Monday, December 21, 2020

A Delicate Balance


Today we are going to talk about it. The thing that's been affecting the world for about a year now. We are going to talk about it frankly, delicately, and with utmost awareness and respect for those who have lost their lives because of it.

Our goal is to help you to look at both sides of the situation, and furthermore, to increase your resolve to increase your mental strength and faith to help you weather the difficulties which face us.

On Saturday, we went to Downtown Disney. There was an event with Pokemon Go, a special community day, and that area has lots of PokeStops and activity. 

It wasn't my choice to go. I have full awareness of the risk of communicable diseases, and how the Disney concept it probably the highest risk of transmission of germs across a population. You have people from all over the world enclosed in a small area, and they are packed in. 

I asked Ross for permission to go, and it was granted. 

Let's take a look at the situation from the big picture. I am an introvert. I work with people, I leave the house to go to work. But I'm a homebody and nothing makes me happier than to just putter around the house. I have projects to do, many of them, and I'm making progress on them. I also need time just to tidy and clean the house, something which the sole responsibility falls upon me, even if I choose to assign chores to Anthony. 

My son is an extrovert. He has been a trouper staying at home, going to school, doing his homework. But this child has been to Disneyland since three months age, and traveling by air since ten months. Every year we go one or two really great places. Sometimes even four major trips a year. His elementary school permitted travel, and he could work remotely. 

Our first point is that not everyone is equipped to stay inside. For various reasons. It could be the home life, it could be the psychology, it could be the denial of what is happening/the inability to comprehend the seriousness, or simply a longing for 'normal'. 

I have mental strength. I grew up in a bad neighborhood, got myself through college and medical school, ended up in the heart room where the stress is off the charts! Challenge is normal for me, and you could say perhaps I thrive on it. All those years of going to the desert, riding motorcycles, and just being close to nature helped make me strong. Inside and out. My will is strong, my determination, my connection to Spirit is very very active...

If you add to it, how many lifetimes I've lived, chances are, I've gravitated to the same kinds of challenges over and over, to make me strong like carbon forms a diamond from exposure to high heat and high pressure. 

You can't teach someone mental strength. You can't push someone callously into a situation and say, 'it's good for you!'. The person will grow to resent you. So, we counter this natural difference in temperaments, personality, psychology by first acknowledging it exists, and second, by invoking Love.

Anthony needed to connect to the world he knows, and he needed this time, a short time, just to BE. With Love, and with full agreement from Ross, we went. There were many restrictions, many closed businesses in the Downtown Disney, and even, no eating or drinking (masks on 100%). Sanitizer and hand washing stations were set up. Reminders of the risk and how to reduce it were everywhere. I noticed the workers, smiling, grateful for their jobs, watching the crowds. Of course our temperatures were taken. It was eerie, like a ghost town. And never, in recent history, have I seen Disney gates closed and the square at the entrance devoid of people. 

We followed the rules, we got sunshine, we walked, and it was a pleasant day. 

We caught our Pokemon. 

I knew full well that the ICU's are full. I know people who have been in the ICU and hospital who have been sent home on oxygen. That risk is totally real.

I also know someone whose son committed suicide because of the way the pandemic restrictions affected his depression. 

So for a start--not everyone is like you, we must balance the individual needs with Love.

And second--there is no 'one size fits all' for this situation.

Now we'd like to share a video from a surgeon in Houston. He talks informally about the situation and the medical options. But what we'd like to focus your attention on, in this forty-five minute video, are two things. First, he blurts out something about his sexual performance--'it still works'. And then, if you allow a quick side point--in medical school we are taught that the patient always tells you what is wrong with them. He says, point blank, that the reason he quit his practice as a surgeon is because he was no longer able to decline the flu shot--it was impossible to work with the rules of the hospital so heavily enforced. So, he has just enough money to live off his book proceeds. And he quit operating. No WONDER he needs to tell you he's not impotent--his subconscious is talking to us--because of the tragedy of the Orwellian ruling at his work about taking the influenza vaccine. 

People are fascinating, aren't they?

So, for our last point, we would like to call your attention to 'Order through Chaos', the recipe of 'Problem-Reaction-Solution' as it pertains to this situation. For the past week there have been many medical people online proudly showing themselves being injected with the latest cure. Some have said that they are not being controlled by nano chips. Some say their muscles feel sore but are otherwise okay. I realized that based on the information available to them, they are wholeheartedly offering themselves as part of the 'solution'. 

Our flashlight, or actually, our laser pointer, is pointing at the generation of 'problems'--if it was child abuse we would medically call it 'non-accidental trauma'. We point out that it is entirely possible for there to be 'non-accidental Problems' generated by those who decide how our society is run. 

For someone who has been actively studying the enemy for years now, reading about survivor's stories like Kerth Barker and Cathy O'Brien, like Svali, and's pretty clear how that pattern is helpful for the enemy to steer large groups of people to any cause they want. 

But just like with the example between introvert and extrovert, and the gravity of the pandemic...and Love is important to bridge the gap, along with the acceptance that everyone is doing the best they can given the situation...the same holds true for people who still think that our leaders always have our best interest at heart.

There is no amount of information you can present to help them see. They need to be shown it in ways, over and over, not by you, and hopefully, they will make the connection. 

In my study of the enemy, I'd like you to know that the technology of control is very advanced. Cathy O'Brien was able to heal using the technique of writing. Instead of getting emotional and reliving her memories of trauma that were buried, she wrote them, using a different part of the brain to process it without pain. It took her eighteen hours a day for about a year, and then she was able to feel 'present' and 'aware' again. It just happened. 

But her daughter, Kelly, had more sophisticated, scientifically based trauma and mind control using harmonics, sort of a sound technology. Mark Phillips didn't know the 'key' to unlock her mind. Cathy taught her daughter the best she could to live 'True to Soul'. Until the 'key' comes though, Kelly can't be fully present. She's at risk to flip back and forth between alters, and any trigger like a hand gesture or tone will do this and she can't say no.  Cathy can say no to the gestures, they don't work on her because she's fully recovered.

We aren't going to infer anything, but we would like to raise your awareness on just how easy and commonplace such use of harmonics is in this five minute video with David Icke.

Instead we will inspire you soul to soul with a story of someone who overcame great odds--recovering from four years in a coma -- a quick five minute video too. Then you will understand the gravity of the situation which faces us. Those asleep around us, spiritually, can and will awaken, at their own time, and afterwards will need to do a lot of work to recover their previous level of function. 

Welcome to 2021!

It's going to be a long year, but there is hope, as long as we love and we understand both the enemy and the unawakened 'victims'. Your mental and spiritual strength is going to be in high demand -- we predict!--and we encourage you to take whatever steps you need to keep your strength and energy and mood UP for the challenge!


I am working very closely with Carla. And both of us request for you to meditate today, a little extra longer, in honor and respect for the Grand Conjunction, on the Solstice.

And Carla will give thanks, because now the days will lengthen, and Summer will return again to warm her heart. It's her favorite season and I love her for it so very much. Water and Carla are inseparable!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

Where the pedal hits the metal