Sunday, September 20, 2020



Today's blog combines many things I see happening around me. There is a 'certain coming together' of spirit and everyday happenings which is catching my attention.

Case in point, Friday. I cried on the way to work because I 'called' my mother, by speaking aloud in the car as if she was still here. It was our routine. I couldn't bear to be without it. 

That day, it was as if the floodgates opened at work! After my first case, a nurse in charge of the Operating Room stopped me, and said that our Chief Nursing Officer was looking to give me this, but couldn't find me. It was a letter from a patient thanking me for my care, and a twenty-five dollar Starbucks gift card!

I started crying. The pain of losing mom had left me raw, that any news, even good news, had me falling apart. I put my head on her shoulder and cried, which fortunately she understood because she too had lost her mom, and cried over everything too.

She said there was also a Press Ganey report which said my name that I did good, she would look it up for me.

I thanked her, and at the same time, my heart sank because I couldn't share it with mom like I always do.

The first case, the patient had no insurance, and as I looked up the second one, they had paid cash the last time. I wasn't sure what to do. The surgeon had lost his brother recently too Covid. But he told me at lunch that it was both cash cases and at the end to calculate how much my services were for both cases together. My boss and another anesthesiologist helped me to calculate.

Much to my surprise, I got paid in cash, in an envelope. It felt good to have immediate feedback from my work. The second patient was delightful and arguing with the surgeon and me in recovery room that the surgery had never even happened. We were like, look at your bandage on you! He was giving a big thumbs up to his team, so very happy. 

I had drawn the one and only time the Unicorn Card for abundance.

A nurse gave me a beautiful card and a heart ornament with a quote about mothers, too. 

Even for Monday's schedule, the front desk made a mistake, and I would have been given first choice (I could take the best paying room in the whole O.R.) but my boss saw it and caught it. 

I felt that was mom helping me. I never in my wildest dreams would have expected anything like that.

So part one for the coalescence theme, is that by delaying 'payday' from 'services rendered', we as workers lose our power in the workplace. We can then work for others. We are one step closer to being enslaved. Especially with the whole game my billing company plays with the insurance companies--such a joke to ask for more and the insurance companies give less...I typically get half or one third of my fee, plus the billing company takes its cut, etc, etc.

The next part is as it pertains to current events. 

Cathy O'Brien quoted Mark Phillips saying that the battle was already won and the others don't realize it. (others being people who used Cathy and programmed her, and their whole regime).

Ross gave me this verse yesterday, clear as day, Romans 1:6-31.  Wow! Paul knew about the other team back then, two thousand years ago! He said they call themselves 'wise' but they are actually 'stupid'.  Then @EsotericExposal said today: The evil and selfish refer to themselves as good and generous. Slaves to sin call themselves liberated. The foolish call themselves enlightened. Mortals call themselves "god". Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.

@Martingeddes said: Having the war appear "active" when it is already won keeps open the "window of deprogramming" for those who remain deceived, and encourages the energy assets to participate in "bound to fail" plans that out themselves to both justice and public awareness. You are watching a...(movie projector emoji).

@MajorPatriot said: What if we've had Mueller, RussiaGate, E. Jean Carroll, Stormy Daniels, Kavanaugh debacle, SpyGate, Crossfire Hurricane, Impeachment and COVID foisted upon us to simply keep the contents of one small little laptop from going public? (photo of Anthony Wiener)

@Kristenhinkson said: So not Instagram is hiding the hashtag "Adrenochrome" because it means nothing, right??? (she shows a screenshot of the proof)

Time will tell. But the anxiety I was feeling all yesterday about the politics is much, much less. They know. Paul knows. Creator knows. And the plan has been in place for a long time, the plan is good, so I can relax a little and connect with Nature.

Ross and I would like to talk about a touchy subject, no pun intended. It is delicate though. It is the 'no FAP' movement and people who are following it are called Kangs.  Ross was like that. He knew all about semen retention. It saves the man's energy. And what I'd like to add, is that the dark ones like men to beat off to pornography. Not only because it's a lucrative industry. Just like the highest form of humiliation to the non-SRA community is to trick them into eating their babies (I've heard rumors that such things are thrown into ground meat grinders and a little diluted amount gets into the food stream of fast food)...the highest form of humiliation is to have non-SRA men beating off to what they think are women but are actually trannies. Spiritually it's to turn them gay without their knowledge, to have them lusting after men. So it's not just like in the bible verse--men who realize they are lusting after men. It's straight men lusting after them too because they are tricked. 

Our recommendation is it's better to keep the sexual energy between a committed couple. And if you'd like more firepower in the bedroom to help 'even the score' as the porn addiction habit is being kicked by 'no FAP'--try following @shalommelchizidek on Instagram for his Sacred Sexuality. Or read the works of David Deida. We are sure there are more but those are the two Carla has familiarity with and are very good sources of information. 


Now for one last subject, today was the first day Raphael came to her, and asked her why she hasn't been asking for comfort with the loss of her mother?

Carla said, simply, that it's such a big loss it's easier for her to focus on the one in Spirit, me, Ross, and not on anything else.

In turn, Carla spent time in the arms of each of her five 'husbands'--Twin Souls to be exact--crying and sharing the pain from her soul to their most attentive ears. Each had a different viewpoint of comfort to share with her.  It helped her immensely to feel like she was surrounded by their/our love. 

That is Spirits way, to 'wait in the wings' until the soul is ready. Carla's state of overwhelm was such that she needed earthly (and my, of course!) assistance. And now that the first wave of grieving is done, she is receiving the necessary help from Spirit. And reaching out to her circle of friends too.

Yesterday I was very proud of her. Carla wanted to go to lunch to a little French Bakery. She wanted quiche and salad. 

Anthony gave her a hard time. It was in a little strip mall, and he didn't expect anything from that strip mall to be any good. 

He said he was wrong about the place, after he had his lunch and dessert! Both were very happy, it was authentic, and reminded them of Bechu, their favorite bakery in Paris.

Keep your heart together with your mind, and have the faith. The whole point of the bible verse I gave Carla is to live by faith. Even when these horrible things are happening all around us. Live by Faith, detach from toxic news and social media, and spend time with uplifting people and nature instead.

We are well on our way with the plan I began so very long ago.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple who LOVE YOU unconditionally and completely.