Saturday, December 12, 2020

Retraining Your Mental Customary Outlook


As a follow-up to yesterday, I am fine. Yes, I had a little anxiety creeping in. And also, some nightmares about it too.

It's never fun to be under scrutiny.

As we awaken, and as we raise our consciousness, we arrive at a point where our 'learned reactions' don't have to be our 'only reactions'. We can face the situation with Spiritually awakened ears and eyes.

Just yesterday, a nurse told me she thought I did an excellent job being a patient advocate. She saw me doing extra work to help the patient have a good experience. She told me this!

I had another, once awake, saying, 'okay girls, the party is over!' and was so happy and content. 

There is much good. Much much more good than bad in all of our experiences.

So, why do we look at the bad instead of the good? Why do we have this internal dialog that says, 'Oh I should have done this, and this, and this!'?

Bad things happen!

But we are not bad.

I know I have forgiveness both of the person who is taking legal proceedings against me. I asked for it, from my heart, and it was given. Long ago, during the hospital times. Whatever else is going on, it could be for money or for needing to lash out or for anything. What is to come will come. I have the best teams. I have the best colleagues. They say that the question is not 'if' but 'when' something like this is going to happen in a career. 

It's been over twenty years on the front lines doing anesthesia, a super high-risk field. 

I'm doing okay.

Everything is going to be okay.

I still have a position to do my spiritual work on the front lines, even though I don't often talk about it. My patients get healings every time they are with me. 

Perhaps there is something I need to do, to go to a certain place, or to meet certain people, to further the cause of Awakening? I cannot know right now at the moment. But perhaps I will.

Even today, I am hosting the Zoom call for our department meeting. It's an improvement over having to drive in on Saturdays like we used to do, or to show up at six in the morning on workdays. 

Everything happens for the best.


When you get that urge to go react, on instinct, on something you've learned in your EarthWalk, some pattern especially one that is Fear-Driven...RELAX.

You don't have to play that game any more.

You don't ever have to play that game again.

Heaven is coming to Earth. You are fortunate to know about it. And you have the choice, the option, the opportunity, to recalibrate your outlook, and your everyday perception--to one more in alignment with Home--our HOME Home 'up in the sky'--than here. And no one can take that away from you.

Ross is very proud of this and he helped me to write it.


Look at what happened to me. Sure it could happen to you. But it didn't. And even if it did, is it The End?

Or is it just A New Beginning?

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins

P.S. From Ross please enjoy this short video about changing yourself for the things that count