Saturday, August 21, 2021

P and F



I've been back for a week now. Technically I'm on call, but Ross asked me to catch up with you on our latest. As you can see, the title helps us to bypass certain 'checkers'--while getting the message later in the body of the test across.

I just got back from assignment to Lana'i. It was a big assignment. I won't go into the details of the spiritual work done. I will let you know a little about the history of the island, and also the current state it is in. In the past, native Hawaiians didn't inhabit it. The island was covered with bad spirits. Legend has it that a son of a chief did something awful, and was banished to the island to die, being sent there from a neighboring island (you can see four different islands from Lana'i--Molokai, Maui, Kaho'olawe, and Big Island).  Well the son got rid of the evil, and lived, and came back with a big welcome to his father. It was the 'pineapple island' for many years, going from Hawaiian ownership (nobody owns land, and land was divided like pieces of a pie to families/tribes)--to a Mormon using church money to buy property in his name--to the Castle and Cooke company ultimately owning the former Dole pineapple acreage. The last pineapple came off the island in 2009 or 2012 I forget. But then there was a bidding war with B. Gates and L. Ellison, and the latter won. It's HIS island now, ninety-eight percent, with two percent owned by the government.  B and Melinda were married on hole seventeen on the golf course. 

If you can read between the lines you can imagine why there were preparations for this trip, rules to follow, by me and me alone. I always prefer to work in silence on important missions. I don't say anything here or even in spirit. I just listen, watch, observe, and act.  Second, alcohol was not permitted at any time during the vacation. Even on the sunset cruise. No mai tai, no beer, no wine, nada. This is because alcohol weakens the aura, and with so many spirits running around, risk of developing an attachment was entirely possible. Finally, I was hungry most of the trip. Part of it is because there's not a lot of food on the island--expensive hotel meals, or inexpensive local mom and pop from like, three restaurants that's a ten minute walk from the hotel, and lots of the mom and pops just randomly close. 

I wasn't allowed or permitted to eat my fill. Not like on usual vacations. 


Because of the prayer and fasting.

Spiritual warriors need to pray and fast.

It goes back long time, most recent example was my reading last night, in Esther four, the whole chapter. Mordecai was a leading Jewish priest. Esther was Jewish. She asked all the Jews to pray and fast for her for three days, no food, no water, and they all wore sackcloth and ashes. Why? Because Haman the high priest/advisor to the king put a price/bounty on the heads of every Jew--and it was decreed to be killing season. 

Jessie Czebotar uses P and F. So do the Greek Orthodox guys. Even today I am on it, because of my work situation. I need guidance and I need help.

Due to the mandate, all healthcare workers need a certain medical procedure in the arm. The hospital system of three hospitals (including two where I work) embraced it totally. This is because right now, most of the hospitalized with the surge are un-you know what. Never mind that there is an outbreak in the O.R.of people who have had that certain medical procedure and they are exposing everyone! My job ends September 30, unless I am able to come up with an acceptable medical or religious exemption. My own physician, who was against this medical procedure, just went and had it, her and her husband, to keep her job. Inside story is, unless you say you are stressed out and need leave, only the CDC allowance of anaphylaxis is permitted. 

I am the sole provider for our little family.

I asked DM, who said to ask Ross, and he said he would take 'good care of me'. (I don't know what it means). 

There's a change perhaps ahead for me, in my career. An early retirement. The symbols I see are to be strong, and to go where I am appreciated. 

And there's a haunting premonition too, from Shawki Zuabi, MD, deceased (look toward end of article)

My career is in God's hands now. All I trained for. All I dreamed. 

And that's okay. No career is forever. I'm old enough to dip into my retirement and not be fined. But I'm not sure how to make the retirement last the whole time from now at fifty-seven to like, eighty-four, right?

Yesterday I gave anesthesia to a sixteen-year old girl. Every time I have a patient close in age to my son, I get emotional. I was crying as I gently, as only a mother could, sent the child to sleep for her surgery. I was crying tears of joy and gratitude to be in this position, to help in the way I've been trained to help, and to help with the team for her health. Our pregnant RN, Nicole, was also catching the emotions. Once asleep, I was able to complete all the tasks the patient needed. I love what I do, and I love my patients. 

I had lunch with some of the healthcare system internists and a cardiologist. Their work intensity is increasing too. They are up all night now, taking in new admissions. It's like, five minutes talking to a patient and then an hour of coordinating care and making phone calls and doing computer work. Eight new admissions takes eight hours, and also there's the already admitted patients. There's seventy on their service right now, just at this one hospital. It's a lot of work, not like the old days, and it's hard, very difficult work. With COVID, and having to do short distance telemedicine with all the protection, the patients don't know who their doctors are, and all the reviews on Yelp and things have plummeted. 

It's one day at a time around here.

For the P and F, there's many kinds. I was taught by the orthodox guys. For some it's no food or water. For others it's water only. For some it's just fruits and water. For Catholic fasting I used to do, on Wednesdays and Fridays, I only ate bread and water. Sometimes it's two meals a day instead of three. Sometimes it's going without something you enjoy. Spirit will guide you. Today, even though I'm fasting, I need to be a mom. And at Costco we bought danishes. Anthony loves them. I am to eat an almond one and say it's the best thing in the world with Anthony. Spirit said. I don't like danishes, and right now, all that sugar makes me sick just to think about it. But I obey. And the other meals, once Anthony is with his father, will be as Spirit directs. So it's not a hard and set in stone kind of thing. Just know to use it with love in your heart, not to let anyone know what you are up to, and to smile so people can't tell that's what's going on. 


I'm going to thank you for your kind thoughts and your patience and understanding. Everything is moving forward with the plan.

And like I told Carla months ago, even years, in our journal where I write to her, even though it may seem slow, things will happen quickly, and when they do you will be surprised and astonished how anything could ever have been so imbalanced like they are on the Earth plane. 

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple