Friday, April 8, 2022

How To Manage 'Secrets'


They won't be able to walk down the street...

Remember, the power of a secret. The power of a secret is that there are some people who do not know what the secret it.

Once a secret is known by everybody, the secret loses its power over everything. 

There are 'secret societies' who interact together under the guise of separate benign entities, using human shields of innocent people within these organizations to take the brunt of anything directed to oust them. This happens with governments, corporations, religions, fraternal organizations--only the innermost circle know the truth of what is going on behind the scenes.

Here is an excellent article--I apologize because it's in French--on one of the biggest secrets there is.

Once we know what the secret is, there's an urge to shout it from the rooftops and to get it out into the open so that the filth may disappear once and for all from Surface Gaia.

Unfortunately, even if you tell most people to their face the secret, they have been so conditioned by the mainstream media and 'society' that they will not hear the message and certainly not take it to heart. They will deny, deny, deny in an effort to maintain a sense of 'control' over their 'beliefs' as if their beliefs and perception of 'control' have anything to do with the true reality of what's going on behind the scenes in the One World Government. 

So what do we do?

We wait.

By knowing, our auras transmit frequencies to the auras of others without anyone realizing what is going on. 

We also wait to be asked for guidance and interpretation. For example, someone may ask, 'Is this true?' sincerely. And then because we have been asked, the answer is, 'yes, sadly, yes'. 

Financially we can remove our funding of nefarious organizations. We stop giving them money and business. We don't buy their products. And we certainly don't buy their stories either when we know the truth. 

So that's how it goes. We keep our own counsel except when in the presence of Like-Minded Souls. And after that we enjoy these lasting connections!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple who are Illuminated Twin Souls <3

P.S. at yesterday's baseball game, several known cheaters were booed by the fans. They were called names. If you can believe that random people are capable of this over a baseball game, you can imagine how busy the rest of the team TWDNHOBIAH once exposed will be unable to accomplish anything!