and know in my soul without a doubt they are correct...and they aren't holding their brilliance back!

It's humbling.

Logically in my Lightworker role, I thought:  Dark Ones Exposed = Everyone Wakes Up.

The Galactics are like: If people want to buy into the Eclipse, and it makes them 'feel spiritual', THEN it is 'spiritual'.

They pay Lip Service to the 'we wouldn't want to condone anything' to the nefarious outcome from the Eclipse as anticipated by Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart.

To the Galactics, everything here is Illusion, almost one big fat joke if you took the suffering out of it.

What are they going to do while everyone is looking up?

Fly by?

A light show?

I don't know.

But this gets me again and again where it hurts, the part of me that doesn't understand Creator of All That Is, the part that I truly don't LIKE about Creator and Creator's sense of values.

Slackers get the SAME goodies and rewards as those who work hard for Creator.

The prodigal son.

The people invited later in the day to work in the fields get the same pay as those who have worked all day.

On the other hand, in the Bible at least, there is contradiction with the talents (the one who buries them gets them taken away) and the Light On A Hill and the people with the oil lamps who fell asleep before the bridegroom came.

Either way, we are working with a funny Creator who is NOT of Earth--and has a funny sense of 'values'--which is probably a good thing because most of our 'values' --work hard = reward--are probably drilled into us by the slave masters at Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart.

For the same token, people who are all bent out of shape over the latest Psychological Operatives and are unfriending people and getting all worked up over it--in a sense, as twisted as it is, by biting the hook, line, and sinker offered to them by the Mainstream Media, are in fact, in their own way, waking up.

They are starting to question the status quo.

Stupid me I thought this whole waking up thing would be peaceful.


I thought this whole waking up thing would 'make sense' and not be all crazy emotional tantrums from all sides.

Oh well I guess I signed up for this.

The Headmasters at the school of Earth kind of want to close it. It's not very useful, the curriculum and nobody follows it anyway.  But they can't lock the gates until everyone is out of the schoolyard.

Anyhow, here's MY lesson.

I go to my crystal shop, in my scrubs, and there's this couple there. The crystal shop people are awesome. The manager was at the counter and she was having her ears talked off by this couple. He is a retired surfer (surfer ear) and he fell in love with her when she was bald from her chemotherapy.

They completely ignore me.

They hog up the counter.

I sat for a while with a crystal, and listened to them.

They talked about ear candling. Apple cider vinegar. Chemotherapy. Some store in Temecula. They asked to franchise the store here, if there was opportunity.

Talk about the Salt Of The Earth, right?

This store to them was freaking foreplay.

I couldn't take any more, and I asked to have a session on the LifeStream. It's an electronic machine that just creates like, negative ions or something. You go in a room and touch it for twenty minutes and it just makes everything better.

I came out and the couple was still there. They were there for another half hour, pointedly talking medicine within my earshot--not really 'medicine' but THEIR kind of holistic 'medicine'--and ignoring me.

I held my crystal. It's a Lemurian sphere.

I asked it if it would help me learn the lesson of One, please?

It said yes and I took it Home.

One is a hard lesson.

It's kind of like being a doctor. You know so much more about things and how they work that most people never even know.

And being an anesthesiologist--you work so hard and if you do your job right people never even remember who you are!

I did a miracle yesterday.

I did.

I got someone off the ventilator. I was able to extubatne them according to their wishes. It was against all odds. I worked very very very hard the whole case, getting these sore and tired lungs to breathe on their own. They didn't want to.

The surgeon who was proctoring the new one noticed how hard I was working.

Nobody else did.

In a way it's thankless, what I do.

The same goes for Lightwork and Ground Crew.

In the long and short of it, our assignment is to Wake People Up. And if an opportunity like the Eclipse comes along, the Galactics are more than willing to 'hijack it' for the cause.

They can and will.

After all, it's Illusion.

Yesterday, Ross and I attached something to someone from Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart--a high ranking one--who was off guard. It's a one-way valve. The Ross opened one floodgate, and I opened the other. Ross is very delighted! I haven't seen him smiling that big in a long time.

Since that time, through this individual, their Team and all the timelines connected to it are being absolutely FLOODED with the frequencies of nurturing, warmth, love and compassion.

In my mind's eye I saw great joy, and I looked forward to these lost members of our soul family coming home and enjoying the Homecoming with us.

That's the whole point--to bring the lost ones home.

We shall see what happens.

In the meantime, with the Eclipse, I will be at work, and I will miss it.

The energies are building and I'm looking forward to it being over once and for all.

If the eclipse were a dance I would just sit this one out. Because I don't want to condone ANYTHING out of respect for those traumatized and lost by The Other Team.

That's just my way.

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc couple