Tuesday, February 12, 2019

When Spirit Makes Its Presence A Little More Obvious

New York, 125th Street Subway station in Harlem

Our countdown today is one hundred twenty five. We are counting down to the date when, almost a year ago, The Council said, 'things will get better and you can write that down on your calendar!'

Are things improving here? In general I would say yes. I eat lunch more often than not when I am at work. The hours are in a way better and in a way worse. I have more days off. The on-call times are very long and tiresome though. I'm also making major headway in facing my fears as well as getting out of my personal stagnation. For example, I've always held on to old computers because I didn't feel it was safe to e-waste them. So yesterday, I brought them to a specialist to save the photos and wipe the hard drives. There were five computers in all, four laptops and one larger one. I got it for half price. 

Every time I had looked at those old dusty computers I had felt like I was a failure in some way, like my life was out of control somehow, like I wasn't good enough.

It was over ten years of feeling like this. Almost fifteen. 

Now it's gone. I feel like I'm doing something.

Ross and I had a long talk about the move yesterday. He told me what to tell others who ask why we are moving. But the real reason was I had outgrown the energy of this current home. It's funny because what I wanted was safety and security  and to put down roots. I was allowed this for the longest I've ever lived anywhere. But Creator doesn't like us to stagnate.  I have been praying for the next occupants of this home to love it just as much as I have, for them to be guided, and for them to make happy memories here. That was the part that made it hardest to leave--so many memories.  Now it's simply time to make some new ones, and I know full well in advance that this new home is not going to be forever too. It's going to be my springboard to somewhere that I can snorkel every day.

The giant Art Deco statue of Jesus, known as Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer), on Corcovado mountain in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The statue is 125 feet tall and was completed in 1931

As the veil thins, I am noticing Spirit is making its presence known:

  • Yesterday I went to the local discount appliance store to see the appliances the owner of the new home had picked out. I was overwhelmed. There are so many choices, and frankly, a stove doesn't look like a stove any more, neither does a refrigerator look like a refrigerator. Everything is testosteroned up like the barbecues, with huge knobs and handles which aren't good for a petite woman like me. To be honest, the french doors ones are the worst--I will totally break my back trying to reach into the bottom of some of those drawers! So I longed for my nana. Her kitchen was tiny but warm and inviting and she made the most delicious things! I missed her stove, the old avocado green one she had as her dream kitchen. I just remember now how it matched the refrigerator...well, when I got home last night, not more than an hour later, my cousin Enza back in Sicily sent me a photo of a photo in her home of my nana Angelina, in her kitchen, hugging Enza's husband and smiling super big--with the stove just in the picture!  I was able to blow up parts of the photo just to take a good look at it! I cried. I cried tears of joy because it was happier times, and also, because I knew Heaven was listening to my heart.
  • This one was a little creepy. Anthony and I were getting dinner ready. Ross had told me to have some wine. He had told me what bottle to pick. It turned out to be a Trader Joe's Pinot Noir.  I was just talking about Ross with Anthony and teasing Ross, when the little Elmo flashlight that talks started to giggle and laugh.  Nobody had touched it. It won't talk unless you squeeze the handle. Anthony and I stopped and looked at each other. Then the toy laughed again. Anthony went to look at it, and he said, 'mom, it's not even squeezed'.  Ross wanted to make his presence known, and he did, a little more than how we usually hear him with our spirit ears and feel his presence. What he didn't know, or realize, and we explained gently to him, is that some things on earth are a little creepy. Clowns, mimes, and spontaneously laughing Elmo toys are kind of a little too much for us in that direction. This toy has never gone on by itself in twelve years. And after we shared with Ross, it never went off for the rest of the night again.
So be ready for things to happen that might catch you off guard. The energies are ramping up. Heaven really wants to be with us again. We are loved and invited to a wonderful party of joy and happiness when the Veil finally stops blocking us. It has been said that the veil is in tatters, and perhaps what is keeping us blocked is more the habit of being blocked?

Either way, the energies out there are really strong, and just take it in stride if something like this happens to you.

Always remember our relationship with Spirit is a two-way street.

I learned from Anne Reith, PhD, that you can even ask Spirit to wait for you to finish an important project, to be 'quiet' for a few hours, and to let them know when you will be 'available' to them.

I think that's great!


Today we need to account for intergenerational differences, and for differences in taste.

Where I am, right now, and for all eternity, everything is harmonious. (he knits his fingers together , interlaces them).

That is not to say that everyone has the same tastes and preferences!

I would like to share with you a little example with the Moray Eels  here, or 'puhi' as they are called in the Hawaiian Islands.

When Carla goes for a snorkel, it is the thrill and highlight of her trip to the ocean to see one. She has seen them with their heads poking out of the rocks. And she has seen some traveling across the bay in open water.

Carla always has respect for them.

And the eels have a sense of Carla's spiritual presence, and keep their distance from her. They mutually regard one another, and then the moment will pass.

At a recent trip to a theme park with some friends to celebrate Anthony's birthday, one of the moms wanted to look at the sea creatures too. But for her, having grown up in Hawai'i, the moray eel causes a fear in her.

She was at the beach, snorkeling, and a little kid put his hand on a rock, just for a little bit, and a moray eel with its tremendously sharp teeth, in an instant bit all of the eight-year old's fingers off.

Carla's friend's knowledge of the dangers of the ocean is probably a little safer than Carla's own experience and view.

Both are felt from the heart and adequate.  Both loved watching ocean shows on T.V. with Jaques Cousteau growing up. Each has their own view, and together, the differences help to temper the enthusiasm of the one and the fear of the other...What Carla's friend doesn't like too is the 'soulless eyes'...and stillness of the creature. But with Carla's ability to spiritually connect with other life forms, although the eel is 'quiet' it's energy is distinct and deeply cherished by her when she encounters it. It's more important to her than to look at the eyes for that spiritual connection.

Many people who aren't as sensitive look to the eyes as the 'windows of the soul'. And it's true. Dark, soulless eyes--are often the only tip off of who you are dealing with when you are incarnate.

(He interlaces the fingers--ed) Again, there is the meshing together of all of the impressions of the individuals, which is what makes our shared consciousness uniquely pleasant and a joy for Divine Creator of All That Is.

I will be there on moving day. (he puts his finger to his lips, as if to say 'shhhh' and you can hear the elmo toy laughing as his joke--ed)

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple