Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Getting The Facts Straight In Your Mind

We always like to think of ourselves as 'normal'. No matter where we are, what we are going through, we self-talk to ourselves that everything is going to be okay, and we are going to get through this.

A lot of our self-talk is learned.

Our parents, grandparents, caregivers at preschool, teachers, professors teach us face to face. Add to this our role models, our celebrities we identify with, our culture (movies, music, community, traditions) where we add to this self-talk a little more.

Our premise is, we think we--are normal--and that our self-talk /world-view is one hundred percent our own.

We challenge that at least over half of our daily self-talk, has been conditioned into us, and is not entirely of our own volition. Ever since the day we were born, we have been immersed in this.

Add to this that some of our 'world leaders' in all fields of government, medicine, industry, entertainment, and the military are actually figureheads to answer to someone higher up than them who is calling the shots. They have 'sold out' and in some cases, sold their 'souls' in order to be in a position of fame and riches. 

It has been said that some of the world leaders are lizards--Diana said this of her royal family. Literally or figuratively, her assertion is that they do not operate or even remotely follow any of what we as 'humans' consider to be 'normal and good'. 

The goal of these leaders has been to change the world completely from its original blueprints and design specifications, plans these leaders and their controllers have handed down generation after generation with the final goal as this:  

Complete and total control of the individual, with the ability to deny them participation in any financial transactions/employment/income if they 'go against the plan'.  It's like denying food to a performing animal to get it to comply...night after night, performance after performance, city after city...in for example, a circus.

Carla has been going through this, and we are going to use this as an example. Carla thinks of her life as 'normal and healthy'.  She has to, in order to survive. Sure, she doesn't have much free time because of her work, but then again, doesn't everybody?

This is her mental outlook. It has been conditioned to her through her training, which is a combination of watching her teachers, learning what is called 'professionalism' (patient always comes first, we are watching for the patient's best interest before our own....), and having to live it.

Yesterday, she needed to be home so a couch could be delivered to the home. Her window was from twelve to two.  She had only one case, it was a total easy call. But then a case added on. Someone terribly risky, and large, who wasn't even fit for a haircut never mind major surgery. It cancelled. But then there was another case at one thirty. Carla was on the hook for that. Question was, go home from nine to noon? Or stay at work and stew (unpaid) and wait?

Carla went home. And fortunately, there had been two people who could help her. But the delivery (they only deliver on Mondays and Fridays) team called, and right when she was on her way to the Post Office to ship the international requests for bracelets/fulfilled, she turned around and came home. She had spent all morning clearing the path for the workers to carry in the couch. Guest are coming tomorrow! They need a place to sit!

She went back to work, started the case on time, and was relieved about forty minutes later, and drove  home again.

Try as she could, she couldn't fight the sleep, and went to bed at three in the afternoon in Ross' loving care.

There are many different layers of finding one's truth. We are going to use Carla as an example, and go through it layer by layer.

First thing--even though she worked until four in the morning, Carla enjoys the doctor-patient relationship. She likes being in the Operating Room and being part of a team. She also feels honored and fulfilled making bracelets for people who are in need, and being able to work with a community to ensure that these needs get fulfilled.  Carla feels honored to be working online and with the community of awakened souls.

Carla was going to label this 'working through the flim-flam'...'flim-flam' is a slang word for confusion and deceit. 

Carla's body is her first teacher. It doesn't lie. Carla ignores it when it is hungry. She realizes her work doesn't let her exercise. And yesterday Carla could not fight that her body needs sleep.

There is a huge burden on her to get her house ready, without Anthony, for the holiday celebration at her new house. Wisely, Carla realized in an instant that no, her lifestyle is not normal, her home and her body reflect this accurately, and she needs sleep.

She also realized with her patient having the mediastinal lymph nodes sampled, that she has the same problem. Her work isn't going to give her the time to get it checked out. It's been seven years she's had it, it's probably inflammation or chronic infection, but she should have followed up on her thyroid and these nodes a long time ago. Let's make that New Year's Resolution number one.

Her body is telling her, by getting ill, and needing to sleep (all night and all day) that this isn't what's best for her. And now, Carla is listening.

Our first layer is your immediate perceptions--not what you have been conditioned to, but your body--hungry, thirsty, tired, wanting to explore/adventure, the need for sex, for friendship, companionship--IN THIS LIFETIME.

The second layer is to know the machine that is giving ideas to you, how it works, what it's agendas are (21 and 30).

For this we have another example. It is simple, just a tip of the iceberg if you will, but it is clear.

Look in the lower left hand corner about the compost. In this Carla is well ahead of the game, and has been composting for almost twenty years. She's even composted her Christmas tree. 

Exhibit two: it's not online. 

We apologize for the poor quality. But this is getting people dangerously dependent on the markets to have food, isn't it?

Exhibit three:  https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160SB1383  Senate Bill 1383 which was passed around 2014. 

This is Gnu Whirled Or Der Agenda!  Disguised as 'cly' matt C h a N g E.  They want to control how you eat, when you eat, and what you throw away. Amongst other things. The dairy and livestock restrictions are going to affect those industries very much too. 

It's sneaky.

It's way in the future, so people don't really consider it as affecting them. And it changes things a lot. If you noticed, there was even an article in the first Exhibit on being able to dispose of a Halloween pumpkin as 'green waste' (and therefore not 'food'). 

Once you get good at it, you can really have fun with it.

Here's one--the Medical Letter--it has no ads, it's non-profit, it's impartial--just facts about new drugs. Facts and evidence. They are having a hard time making ends meet. It used to be just with the subscriptions. But now they are asking for donations--handouts. Big Pharma would love for the Medical Letter to shut the f-ck up, wouldn't they? And it's almost happening. The Medical Letter is in its death throes. Nobody cares to help them out of their predicament. This is number two most subscribed journal in the medical community next to JAMA. Pick up any other medical journal and what do you see? Ads. Lots and lots of them.

In the anesthesiology news, there's block versus not block. Quadratus Lumborum block doesn't work for colorectal surgeries. Bariatric surgeries without opiates are not successful. Bilateral mastectomy / reconstruction with blocks has benefits. But for some reason, older patients aren't accepting the blocks (fifty and up). The article is written by a millennial who doesn't comprehend that some people just don't like needles. They want to take a pill. They don't want to feel numb in their chest. The field has transformed due to the 'pain is the fifth vital sign' twenty years ago. Then there were the patient satisfaction surveys that tied in to reimbursement for services. It's totally logical (and likely planned) that opiates would become a crisis because people want them and will give bad survey reports if they are denied them. Now it's all popular to use the local anesthetics for blocks. I've had great success with them for certain things. But it's not a replacement, it's a something useful, a tool--in addition to the opiates I used the same way BEFORE the pain is the fifth vital sign...

Here is something also controversial--the road diet. The article read yesterday in Westways, page 38, Januar/February 2020 edition says that the diet in Long Beach made a shop keeper close her business. And that there were MORE accidents there than thought. People fought one in Los Angeles because it made traffic slower, and won their old road back. 

Truth is truth.

We would like to share one more aspect of the uncovering. Look to where people are trying to hide the truth.

The Epoch Times has had their printing offices bombed. The Epoch Times exposes the massacre of Falun Gong believers in China. When they are arrested, pre-transplant blood tests are drawn to put them into a bank of living donors. Other criminals do not get these same blood tests. Only the criminals of faith do. And the numbers of transplants done each year do not match the number of donations given annually. There is a gap, the number of transplants exceeds the number of donors. These extra organs are coming from somewhere. Hence, the living victims of organ donation who are harvested alive and paralyzed who are believers in the Falun Gong. We are talking liver, lungs, heart, not just a part of a liver or a kidney. There are articles in the Epoch times to corroborate these allegations. The US has spoken out against this treatment.

Shen Yun has had many accidents, hotel refusals, venues backing out due to intervention by the Chinese Government who does not want them to perform. Again, this is covered in the Epoch Times.

Here is a last one. We ask the question, why would they buy and hide this painting? How could an eight year old girl create such a masterpiece without Divine Intervention?

We ask you to look to the roots of Luciferianism--how they hate Jesus and will do anything to hide his Light. Anything.

This is the common ground. In everything we have discussed.  From the battle for your mind and your liberty, to the agendas to corral and totally control the human race, to the efforts to silence and hide Universal Truth...to stealing a masterpiece from an eight-year old girl and not giving it back even years later--selling it and making money off it and moneychanging over it....

Once you understand on all three levels, you are free.

Start with the self-talk.

Try to eliminate any excuses to do your spiritual work. All that self-talk is wasting precious time to prepare yourself for when someone special arrives.

Spirit comes first.

Next, listen to your body, as it is your greatest teacher and friend. Next to Jesus (Carla adds that--we both smile)

Explore the world around you. Seek what is of the Divine Blueprint, and as you uncover it, support it. Feed the birds. Compost to help the living beings in your garden, plants, bugs, butterflies, bees...

Support those who are traumatized when they realize the Truth, the lies, the flim-flam, the great deceptions from people who aren't human at all, but only look like it. Their hearts are filled with darkness and sorrow and hatred for all that is Good, the controllers. Help the traumatized who believed the lies to know, and understand, painful as it is, a painful truth is much better for your future than unhealthy sweet lies.

Nurturing, warmth, love and compassion are coming soon to a planet near you!

We wish you a merry Christmas!

clap! clap!

With all our love,
aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple