Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Look Around

Volkswagen type 181 in Italy

Today's message will be short and too the point. To begin our countdown until 'things get better' according to the council, is one hundred eight one. We have counted half the year away and are beginning the countdown past the halfway mark.

Ancient chinese statue of a civil official front of tomb of Zhuge Liang (181-234 AD) at Wuhou Temple, Chengdu, Sichuan, china.

I love this photo. Ross and I enjoyed the eyes on it, as Ross and I together selected the title. It's such a different, yet, compelling piece of sculpture! You get the feeling that civil official Zhuge Liang was a likable dude--cool and nice to have on your side--lol.

Anyhow, the eyes give the impression of emphasis on the Looking in the Look Around title. Actually what we are going to talk about is how my ability to hear Spirit led to a huge breakthrough I 'saw' yesterday and am going to share with you.

Volkswagen type 181 in California

My 'thing' was just outside the pre-op bay 2 at the surgery center. I was at the desk, behind the curtain, looking through the chart and I overheard a father speaking to his son. I'm not sure what the phrase was that caught my attention, perhaps it was something like, 'to my experience...' but my ears perked up to the energy in his words.

It was his soul talking!

I saw through the Illusion, and my intuition recognized that this was an Ascended Master inside a body and the Masterful Soul who had studied much and long over the ages was here on Earth doing it's 'thing' incognito!

Later after giving anesthesia, I understood why the soul was in this role, and why such soul-power/strength was needed.

Brown Mountain Sunrise Overlook over North Carolina Route 181

We have the ability to heal one another. My friend who is also the Chief of Surgery saw me in the nurses lounge and asked me how Anthony and I are doing. I told her the basics and how he seems to be improving.

I shared how we had been in New York for a conference. I went to a Women's Anesthesia meeting. And I shared with her what I've shared with you about mentors and my discoveries.

She looked at me and said, 'I never had a mentor! (pause) But--I am one! And mine is driving me crazy...' She went on to describe how the work ethics and interaction are all on the mentee's terms--who isn't working and wants my friend to call her after the gym, but doesn't understand it's afternoon here and her mentor has a full clinic to see! Apparently the mentee is unemployed, finished with the training and trying to come to terms with life.

Then my friend shared that somebody wrote something about me. 

I paused. I knew full well that people write good and bad to the Chief. I held my breath.

She said most people write something bad, but all things, good and bad, are shared with the doctors when they are written. And this one was a whole 8 1/2 by 11 inch LONG of good!  Carla is always very nice, she should be doctor of the month every month...etc.

I had tears in my eyes.

Nothing has helped me more to get through Anthony's health issues than the ability to GIVE--I even spent special healing from the flight to all our 'ones' below our flight path--and that helped me to get into a better sense of wholeness...giving and being grateful for blessings helps. For example, in the Children's ER, I saw really sick kids with trachs, and was like, OMG, I am so totally blessed Anthony is usually in good health! Those parents are superstars!

Even stronger than the giving, was the feeling of recognition with gratitude for me being me at work when the chips were down. 

I was so grateful. 

It also explains the kindness my boss had, genuine smiles, the last week. He must have seen it too.

Volkswagen type 181 'Safari' in Oaxaca, Mexico

Everyone around you is a Masterful soul--in their role. Some, unfortunately, are heinous but are 'mastering deception and other darker things'. These few are greatly outnumbered by souls who truly are Masters for good and Heaven--who just don't realize it yet. 

Did the Dad know?

Did the son?

I doubt it.

Most incarnate Masters don't have 'spirit senses' that work.

For me, my hearing is the strongest connection to Spirit I have, after that my inner knowing.

So, yesterday, in my view, the matrix/veil/blindness is starting to break down to my strongest 'sensory  from the clairs'.

As a review, psychic development students learn we have the 'clairs'--clairvoyance (vision), clairsentience (inner knowing), clairaudience (hearing), clairolfaction (smelling roses when Spirit is presence, etc), and clair--I forget the other half--but the ability to feel the body sensations or spirit sensations in your body...for example you will feel knee pain if the spirit is communicating something about a knee. 

181 Street Subway Station in the Fort Washington neighborhood of in Manhattan, New York

So, have fun.

We want you to take a look around.

And to enjoy the sudden bursts of awareness every now and then as we accelerate forward into the Home of Heaven, where the vibration of nurturing, warmth, love and compassion reign.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple

This is something I wanted to share earlier but it's vibration is so 'off' from ours he didn't want it in the main body. https://www.shiftfrequency.com/how-to-honor-your-desires-without-grasping-denying-or-bypassing/  Lissa Rankin.

She has some excellent points, although her style of communicating doesn't 'flow' like ours. She tends to think a little more, and than add feeling in, which is how she comes across. She's pretty famous for her TED Talk a few years ago and she was on Louise Hay's panel of Speakers. I like her. This wasn't easy for me to read, but I'm glad I read it.

We wouldn't worry about the 'recipe' she gives. Some people like to work in the kitchen and follow recipes. Ross and I are more the kind to throw things together--we have cooking skills we put in use--and be a little more casual about what we do.

Either way, Lissa's way or ours, 'there are many ways to bake a cake, all of them delicious' Ross says.

So don't worry. Enjoy. See! and learn!