Saturday, December 29, 2018

You Are A Powerful Weapon

FQ 170 Sentinel Type Drone 3D artwork

You are a weapon in the hands of the Divine--a love bomb--which has intelligence and free will.

You do not explode--you emit frequencies of nurturing, warmth, love and compassion--by choice!--everywhere you go.

It can be lonely, desolate, at your outpost where you find yourself.  It may seem like there is no support, no end in sight.

However, your work is much needed and of value.

The direct aura-to-aura transmission of the Divine Frequencies  are unstoppable! Against it there is no defense.

The next time you find yourself in the company of high degree negativity, remember this.

Also remember it is only for a while, this too shall pass.

Do whatever it takes to keep your frequency UP. Fill your own cup. Refresh and recharge, and also meditate.

You are needed in this world.

You have been sent...

Remember your mission. And do it with an open heart, and good cheer.

It helps me a lot to count the days until The Council says things will 'get better'--we are down to one hundred seventy for this.

Have faith!

Have faith.

Have faith.

We are delighted in our portion of our daily readers who requested a free bracelet, sight unseen. Then perhaps, with a little picture. There have been requests from about twenty percent of our audience who keeps up with what is written.

Thank you for your constancy. Thank you for your trust.  Thank you for your being awake and aware enough to reach out and accept the hand and energetic boost which has been offered you.

Today is the last day we are accepting requests for bracelets. We would like to get all orders filled as the year comes to a close. We have three international shipments processing now to be packed and sent out on the 31st when the post office is open. And two more domestic ones which can be sent any time with the little machine. Everything else has been sent, packed to Ross' specification, with love and joy and friendship.

Remember we are always here for you.

Be in joy!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
the Couple