Thursday, August 5, 2021

In The Crosshairs

 There has been a lot going on. First I'm going to share this link because it sets the tone for what is going on over here in the healthcare sector.  My hospital system is freaking out. Why? Because the California governor created a mandate for all employees in healthcare to be, um, to have undergone a certain medical procedure.  The first email came and I shared how a nurse had argued against it. I was silent, because I knew the algorithm would pick up on it. I was glad she wrote it.

I saved all she wrote. 

At the time, I was like, 'I'm so grateful, because I can be tested at least twice a week, and still work'.

Well, that's not forever. 

Yesterday's email spells it out that without applying for medical exemption, or religious exemption, after September 30, there will be consequences.

In the meantime, the Q and A shared in the second email, said, to the question, 'well those who HAVE done the medical procedure shed virus too'--'we follow the CDC'. 

Of course. The administrators once were medical (nurses, perhaps, one is a physical therapist). but they don't 'get it'. They rely on one physician 'expert'. Looking at the business end, they can't afford for the hospital to be overrun with patients like the last surge where even pre-op holding got turned into an ICU. They look at the bottom line from when the OR closed to all but emergency cases, from having to pay extra hazardous pay to the nurses on the frontlines (I heard it was seven hundred fifty dollars a shift)--or anesthesia for intubation call (our check just came out this week, my boss is taking his cut, and writing ones to us--and certainly not anywhere near seven hundred fifty dollars a shift hazard pay--from the last surge it's actually less than half of what our hourly pay was the first surge from the government).

Everyone is reaching their breaking point with this pandemic.

And the less spiritually awake and aware, or the more fearful, are looking for someone to blame. 

With the numbers as they are--high numbers of not medical procedure sick and dying--everyone is putting two and two together. If you don't think about spirit, about the Georgia Guidestones, about evil darkness--well, yes, sure, go ahead! But if you do, and you want to know how ninety percent of the planet can be taken out with sickness and starvation--just move one chess move ahead. Take all those who have had it out of the picture. Instantly, everything is non-functional. Healthcare doesn't exist. Supply chains halt in their tracks.  We are dependent on on another to survive in our society. Even people who live in the boonies off the grid need certain things like a flour mill, or knives, or a stove and pots and pans to live...

Ross assures me again and again I will be fine. 

My plan is to apply for the medical exemption. 

I won't be allowed into the hospital without my big sticker saying 'I'm you know what!' on my badge. I have to show papers of testing. Until September 30. If the surge is really big, then, I guess I'm out of work and will stay home. But I will let them decide.  

Medically, the facts are that the Mayo Clinic found those who have recovered have as good a protection as those who had a medical procedure. And, even though the president of the American Society of Anesthesiologists sent out a letter telling us to be role models and encourage our communities to go through the medical procedure, the next communication said that if a procedure will make aerosol (Intubation) since those who did the medical procedure can and do shed, then ALL patients will need to undergo Covid testing prior to any anesthetic. Not just the un medical procedure ones.

Let's move on to the lesson. This one has been kicking around for about two days. Let's take the outer circle on the target above, the red one.

THIS represents the basic Abraham-Hicks type of Universal Law that frequency vibrations attract like. Thoughts are things. So, as a soon-to-be Ascended soul (Ascended again, I may add, because in fact we are specialists in this and that's why we were sent here to help)--monitoring the thoughts and keeping a basic fundamental frequency instead of wallowing in sorrow keeps 'the good things coming'. 

There's a little hiccup with this--with humanity in general. Secrets video 10:13 runtime.

The next inward white circle in the target, is how to clean up this natural byproduct of our intelligence, our memory, and our emotions as we grow up and live in this school called Earth.

As you can imagine, The Universe, if it hears you 'vibrating from a certain frequency' isn't going to ignore these hidden secrets. It will sound to the universe like a wrong note struck on the piano as someone is playing. And the Universe will send similar 'lessons'.

This is where the Way to the Way, by Hope Weiler Johnson is so effective. You allow these deep feelings, which if you are meditating and tuned in to your emotional milieu and spiritual wholeness--to come up. You acknowledge them, and thank them for their lesson. And then it just DISSOLVES. 

Hope is on Instagram and I think, MeWe, and she teaches us that everything we experience is a movie created by US, and that everything is meant to teach you something, but since it's a movie, nothing is REAL, because the only thing that is real is Home and LOVE. Eternal bliss is real. Everything else is just something that needs to be acknowledged and released. She has a book out called Unparenting. It's very good.

Let's go inward to the next red circle. This is where it starts to make sense, everything. 

Who is able to traverse the white and do what Hope teaches? Most likely the advanced students of the Earth School. Or the ones lucky enough to find Hope. 

What about those who are really on the other team? Or people who just don't feel that 'dissolving' is going to rid them of their 'hidden secrets' and the imprints that are left on their Energy Signature?

This is where Christianity has its advantage. 

There is complete and total forgiveness, and the person is 'made new'. It's well-accepted socially. There's a community to support the person. 

In the video link I will add later, Jessie explains how 'overcomers' (those who switched teams, from TWDNHOBIAH to ours) will confess to God, but also to other people, and break free from demonic influence. 

It's mystical and powerful, especially in this setting. 

The next inward layer, the circle of white, is how we are hurtling forward towards 'The Event' or 'Ascension' and everyone is working together like a team. Lots of this is going on behind the scenes right now. Here are samples of information:  

  • The Schumann resonance frequency. It had a lot of white yesterday. The server is down so I can't link it here.
  • Cobra Update. I hope it's true and accurate, and therefore, gives inspiration. I never know with him, I always take it with a grain of salt.
  • Ben Fulford's story I love how the ninja told him he had to agree to the plan to kill ninety percent of humanity, and Ben said no, and ended up helping the asian secret societies...
  • The Jessie Video. There's lots of advanced teaching in this one. It's worth the hour.
  • Eastern Orthodox priest on the AC Be sure to listen until you hear his definition of catacomb Christian and crypto Christian.  This is an excellent resource for these times, I'd subscribe to him if I was you.
  • One survivor's testimony Key points--the influence of the abuser in this story. The mother's reaction (lost her will to live, once she followed the teachings of the church with her son). The redemption. I call this a 'sidetrack'--and see how this boy's life got back 'on track'. His 'choice' wasn't really 'his' it was more of a reaction to the abuse. And now that is healed.

What is the innermost part with the arrow in it?

It's that tiny red circle here.

Cobra alludes to it. The dark ones are afraid of the 'polar shift'.

It's not that.

It's when we are fully Ascended, after the Event. Nobody can be fooled any more on that timeline. Nobody needs to shop for anything. 

We manifest.

We enjoy all of the gifts that the Holy Spirit has to offer. That Divine Creator (mother and father) has set up for us. 

I know that TWDNHOBIAH have taught marksmanship and gun handling to their little brainwashed ones/MK Ultra'd children for at least thirty years. I know they have Alex (end of the world) programming in them. I know that there's all the ritual and ceremony planned for generations to bring up the AC.  

All of those things are unnatural. Just like the holocaust.

Even if they do show up, it will come to an end.

Pray and work through whatever steps on the 'target' you happen to be in, and don't feel bad if you jump back and forth on them. 

Work hard to monitor your thoughts and keep them above a certain frequency. Don't allow tailspins to take you for long, with the exception to have something rise up and dissolve once you acknowledge it.

Remember all the imprints, the negative imprints on Earth? The ones the Divine Peace Healers heal?

Remember your imprints on you, add to Earth's. And YOU have the ability to acknowledge and release them (or give them to Jesus as you understand him). And then they will go away. This lightens the load, the drag, the resistance, and helps us to hurtle together through space and time, and spiritual energy--towards that point between the crosshairs.

Once you get the hang of it, be sure to be a resource for others too.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple

P.S.    Ross   Carla has had only one case in almost two weeks! That isn't enough to pay the bills. But Carla trusts. She understands she needs the time to accomplish certain things. She knows her work hasn't been happy for her. And for a short time--a few months as Cobra says--she is prepared. But after that? Work someplace where you don't need the poke? 

I am taking care of it. And I assure her not to worry or to fret. 

She will have a nice retirement.

I promise.

Try not to get hung up in things that are 'downers' over which you have no control.

God will find a way. Spirit will escort you. Even if it comes to eating manna from Heaven...  wink, wink.