Thursday, July 6, 2023

Learning And Growing, Continued...


I'm getting  a lesson right now.

It's like I'm coming awake after a long sleep.

I've been looking at myself as separate, and from this vantage point, interacting with others.

The lesson is, to look at the interaction as an independent observer, and watch/appreciate MY energy as it interacts with the other's.  It's hard to explain but it's like watching two electrical energy fields interacting with one another, they are dancing and exchanging in a playful manner. 

It's all about perspective.

This perspective gets us lots closer to we are all One.

Things I've been working on leading up to this? Understanding the trauma responses I have had ingrained into my personality (Freeze is a big one), as well as the radical acceptance that I had to undergo the traumas to be able to achieve my mission/life contract goals for which I have been sent. 

Any security and predictability, aside from the bare minimum, and I would have believed in the status quo, and that TWDNHOBIAH HAVE our 'best interest at heart'. I would never have believed a Cathy O'Brien, or a Kerth Barker, when they shared their story. Especially who was important was Nancy the RN, who had dissociative identity disorder from her upbringing with that same--cult? I guess is a proper word for it--group who made her a breeder as a young teen. She stunned me when, as the much respected and skilled top nurse in the unit, she confided everything from her past and her goals to love Jesus and learn how to help others who have been through the same as her. I felt icky, dirty, to know that truth, and yet, as much as I wanted to believe she was lying, deep in my heart I knew it was the truth. I sort of avoided her after that, because on some level I was afraid SRA was contagious...I'm embarrassed for that. But I was only thirty-two, but a pup, with lots of training in residency left to go.

Things happen for a reason. We have to trust in it, and to allow Divine Creator to do what is willed with us. 

What about all the things happening out there in the news, Ross asks? How do I view that?

I think that the few who own all the information outlets, are in cahoots with the people who run the government, and these select few who we don't even know who they are, are conditioning us to herd us towards their pre-announced goals such as Agenda 2030. The play-by-play doesn't matter, all of it is distraction. Do I catch a little of it here and there without actually watching the news or listening to it? Yes, enough. And I look at the gas pump and as they keep repairing freeways, I look to see who has new cars by the paper license plates, and I look to see who has a full shopping cart at the store to see how our economy is doing. Just enough to get a general sense of if there is trouble or not with the economy. I see baseball stadiums packed, hotels packed, and lots of people out there enjoying vacation. I'm not sure if it's all going on the credit card or being paid off in full, but people are having a good time. 

This is my favorite season. I need to enjoy it too. <3

Try to apply today's lesson and see your energy interacting with those you meet, and appreciate your special 'spark'.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple