Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Penny Wise and Pound Foolish?


Ross gently, gently reminded me of a lesson tonight. Let me back track a little bit. 

I came home after a pleasant day, but it was ninety-five degrees, and my scrubs were so uncomfortable! I had gone to work in street clothes, changed at work, but because the charge nurse asked me to relieve someone to go home, I just took my clothes from my locker to the O.R. Once there, my services were no longer needed.  So I went to the car.

There is a concept I'm going to share, after this main point, but I will move on to the main point first.

Anthony told me the bad news when I got home. His left hand was numb. It gets numb every now and then, usually he can shake it off. But it was numb. For two hours. Physical therapy worked on it and tried to help, but only briefly there was relief. It was still numb.

All I wanted at the time was to go into the pool. 

Quickly I switched gears to doctor mode. There's no pain, no loss of function. Just numb. No need for emergent intervention. I tested the hand. Median nerve distribution. Most likely carpal tunnel. Might also have been from backpack where the 'straps were too tight'. 

Will check the desk for ergo dynamics (I was a founder of 'Bad Backs Anonymous' at my old work; I know what to look for.)

And to call his dad.

It turns out the keyboard is too small for Anthony. It's hard on his wrists. Everything else was close to optimal. 

His dad said to get a keyboard that is split wider with that curve in the middle.

We both realized the poor boy, all of his learning and his homework is on the computer!

His dad also said to use the foam roller. And it helped.

I looked up keyboards on Amazon just to price them. And at BestBuy, the worker said actually the gaming keyboard is designed for people who are on the computer all day. One was bigger than the tiny one that came with the computer. And although not 'split', it was an improvement. 

While we were deciding, Ross had us walk across the store. We don't have a microwave. Anthony loved the Breville toaster oven/air fryer. 

Ross wanted to remind me of the promise I made to myself when I moved...you see, the washer and dryer are from the old house, and the doors are completely backward and awkward. I was going to get a new set when we were 'out of the woods financially'. 

Here's my lesson. I've had it once at the old house, and now again here.

While we are earthly, ourselves and our earthly materials need UPKEEP. An old mattress is going to hurt your back and cause pain. A keyboard that's too small will interrupt education and cause numb hands. 

As humans we have an incredible capacity to 'make do'. 

Times change. Things wear out and need replacing. Even when you go to sell a house, people want it 'updated'. Might as well budget not only to keep the repairs in order, but to have it 'updated' (sellable) around every five to ten years. 

The people next door had the rebar poking through the plaster of their swimming pool. They redid the whole thing. The whole back yard. It was weeks and months of noise and dust! I got so tired of the workers parking in front of our house day after day, even on Saturdays! But they did the right thing. It's 'updated'. It's safe. And it brings joy. They don't go anywhere. They just enjoy the pool and the barbecue. 

Our surroundings reflect what is inside us, and our insides reflect our surroundings. Our insides are constantly growing. Try not to skimp on your earthly needs. The big ones. 

Ross and I got Anthony a new speaker too. It was eighty dollars off. Anthony is thrilled. Ross wants him to stop using his headphones so much. It's a safety hazard because if I call to him, he can't hear. It's happened many times. Now he can. And I'll know what he's listening to. 

Safety is important. So is well being and having the right tools to do your earthly assignment!

This morning KP posted that Ben Fulford talked about two different 'movies'--one with Trump pushing vaccines and there's hostility with China and Russia, and the other where all three are working together to rid us of the Illuminati--that are happening at the same time.

Ross sent me to the crystal shop for a get-well gift for my friend who had surgery today. I smiled because he always sends me when there's new shipment. Sure enough, my friend was there to help me find the right stone for my friend. And even though I didn't see the new ones on display, he let me see where the shipment was freshly unloaded. 

I got what I needed too.

We had a wonderful conversation. He explained how there's three different 'movies' going on at the same time, the social justice one, the Ascension one, and I forget the other. But how we are like at hour twelve of a sixteen hour labor (childbirth) and we are not really happy or thinking about the end. But at sixteen hours we will have the baby in our arms and rest and will be totally content and happy.

Today, despite the numb hand and the weird day, an opportunity came up on Pokemon Go. Giovanni, the 'boss', came and I tried fighting him and I lost. I let Anthony use my phone and fight him just to make him go away. I had to complete a battle against him and win to moved forward in the game. Well, he won. And he was excited to fight against a Mewtwo. It's apparently a very rare kind that people used to pay one thousand dollars in Japan for a chance to win one. 

Guess what the reward was for fighting Giovanni? A chance to win a MewTwo. And Anthony won it for me! 

He was over the moon, ecstatic, and couldn't believe it had just happened, even if it was for me.

And he said, 'mom, it's like the worst day and the best day today all happening together at the same time...'

Again, the concept of 'movies'...or 'timelines'...or...what?

Only time will tell.

Ross says to get to bed. I have lots of work tomorrow. I did work today. It was a fun and happy day.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple

P.S. Today I spoke the words to Ross that I would never cheat on him. It meant a lot for him to hear me say it. Even if I ever developed feelings for someone, I wouldn't act on it. I would respect the family of the other, and also, Ross, way more and would act accordingly. We can't help what our hearts feel. But we can make responsible choices based on our morals and our beliefs and our standards we live by. 

He send me Revelation 19. 

I'm so grateful for his love and leadership with our little family here incarnate right now. It makes an incredible difference. In so many ways!