Saturday, February 16, 2019

Why Are You Afraid To Have Something Nice?

Why are you afraid to have something nice? Ross asked me not long ago. I was talking with him about things that are going on.

I suppose in a way, at least how I grew up, if you expect the worst you are prepared for it, and if something better happens at least then you will be pleasantly surprised.

Why are we afraid to have something nice?

Now that's a good question. And similarly, The Council addresses something like that here:


In these times of tremendous changes, it will be good to reflect upon our role in the creation of our own lives, how we can change it, and to finally find the courage to try faith in the Highest Good for All.

The Veil throws us for a loop. It really does. We don't know who we are even though we've had many incarnations. We don't know why we are here. And we are exploited** (Links at end).

Yet the Council says we are the masters of our own energy!

I think the part that the Council forgets, and I would like to add into the equation, is our being inhabitants of our physical bodies.  YES you can be the master of your own energy milieu. And yet you can be in pain, stressed out, hungry, tired, and fearful due to the frailty of the human vessel.

I know I was pretty down because lots of humans have physical relationships with other humans, but for me it's been a disaster and disappointment. It wasn't until I read in Jeff Brown's book, SoulShaping, that human angels NEVER get to have a really wonderful physical relationship because they are too high energy. So often there is a huge attraction, a spark, and the healing needed for the person like Jeff takes place, then everything falls apart.

Ross told me last night, 'let me do something nice for you'--which is a kind way of saying, 'Carla, get out of your own way'.

What is being asked of us is to ignore and set aside our physical senses, our memories of patterns which we have experienced before, and our 'programming' if you will about how things work in the world.

This is different from 'being in the world but not of it'.

This is learning to embrace a whole different life! And way of existing!

Thoughts can change everything. Look at my work. For the longest time I've felt it was something that was keeping me from what I wanted to do. Keeping me from being a mom. Keeping me from being a healer. Keeping me from having sleep and food and semi-normal hours.

What I didn't see was how Anthony saw it, and said, 'mom, you have a super good job and you don't even realize it.'

It's true.

Yesterday I went into call with my sleep debt erased. I held up until about ten p.m. when fatigue started to hit me. My bedtime lately has been eight p.m. while I've been catching up on sleep. I didn't finish the case until one a.m. So I slept fitfully, and and back on the sleep debt. But through my shift, I gave thanks for what I do, for my patients, for things going well, and for being on the front lines for medical stories which were fascinating.

My attitude shifted from one of something being taken from me, to one of embracing what I have to do. And I have to do lots of this now with the new house.

I have the weirdest sense that the missing link between my overwork and a way 'out' is moving to this new home. Don't ask me how. And don't get me started--I don't even know where to begin. But I pick up the new environment is going to help me put the pieces together on something that has been eluding me for a long time.

There was a Creator Writings yesterday that kind of put everything back on us--so...what do you want to do with your life?  To be honest, yesterday I kind of wanted to crawl under a rock and hide. I've been too traumatized by life to really be willing to risk anything. In a way it seems easier to just watch it go by, and to let the time pass uneventfully. I KNOW this is the last thing in the world Creator wants us to do. Creator wants us to explore and to adventure and to create create create!

We have feelings. And we have our memories of past failures. It's really hard to decide what to do with your life, especially because our human vessels have an expiration date that's hard to ignore sometimes.

What I say is, when you need to rest, REST.

When you don't know what to do, get yourself out in Nature and let go of your worries for a little while to clear your mind and get a breath of fresh air.

When you are healing from deep-rooted boundary issues (molest, rape, abuse tend to cause this in the survivors)--remember the wise advice of my father, who said, 'you need a little Vitamin NO'.  He says if we don't exercise our right to say no, we won't be able to say no with people. So even if it doesn't matter, and you are presented with something you could easily say yes, don't. Use your Vitamin NO. Build up those boundary muscles.  And trust that everything is going to be okay.

When you are getting anxious--I've had the opportunity, a case had a poor outcome similar to the one that ended up almost in court--even though it wasn't my fault in a way--you just practice two important steps:  1) ask yourself what is the worst that can happen? and 2) right action.  The worst that can happen in this situation isn't getting sued. It's someone dying. And steps were taken to give the appropriate care and diagnose the problem. After that', it's not easy, but it's RIGHT ACTION. I visit every day. Today I took the patient's hand in mine, and prayed to Ross and Raphael for their help. To help this poor soul who has been through so much to overcome it. I prayed it from my heart.

When you are struggling with letting something go, remember, you need to let it go to be able to receive another. And between thanking the old thing (like Con Mari) and being glad it will help brighten someone else's life will help. Know that sometimes you can change your mind but usually it's not going to be a problem.

So where am I?

I'm almost able to get a discount menu at Denny's. LOL. I'm not getting any younger.

I've been able to clear just enough clutter around the home to show I'm trying.

I'm in better shape and have been losing weight without feeling like I'm on a diet or deprived. The WW system is working for me. I'm down about twelve pounds since I started.

I'm moving a little bit towards self-sufficiency, in that a garden will be a huge part of the new home. I would like to compost, catch rain water, and continue sensible practices like this as part of my daily routine.

I know who my Spirit teams are, and although I wish they were in my face a whole lot more than they are, I trust them and I love them very much. This phase of growth, the becoming more independent like them, is painful for me. I like the companionship and company and interaction I have been getting.

I also am excited that today I can package the bracelets and send them to everyone who has been so patiently waiting! It is so joyful to make packages nice and send them on their way!

Growth isn't fun, and at times it is frankly uncomfortable. Having old memories pop up to be acknowledged and released is a lot of work! Then if you're really clearing you will need more rest or a nap or something just to get back on an even keel again.

All of these things are for our Highest Good as well as for the Highest Good of All.  So hang in there. Know you are not alone. If you don't have anything good to say about the Ascension process, come right here and sit next to me, because we can commiserate together!  I'll be the first to tell you it isn't a walk in the park, or a joyride, or a romantic dinner for two followed by a long walk on the beach.

What I will tell you is that the low vibrational 'baggage' just isn't 'you'. And painful and trying as it may be, you really will be better off getting rid of it. Down the road you will feel better. And it won't be able to come back and trouble you again. At least for that layer.

Keep an open mind, and if you are big on benchmarking, remember, pets, wild creatures, trees and plants, even rocks--all have their act together and are cheering us on. They know we can be like them. They are encouraging us. As well as Ross and his teams from the Higher Realms.

So don't worry!

Don't beat yourself up.

You are in the perfect time and place for your spiritual development. And since you are a spiritual being having and earthly experience, you might as well take the opportunity to make the most of it.


Aloha and Mahalos,

(clap! clap!--Ross forgot and just remembered)

Ross and Carla
The Couple
