Sunday, December 13, 2020

No One Can Put A Price On You; You Are Priceless!


Today's blog post is very short. Just a few videos, if you care to watch them.

  • Carrie survived an abortion as a fetus, and forgave her mother.
  • This video isn't exactly scientifically rigorous, but it does show you two important things--what has gone on 'under the radar', and also, how they can tag cells to make them glow. Rumor has it that a certain mRNA reverse injection will do something similar to the recipient's cells--that's how it will be known they took the injection. video link is here
  • Doppelgänger video. This was fascinating to watch, because I am watching faces of people in our world very carefully for resemblances, such as Podesta and the lead singer of Linkin Park. There are hidden bloodlines, and one of the things of Luciferianism is that the true parents don't always raise the child, and the child doesn't know. This video is fascinating not only for the topic itself, but in how much they let us know, without talking about the bloodlines and clones. It's like 'imagine the possibilities' kind of thing.
  • Robert Sepehr video on Agartha this is valuable to watch, for how it reveals the behind-the-scenes partnerships between governments who are in spiritual alliance, and also, for tunnels and wars we are never told happened.
  • This video is from a finance expert, it's very balanced and gives a fresh perspective on what will happen by 2030. 
So, Ross and I want you to enjoy the videos, to remember that no one can replace you, you are PRICELESS, and we LOVE you very, very much. 

clap! clap!
Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple