Thursday, July 13, 2023

It's All About Relationships


These times are different from ten, twenty, even thirty years ago with technology and popular opinion being what they are currently. Whether these are end times or not, many would agree that the pace of life is much faster now, possibly the fastest it has ever been. And although many things are automated to make our lives 'easier'--Prime Day anyone?--the importance of relationships has never been greater.

Our lives begin with the family unit. And for some of us, we grow up feeling that being treated poorly is 'love' and 'normal'. This will in turn color our every interaction with others, usually our intimate relationships more than our public ones. And this is the basis for intergenerational passing down of traumatic traits. 

Fortunately, there are many ways to find help 'out there' if you have had one of these upbringings. I did. My mother was a child of war-torn Italy. She had very little insight, a terrible temper, a good heart, and was emotionally immature while raising me and my middle sister. The youngest fortunately was spared that. These problems such as narcissism, emotional immaturity, and frank abuse affect us from any level of society. It is hidden. And now, thanks to online experts on YouTube and Instagram and other places, help is available and often times it's for free. 

We are able to rewire the damage in our attachment systems through positive interaction with others. 

Never has it been more important for us to be self-aware and to seek healing. This way when we do the work (I'm actively journaling, which is a low-cost way to help heal), we are more present in our interactions with others, both professionally and personally. 

We heal together. 

Even others who haven't yet 'awakened' to the need for healing have growth as a result of positive interactions with us. As long as we are mindful and focus on gratitude, as often as we can, the better our impact on others and the better we feel inside. 

We are all on the same team,  ultimately, for the Highest Good.

Sometimes people are mirrors for us. Sometimes they 'trigger' our weak spots so we know where we need work. Sometimes through interaction they hand us an opportunity to grow and learn and be 'the bigger person'. 

Heal yourself, and heal the World.

That is enough for today.

There is no time limit on the healing. As long as we are taking steps at our own pace we are right on target.


What might come across as another 'burden' is actually 'baby steps to a freedom you never thought was possible'.

Open your Spirit, your Soul, and your Heart. Ask for guidance in your 'lessons'. No one is without lessons, myself included!

And so be it.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins who have a relationships with YOU! <3