Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Divide and Conquer?


Two friends of mine had surgery yesterday. One requested me to do his anesthesia for him...this is the second time I've done his anesthesia. 

Another friend was requested by someone else. He gets a lot of requests. But two rooms at the surgery center were requests.

It turns out a hand surgeon, her father was having surgery, and she requested this other anesthesiologist. She might have requested me, too, we are close, but I was already requested.

She was so happy for us taking care of her father that she bought lunch for the entire facility! Kabobs and salads and rice. 

I went with my plate out into the hall, and I sat on the shelf where a hospital phone used to be. 

It wasn't bad eating by myself. It was kind of nice to avoid the chit chat.

But it looks terrible for the patients in the office building who walk by. The women's restroom is right THERE, next to it.

Some people, younger ones, talked about lunch being good, or it being a nice place to eat lunch. Some said nothing.

One, who knows me, commented on my choosing to eat there, and I confided it's not my choice. She changed the subject.

But the old of the old, an eastern european woman, who was having her daughter help her walk  on one hand and a cane in the other, commented, '...not even a chair!' with disapproval to the workplace for not providing adequate facilities for the workers. 

She was the only one who was right, morally.

Many times, we forget we are One.

A weakness is, 'if I am okay, then everything is okay.'

Actually, that promotes the false concept of separation between beings--because we can't SEE the energy which we share, people presume we are separate.

Satan will twist this evilly, and will either coerce you to do something to save your life, or that of someone you care about. And you will do some hideous thing, horrific, to the victim. That's how Luciferians roll. They laugh at weakness and goodness and love to corrupt people.

Furthermore, this is like walking on the edge of a knife, because SOME people have a tendency to take advantage (another symptom of 'separation belief') and many good hearted people fall into the trap of being codependent and enablers. People who rightly understand Oneness get burned and burned bad in this situation.

Watch for this around you, and do what you can to instill the belief that we are One, and that All Is Well, and further, that God our noble Creator--Divine Mother and Divine Father--love each of us infinitely. Even those who take advantage.

It's kind of like a bad trip on drugs, living here with the ego and the sense that we are no longer One. It's a nightmare. But like all nightmares, eventually, they end!

Thank you for answering our call.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple