Friday, February 8, 2019


Today we are at day 129 and we'd like to begin with a quote:

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
  --  Abraham Lincoln

Have you ever read MAD magazine? You know, the 'humor in a juglar vein'  one that jokes 'What, me worry?' and has Alfred E. Newman on the cover?

When you read through the magazine--I've had a subscription since I was eight and Anthony has his own subscription now--it's fun because in the margins you see little doodles of this zeppelin just, well, just because they want to remind you this is their humor magazine and they can do what they want.

I saw these images and it made me delight. Why? Because I could make the connection to the joke from MAD.

But I had to explain it to those of you who have never read it.

That's fair enough....

Energy does not lie.

This is a truth.

The energy around us is increasing exponentially every day.

That being said, we are going to be able to see and discern with greater clarity as the prevalent vibration goes way the heck UP.

We also have the ability to think for ourselves. Even though we live in a matrix which is controlled by people (that's using the term broadly--some might not even be human really) who have no scruples whatsoever.

There's advanced psychological warfare going on without our knowing it, perhaps with directed beam energy weapons and other technologies we have not been told they exist too.

What I want to bring up today is the ability to recognize a pattern.

For example, I was listening to that guy from Alaska and posted something from him, and a close friend who is even more on top of things said, 'I hear he beats up his wife'.  I didn't know. I was going by the energy, as well as the interest to see that he was accurate in his predictions of current events such as 'draining the swamp'.   I told him I didn't know.

Now, months later, I see the truth. I saw the video from the  woman who exposed him. I saw it knowing that she could be counterintelligence/psy op.  But I listened to my heart and also listened to the woman, and it rang true.

That's what led to my big 'AHA!' moment yesterday--there is a quote here in America called, 'the pot calling the kettle black'.  What it means is that you aren't one to point fingers because you are the same as the thing you are calling black.  They are all lumped in there together.

Are you with me?

If you were Ill-ooooo-min-naughty, and you wanted to run an art gallery, you would want everyone to believe the front as it appears--an on the up-and-up, normal, art gallery.

Why? Because it is the perfect cover for art thieves and illegal ventures which need money laundering that would add to your 'legitimate success'.

This is the norm for pretty much everything that is going on out there. There's the front side, and the back side to everything, only it's the back side you can't see as the public--only the insiders would know--and that back side is crazy well-organized among criminals that are so very high up at the tip of the hierarchy that they plan wars and nobody would ever know it's not what we are being told in the news.  It's to make money. And to control the population. To create terror and fear.

So, that being said, the very highest levels have an evil to them that you would never be able to detect.

They look good, and wholesome.

They would fool anybody because that is what they are best at fooling. Even those sensitive to energy aren't likely to pick up on it because they have the ability to cloak themselves with 'charm' which isn't of this world--it's magical.

So that being said, again, there's nothing wrong with being fooled.

I like pattern recognition. I enjoy puzzles and piecing things out. I really do.  And one of the pieces that really fooled me back in the late eighties was that Boosh for president was not okay. People rioted against him, and said horrible things. I just wanted everyone to get along, you know? I couldn't see anything bad about him. But you know what, now I have seen pictures of him as MK Ultra with 'Dr. Green' (Josef Mengele) a teen with Barbara years before they supposedly 'met and married'.

That emotion thing, unpleasant as it was, had a grain of truth.

Today, we have the emotion thing which looks clearly as if it is being manipulated by the press against our current person who sits in the oval office. And there's an alternative narrative that the swamp is being drained.

It is compelling, this argument.

It is someone telling the slaves that freedom is on its way--no more fake anything--and what you see is what you get.

It's easy to swallow, just like with the YouTuber from Alaska...


The only thing they can't control yet, is your connection to Source/Creator of All That Is...and what goes on in your own mind and your heart.

Let me share with you another pattern:

It's flimflam at its finest, isn't it?

Is it time to despair?

Not on your life.

You are here as an Emissary of Kindness.

Your connection to Eternal Truth is as strong as it gets, whether you realize it or not.

Keep doing whatever it takes to ramp the ambient energy UP.

Remember who roaches are, and what they do. Then let it go.

The body count went up after the woman who outed John of God died by 'suicide'--so I would add that to the mantra too. Energy doesn't lie, and the body count doesn't either... plus my favorite, Follow The Money!

What I believe we are seeing...I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it to be the 'Positive Military story' and have me be totally wrong---is like two factions of the 'leaders' fighting but the true leaders are hidden and unchanging at the top. 

It is what it is, and they are scurrying due to the 'light' of increasing frequencies and don't worry. 

Everything is going to be OKAY in the end.

We have excellent teams assisting us....xoxoxo

Ross can't say anything, he gestures his lips are sealed, and says, 'mum is the word'. He's smiling and always.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla

P.S. Two other readers in our community sent us important things--they listened to Spirit and helped. One is a necklace that is beautiful and helping to calm my energy. Ross helped to design it. And also, someone took a day's worth of caps I sent from my O.R., and created beautiful art from it which made all three of us (A, R, and me) smile.  THANK YOU!!!