Sunday, December 2, 2018

Buenos Dias!

The Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area is located just a few miles west of Las Vegas and encompasses 197,000 acres within the Mojave Desert. Red Rock is an area of world wide geologic interest and beauty.

Good morning!  Buenos dias means 'good morning' in many parts of the world where Spanish is the native language of the people. It is spoken with good cheer when people say it.  In the United States, we say, 'good morning' but often it is mumbled and not as enthusiastic as in Español. 

So good morning! Buenos dias! and let's rejoice in our countdown making it to 197 days until 'things get better' like the Council says. 

Bristlecone pine, one of the oldest living things on Earth

This is a fascinating juxtaposition which serves as an excellent reminder for us of 'The Big Picture' when the scandals about many things come out into the open:  this Bristlecone pine is not that far from Area 51 and China Lake where terrible crimes against humanity have occurred. There has even been a nuclear weapons test site at Area 51.

The secrets behind the duplicity and crimes are coming out--and the regime is falling.

The beautiful witness in the bristlecone pine is still standing, and will continue to stand. Some bristlecone pines were alive back when Jesus walked the planet, that's how old they are. 

So remember as things are exposed, you are timeless, like the bristlecone pine--your Consciousness will never age, only grow and expand. And good things are coming to our world as the not-so-great ones are being opened like a boil and getting the treatment needed for this world to heal.

the N197 road passes through a valley as it heads towards the coast in the Balagne region of Corsica

Napoleon was from Corsica.  He rose to power, fell, and eventually died on the island of St. Helena in the south Atlantic Ocean--a British territory where he had been exiled.

What goes up must come down.

It's that simple.

And even the subterfuge must come down, the occult must be exposed, and the people shall be set free.

Here are three photos to share:

Children photographed as part of an MK Ultra program

There's no 'proof' other than photos and the stories. Mrs. Pierce spent many months with another woman in the company of Crowley to 'initiate him to a higher level of magic'--his final one. They had 'all the skills of a courtesan' supposedly, these women. Mrs. Pierce came back with child and delivered Barbara after the nine months were complete.

The other two photos are new to me. I know most victims of MK Ultra/Monarch hate their trainers and would get back at them any way they can. Even when they are free.

The last one the resemblance is uncanny.

That's enough for today...let's move on to the coping skills and recommendations to help as the noxious 'boil' is opened and it just gets to be at times 'too much'...

Chocolate is medicine. Be careful is you have to watch your blood sugar. But this has been helping Divine Mother Incarnate and also me when the energies incoming are too intense for the physical body. It helps to cope. Always have access to chocolate. You don't have to eat a whole box, a little will do.

Milan, Italy at the holiday season

Kindness is the new currency, and also helps to raise your vibration. Good deeds will help you align with the energy of Heaven on Earth.

Kindness also helps to demolish the Old Ways that were hidden.  Deliberate kindness.

Korean traditional colorful treats

Yesterday I didn't realize it but I manifested. The kids were going to the mall to see a movie together. The planned movie was 'Venom'. I know sometimes subliminal messages are hidden in plain sight in entertainment.  I had a bad feeling. As it turns out, Venom wasn't in the theater any more. Then there was a choice of two movies, Ralph-Internet, and Fantastic Beasts. I wasn't up for new Dis-Knee. And sure enough, the projector broke, and there was only one option! I was seventeen miles away! 

Enjoy the fruits of your new gift to manifest.

Be close to Spirit, work with Spirit, keep your vibration UP, and allow good things to come to you.

Now it's time to wake up Anthony. He has a paper to write, and if it's not finished he won't be able to watch his football game.  I told him 'no paper, no football' and I mean it.

I have plenty to do myself too.

Ross is very near, and very warm and content.

This morning before he woke up he asked me what I would say to him if I could say one thing?

I hugged him. Tight. I looked at him with wonder that he's there. And I would say, 'I love you and I'm glad you're here with me.'

He held me close too.

I will be very glad when this whole Ascension assignment is complete.

clap! clap!

(Ross waves hello)

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins