Monday, October 26, 2020

Freedom Is On Its Way


Our  fight is against deception.

There is no fence or physical cage to restrain us. Yes, there are restrictions with the Covid. 

But the entrapment is all in the mind.

Take for example, the Christians who won't celebrate Halloween. They say it's the devil's day. So they celebrate Christmas.

If you examine the roots of that holiday, it coincides with a pagan holiday too.

So, what if you stop celebrating them both? And stop celebrating your birthday? There's a religion that's very well known that doesn't celebrate anything. Their big newsletter is the Watchtower.

If you examine that, the origin is May Sonic. 

Let go of what is. 

Let go of what you have been told.

Let go of the familiar.

Free your mind.

What is real?

Being Loving 24/7, 365 days a year, to everyone you meet. 

Being able to decipher the symbols and to read the communications of the secret societies to one another that are hidden in plain sight. Believe me, the more you study them, the more you realize there are in existence. It is totally beyond 'alphabet soup' and they are everywhere. 

Follow your intuition, your inner guidance for 'what is right' and 'what is wrong'. No matter what external sources tell you. If it's not loving, it's not right. Really.

Our cage is mental.

And once we release it's vice-like, bear-trap grip on our thoughts and hearts--we are free.

Allow the glory of Divine Creator to always flow within you. There is something wonderful there with a magic all of its own. And if there wasn't, why are they trying so hard to disconnect you from your power, your Source, by distraction and fear?

The combination of Love and Gratitude is the strongest force on Earth. Embrace this philosophy. Be loving kindness in all you do. And have patience. The more you are able to awaken yourselves, the less they will be able to continue suppression of those who are around you.

Be Free.

With all our hearts we totally bless you.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The cupids <3