Friday, December 21, 2018

What Time And Space Do You Wish To Receive Your Gifts?

This rock formation along Highway 178 is painted to resemble fish with teeth filled grins.

I woke up to this statement today. Already I've gotten into the habit of giving thanks for everything right before I go to sleep. There are so many blessings!

Yesterday I pushed myself at work to do two spiritual things I didn't have to do, but inside, I felt the nudge of spirit.  I let my friend who is dying of stage four lung cancer know I can hear people on both sides--here and The Other Side--if he ever wants to talk to anyone my services are always available for him, free, for eternity. He's taken care of Anthony free every time he's been hurt--we are close. I let him know my gift runs in the family, and that many family members who don't have the gift and don't know I have it, confront me when they after making the Transition and ask, 'why didn't you tell me?'

I was embarrassed I supposed?  Also spirit didn't 'nudge' me to tell them. 

The other one is a unique example of someone getting a loophole on the way out. A high-ranking nurse's husband went to the dentist last January. There was a terrible reaction to something, and he swelled up so bad he couldn't breathe. The ENT was in the ER trying to put in a tracheostomy, but he decided to go to the O.R. 

Guess who had to do the anesthesia?

Yup.  Yours truly.

It was really the most difficult case of my career. She was in the O.R. screaming and crying. The husband kept coding.  The surgeons couldn't figure out a way to get the trach in because of some technical difficulty so with my years of experience I was offering suggestions--because by then our general surgeon was helping the ENT. 

He lived but had anoxic brain injury. 

I gave Reiki to him.

Even upstairs in ICU.

Spirit nudged me to attune the patient, the wife, and the friend to Reiki 1. 

The wife thought the Reiki was a magical cure.

The husband, in his infinite wisdom, apparently saw this as an opportunity to connect with his wife on a soul level, so they can both consciously strengthen their soul connection through Reiki--FIRST--and THEN he can 'go'. 

I told the wife that her husband can give Reiki to her. Even in this state. She almost fell over! But I realized he won't let go, until she accepts and acknowledges this connection of the hearts that goes two ways, even now. 

So yesterday I pulled aside the friend, and told her the basics. He won't budge until she lets him and knows it's his energy with the Reiki. Even if she's ready for him to let go, he's not going anywhere until he's confident that their bond is sure. 

I had a good day with the awakening on my end--a separate subject from the other two, I'm moving forward. I realized two important things from videos:
  1. BONUS link--video with childhood PTSD quiz  I just found this while writing it.
  2. Somewhere after 9:49 Ben Shapiro says 'facts are drugs'  Anthony like all his friends are into PewDiPie. And he fortunately shared with me his favorite ones. It's hard to know what your kids are into, and to understand. But it came through loud and clear--'facts are drugs'--which totally makes sense--the school system is education to get one dependent on facts instead of the little voice deep in your heart. (spirit is Truth but not always logical, yes?). I know even when I'm looking in my alternative news sources for clues about what and when whatever is going to 'come down' will...I need those 'facts'...hmmmm? 
  3. Reexamining Brittany Murphy  It's pretty clear to me she is a kitten. I learned the term 'yachting'. I never made a connection to Dodi El Fayed's dad with her, but he was her 'yacht' source of income to keep up her lifestyle. And the video explains how people suddenly die before they come forward with secrets. Most importantly, I understood that if you take out certain people in this dark power structure, others come back for 'revenge'--which resonated strongly with me as 'true'.

I asked Ross what to do? It's like there's a cockroach infestation with these dark ones on the planet. You see one, there's ten more hidden. And they are hard to kill. A bug bomb? What do you do?

Ross said, 'you clean up carefully so not to give them any food, right, and you keep everything very clean.'  As he said it, I understood in my heart, that our 'dropping and releasing of emotional baggage/weight' and our daily meditations and healing ARE actually 'cleaning' us on a soul level. So that there isn't anything more for the 'roaches' to 'eat'. 

I was glad for this.

BERLIN - JUN 2, 2016: Antonov An-178, short-range medium-airlift military transport plane, about to land during the Berlin Airshow ILA on Berlin-Schoneveld airport

This is a very unusual plane. If I saw one of these flying over the US I would freak out because I'd think it was something extraterrestrial.  (our countdown is 178 if you hadn't noticed).

We are heading towards a time and place where Gaia will be under the loving care of angels from Heaven--openly.

Angels do not need money. They don't get sick. They know who's lying and who is honest without asking a single question. 

How do you think all the people who have heavily invested in Duality are going to fare when we get to the Angelic frequencies?

This is how you are going to be able to be 'there for them'--by maintaining and thriving in the frequencies (you have already been exposed through this blog, gradually, so you can handle them)--and helping them to cast aside their limiting beliefs.  If they ask you, 'is this true?' you can reassure them and say, 'yes, it is true'.

I have a bad feeling about the wall Mr. T-m-p wants to build. I've never heard anyone speak of it, but I'm a little afraid it is being built to keep all of us IN.  I wonder what is coming next if it is going to make us want to run?

I like the storyline that this individual is aligned with the Positive Military. I hope it's true. 

I also know there was a time people hated Bush--I forget which one--but the son seemed okay to me. Little did I know he was a true archon incarnate--very rare. That's worse than a lizard. I couldn't detect it but the raging crowds did.

I know and trust in Ross and his teams to safely bring us into the New. I know the storyline will be seamless from the narrative we are being force-fed now, so that people won't freak out once the New happens. 

What I was asked to do was to go play my two video games a little less (Pokemon Go and Smurfs)--because I am coming to the realization that anything that keeps me away from my own growth and development isn't helping the cause.  Ross suggested writing down our conversations or reading a book in my free time instead.

I said yes.

Yesterday I took Anthony to float and he really enjoyed it. It helped him to feel better. He went without his naproxen last night for the first time. I know the Reiki has been helping him, and I thank you.

I was going to write this as: will the real Jesus please stand up?  We had several people unfollow us on FB after the last post.

What is pertinent is that's there's different ones 'out there', even some demons who have similar can get confusing with all the different churches and things.

The real one is quiet and I'll share with you my first visit with him, and my second.

If you've ever read of a near death experience, you'll get an idea of what the real one is like, and there's no guessing and it's super easy to be in his presence when it's the real one.

I was on my knees after communion when I was in medical school. I always meditate deeply then. And I'm used to interacting with Blessed Mother 24/7.  This time I was surprised to pop in to a control room of a space ship with a big window. Jesus was in a cream colored jump suit. He wanted to show me something and get my opinion, which he seemed very comfortable with me, and I was surprised at how easily I spoke with him. But at first I kept staring at his chair! There was no connection to the floor. It just floated. Jesus saw I liked the chair (his words) and he smiled and passed his hand under it to show me nothing was there.

Next he showed me a panel of something he had been working on for a long time, it had shown up on the screen. It was beautiful, like a city out in the countryside, very organized. If you've seen the map/city of Xi'an in China, you would understand the layout and heights of the city shown. It was kind of like that but not that.

He also looked tired and I was concerned. I told him he didn't have to do it any longer, he has done enough, why not have the Buddha do his work for him in that 'caretaker of the planet' role?

The words I spoke surprised me for they came from greater wisdom I didn't know I had, and also, from my heart, I was oddly protective of him.

The embarrassing part was I was really attracted to him--Jesus is GORGEOUS--even now I call him 'my movie star' because he just radiates health and vitality and is flawless to look at. I kept trying to hide my attraction because I felt it was wrong because of the church and I didn't want to embarrass him. I wanted to swoon like a bobby socks girl with Frank Sinatra or Elvis or the Beatles!

Then the vision went away.

The second time I met Jesus was during my attunement for Karuna Reiki. In the meditation, two beings came forward, first the Buddha, and then slowly, Jesus, to be my guides. I have worked with them both ever since, and always whenever I give Reiki they are supplying it to me from The Other Side so I can send it to you.

Remember in a society where controlling the masses is key, that there are going to be many distortions out there of real beings in order for those who wish to control to be able to control better. You might have been exposed to some of these distorted 'beings' through one teaching or another.

Don't worry.

When the time comes, you will figure it out and it will feel as natural to you as being with your mom when you are a baby. It's a no brainer. And you will be surprised how quickly you let all of 'that stuff go'  when it's time to move forward in your spiritual growth and development during a special experience Spirit sends you...such as in the title.

Start thinking about when you are going to receive these truths and gifts from Heaven. Where would you like to be?

I know for me with Ross, I want to meet him only if I never have to say goodbye. I couldn't bear it to spend time and then let him go to some meeting or something and wait for him to get back. I've done that. My heart is tired. So, when it's all free and clear and I don't have to say goodbye to him (unless I'm going to the store or something--on my terms--he's said) then I say let's go for it!

In the big picture, the opposition although tenuous, is unnatural with the ways of Heaven, and once the frequencies of Heaven fully arrive, won't stand long.

clap! clap!

Ross is smiling and very touched with my share. He calls me a 'good kid'.  Back in the day he was five years older than me. I was the first baby he ever held in his lap. He always knew I was a 'good kid' and I had a special smile for him ever since we first met. Growing up he was my protector, my role model, and friend.

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple

P.S. we have ninety five bracelets left to send!! It's a little of a test of faith. Who will order them when it's free if it's only published here and there's no pictures.

We never keep any addresses. We don't have email lists. We don't market ourselves. It's only word of mouth, same as back in the day.  Why ruin a good thing? <3 xoxoxoxo

What we need from you:  size, preference for bell or not, preference for color (blue or holiday theme), and mailing address including name.

It really is free!

Domestic is free.

International we ask for help with the postage.

Thank you!