Friday, December 3, 2021

Love Yourself A Little Bit More Today


Today we are going to talk about Baby Steps, especially, perhaps, 'Baby Steps when Walking in the Dark Maelstrom of What Is Going On Around Us Metaphysically'...

Here is a wonderful example of how small efforts add up, when hiking:  shift frequency article.

Again, here is a spotify podcast which influenced me greatly, What if you are Already Whole?. If you didn't listen, I encourage you to listen. This is Marc Gamma's daughter, and she is wise beyond her years. She has a lot to add to our growth. She's also on Instagram too. Today's share is absolutely excellent. I think her name there is sisteroffire.

For the last few months I've been learning to love myself more. It felt like a standstill, or a stall in my personal growth. Remember for Jessie C, she read Romans 5 or something, one verse, for like, six months until she figured out what Creator wanted her to understand about herself and her growth. 

Some things take time.

I think a good example was of how I couldn't remember where last year we put the Christmas tree.

It was just a blank. 

I remembered where we opened our Christmas presents. 

But not the tree.

I remembered buying the tree. 


Well, this year, I realized, 'my God! I was so concerned about risking my life with the Covid intubation call, with Anthony's mental health, and keeping us well-prepared in the event of disaster...'

Yes, that's right.

So I loved myself, my heart opened, for I realized how much burden I had on my shoulders. 

And that was before all this shot segregation thing which came up this year, and needing to ask for an exemption...

The other one too, was this: Marisa Zen video.   I realize she has the same wounds as I've borne my whole life. And the most deep ones are the kind you don't like to notice or look at. 

After I watched the video, I'm like, 'you know, it makes sense my house is a mess with things I can't throw away, because all in all when I was little I had a whole lot of emotional abuse. I didn't want to accept it. But dad threw away my toys if I left them out overnight when I was just two. And with dad, I was trained no to cry to ask for something because the answer would be 'no'. I had to ask rationally and level-headed and maybe the answer might be yes. Tears and strong emotions were an automatic NO. Seriously, as a four-year old he coached me to call him 'Father' instead of 'Daddy' or 'Dad'.  My mom on the other hand, taught my sister to keep asking for things she wants, until she gets it, because the worst thing that can happen is someone would say no.  With her, my mom would take her to fun places and restaurants in the day while I was at school. The most I ever got was a tea party at home with mom when I was three, and I thought that was the best thing ever...Mom and my sister would rub it in my face. Sure my sister was too little to know, maybe she wasn't too little, she sure enjoyed it. Mom would say 'you were at school'. But before, I was at the baby sitter or the preschool...Even if my sister got into my things, and I had elaborate ways to track and tell if someone got into my stuff, my mom acted like it was no big deal. She's put hair ribbons tied on the drawer handles to tie them together. But I knew she would open them for my sister and re-tie them. My sister helped herself to my clothes too, and would wear them when she knew I hated it.

I wanted my energy to be MY OWN. I could sense her energy in my stuff. 

I wanted boundaries (if you know what happened when I was four, you'd understand why boundaries are so important, and my mom not supporting them was hurtful).

Sometimes when you are little you understand the energies and the discomfort, but it takes being an adult later to realize just exactly what happened, and why it makes you the way you are today.  THIS is the opportunity for loving yourself a little more. Because you understand, as an adult, you have compassion for the child, and respect for how you were able to grow in spite of this wound/this harm/this setback.

I survived serious emotional abuse. 

My sister was told she was the beautiful one.

That's a real crusher to any girl.

It really is, to have your sister be told she's the 'pretty one' and 'you're the smart one'.

My mom, years later, told me my sister didn't have a lot going for her, and that's why they said she was the pretty one when in truth, I had the beauty and the brains, it was clear to everyone, and they felt like she had to have something...and down the line, my youngest sister was called 'the athlete'...Mom and dad should have instilled value in all three, for all three abilities/gifts. It was their bad. Seriously. But what can you do?


Love yourself a little more for having survived it.

And love your parents for doing the best they could at the time, no matter how painful.

Love your sisters for surviving it too, as best as they could...

So, my 'little victory' yesterday was taking some work items back to work that had been sitting on my bathroom counter.  That was a plus in the clutter department.  Another 'little victory' was not only moving the rabbit cage to make room for the Christmas tree, and cleaning a dusty old pile of firewood/racks...we bought a tree for a good price. And since it had a big hole in it, even though it was like, ten feet tall (all were the same price for 7-8 feet at a big box store), and twice as heavy as other trees, the workers said no one would take it. But, it's absolutely beautiful in the corner where we have it, with the hole in the branches to the wall. It's almost touching the ceiling!

Our 'new' car is ten years old. And we had bought it for bringing home the Christmas tree. So we tied the tree on the roof with the racks. Anthony drove us home. He carried it into the house! We set it up together and watered it. The branches are settling, so we didn't decorate yet. 

We've made lots of progress in that department! Now that he is bigger and can really help. 

I had taught him Nana's meatball recipe two nights ago. He had thought we make everything at once but I explained no, we do lunch with the hot fresh meatballs, and for dinner (or the next day) we make the sauce with the meatballs in it.  The color of the sauce came out really like Nana's too! I tried 'radiatori' pasta shape, for the first time. It was good. 

Yesterday I had only one case. It was good because I came home. Anthony had been home with a bad cold all week, and wanted to go to the doctor. But I trusted my intuition, and said, 'let's wait' and I figured by yesterday afternoon he'd be feeling much better. (His dad had a 'little cold' when he went to visit and stay last weekend, and that's how he caught it.) 

Sure enough, he was feeling much better! My intuition was right.

So for today, to review our lesson, because it's subtle, remember there is like two main things going on right now. There's you're inner world, your story, your personal life and your connections. This is a constant no matter what time period you are born into. It's just how Earth School works. 

Then there's the 'context'--all the stuff going on around you, and the stress it brings. It can be political, or social or spiritual. We've had Ascension, Awakening, Socialism/medical tyranny, economic burden. These 'unseen hands' knew that the field of medicine and healthcare workers were at the breaking point from burnout in 2019. That was just where they wanted it to launch the pandemic. They know from years of 'harvesting humans' and 'ranching humans' how people react and behave--and there's the plan on the Georgia Guidestones. What I didn't realize is that even though it's on the guidestones, they apparently don't want anyone to be able to point the finger and make the connection at these unseen hands!

So you do your best to grow and support your loved ones in the midst of swirling news reports and channeling and everything because we truly are in a Spiritual War. But in the biggest picture, this is complete nonsense because all there is is LOVE and HOME. So we are in school with the crazies.

Case in point, then I have to leave for work...I saw a photo of JonBenet Ramsey's autopsy. 

Her case is under 'For Reasons of National Security'.

Why? Because there are stun gun prod burns on her, and the video of How To Make A Mind Control Slave with Electric Prods was found at the death scene. And Cathy O'Brien was in that video as the victim. And everything Cathy O'Brien is for Reasons of National Security'. 

The rabbit hole goes so deep and wide! It's astonishing! All the connections. 

There's military grade psycho out there running the show, the world as we know it.

So every day, every day you make your life through all that, give yourself a hug, a pat on the back, and keep being a good person doing your best. You have free will. You can improve yourself. Even for a little victory, take it and enjoy it, it will add up. 

Remember how very much Divine Creator loves you. 

You are worthy of this love.

So very much more, for all you have survived and remained good with love in your heart.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins who love YOU absolutely!