Friday, December 18, 2020

Empower Your Heart


Ross gave me the title as I first woke up. It makes sense because my life has been falling together bit by bit, and I've been greatly enjoying it over the past few days.

Things that had once seemed insurmountable or impossible are simple.

The energy is flowing in a good way.

I feel alive!

Ross says to provide you with some examples:

  • I made potstickers from scratch (well I bought the wrappers) yesterday
  • I finally cooked the potato and cheese tart with ham from a French recipe I'd seen months ago
  • The Kona Village toffee pie recipe I've wanted to make, for months, I finally did
  • Laundry is done. Still have to put things away. But I am not stressing or nagging Anthony to help.
  • Same thing with the kitchen.
  • I've almost completely unpacked all of my crystal collection since the move. 
  • I finished the book, For Reasons of National Security by Cathy O'Brien.
  • I'm living in the moment. Even took a walk on the beach this week at sunset. It was super low tide, and I saw a part of the ocean I haven't seen before. We saw both dolphins and a seal too.
I think I might be on a different timeline.

My work is inundated with Covid patients, all hospitals in the area are full, we can't do surgical cases to conserve bed space...and I am calm.

People I know are getting the vaccine and virtue signaling it on social media--videos, photos of them either getting the shot or holding up certificates to say they got it and why...I decline it and keep quiet.

We felt something was amiss, like something was going to happen. So we were quietly waiting for the news. As it turns out, not one but two people we love dearly are in the process of passing over. It is good to know our hearts are so close to these people that we can sense their passing across the miles.

I have lots and lots of downloads right now, everything is tingling like electricity, and I welcome it. I don't know the future, but it looks good because I choose to see the good. No matter what. 

Ross would like to speak.


I have been quiet for some time, because my focus has been on 'other things' and Carla. I am not at liberty to describe the 'other things' but in time you shall understand of what I am speaking, and why I am not able to share at this time. 

Carla is in the midst of her Ascension. She is enjoying the liberty and freedom of letting go of the outcome, and enjoying her time at home. Carla has only worked one day this week, and it was at another hospital, it was pleasant for her. Soon she will be required to take the Covid Intubation Call. Carla is not volunteering and only going to do the minimum. Carla is not afraid of the risk or afraid of the money/loss of income. She knows there is time she needs for her home and to bond with Anthony in the Covid times, too. There is balance in what her heart needs as well as what she needs both to support herself and Anthony.

Carla has been quiet online, and that has been at my request. There shall be enough time for her to do her work. 

I am going to excuse Carla, for she needs to take Anthony to school for his scholarship club event.

It is with Great Love that I assure you, all is well, good things are happening, and I want you to enjoy the ride!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Nourishment for the Heart