Friday, October 23, 2020

Our Love For You Is Unending


One week ago, I was very tired. I had to ask someone to work for me. I had been to the ER early early early the night before. The pain in my left lower quadrant was so intense, that with every movement, standing up, getting into bed, getting out of bed, sitting down, climbing the stairs--I would scream OW! OW! OW! involuntarily. 

I still had to drive Anthony places. On Friday and Saturday. But other than that, I researched diverticular disease, and realized the life changes I have needed to make. So far I have implemented them.

My food was only full liquids--no fiber, pureed foods--until the pain went away. 

The medicines worked. And yesterday Ross had me eat a salad for lunch, and last night, my first 'normal' dinner.

I am almost pain-free.  I have a high threshold for pain, and I can work through illness because my work requires that I find coverage. But last week, I spent most of the day on the phone contacting replacements, and only one person stepped up to the plate for first call, and took back to back first calls. The others, three, stepped up to the plate to cover the backup call. I'm so grateful for them. 

My boss and the number two, I told them I was screaming in pain and couldn't work, I'd embarrass and frighten patients and colleagues in the O.R. They didn't intervene, not that I saw, but when they did see me they realized I'd been through a lot. They offered hugs.

I've worked one full day, and also, one morning, so two out of five days last week.

I've been exercising (gentle walking, slow walking) and resting and reading--along with drinking lots of fluids! To get me well.

I'm also thankful, because I had been sick and not knowing it, coming down with something, very low energy, sleepy, avoiding the stairs and lifting--without consciously understanding I was very sick. I just didn't know. 

Now my energy is better, and it's like a miracle, and I'm so thankful. 

Someone asked us recently, 'why don't we just pray for all politicians?'...To clarify, our daily alternating meditations are for the believers that 'politics is real'. They are in for a huge awakening. So, you pick one day the people who believe --at least in America-- 'Democrat or Republican'...and the next day you switch. This is so that you can get into healing both people who believe the same as you...and then ever so gently heal those who believe the opposite of you. Our political race this time is very polarizing, and has dipped low enough into getting people to think of people who believe differently as 'non-human' or 'inferior'. This split is dangerous for humanity. And through alternating meditations and healings, on even days and odd days, we can help energetically to bridge the gap.

Did anyone watch the Oliver Stone series on Netflix? It's called The Untold History of the United States. If you have seen it, this pattern will be clear--the popular sentiment swings through the elections are very very much like the movement of a sailboat through the wind. The start is where we were, the goal is gnu whirled or der. The boat might veer from right to left but it's heading forward the whole time. 

Did you know the plans for the gnu thingy were put in place before the United States was ever created?


The plans were made all the way back then.

This election has a twist.

See the picture?

See the adorable child?

Some people find marketing children very profitable. 

We won't go into the details. But let's say the 'storm' is a battle between two forces of 'wind' using the 'boat analogy'. 

The people/organization/rulers who have created the framework of our very minds through the public education system--are heavy into the consumption and marketing and economic gains of products/interactions based upon children. 

Let's call this the wind from the East. 

The wind from the West wish to free the children from enslavement and suffering. This is a huge step up in the Consciousness of the planet, to be rid of this type of agony once and for all. 

If you wish to know more about the Wind from the East, Charlie Ward and his girlfriend/wife Colleen have a very long piece of work explaining it. The manufacturing centers are in China, and it's big. 

Try to keep in mind, that this is like a battle between Godzilla and another horrible monster, Rodan, and that both the Wind of the East, and the Wind of the West, share a lot more beliefs in the highest ranks, than they do differences. Furthermore, from careful study of their belief systems, taking advantage of the other, revenge, and being on 'top'--in control--are reasons to fight to the end! One is going down, for sure. And when the battle is over only one 'wind' will remain. 

It is our hope that the one which helps the children wins. This has been going on for too long of a time. The positive military is on the protecting the children side. 

Spirit is real. 

There is no excuse for getting so sucked up into the drama that we lose sight of being a good person, of our purpose for being loving 24/7 to everyone in all situations 365 days a year. 

Unfortunately it happens.

And the Wind of the East leaders, who don't wish to change their ways, face the fiery furnace of the soul, the Galactic Central Sun, and they MERGE with Divine Creator. After exhausting all possible options to salvage and rescue the lost soul, Creator busts the soul apart into tiny pieces, which re-enter the 'soup' which is used to create new souls.

I've remotely viewed this, with the stubborn soul standing on the conveyor belt, many many angels watching and crying, and the soul goes into the fire. 

Unfortunately, the belief system of the Wind of the East promotes this type of ending as 'the ultimate service to their God' and as a 'good thing' to happen after many incarnations. 

It does.

So, the perpetrators who abuse so much, they are addressed so that it can never happen again, with that soul. 

There is Divine Justice.

It is fair.

Since Spirit is real, and since you are essentially 'sleeping in your boat' in this incarnation--the Veil is keeping you from knowing All That Is as clearly as you would if you were back Home in Heaven...Ross and I want to build up your faith in Heaven and in Humanity.

God wins.

And God has a big stake in Heaven and Humanity.

Here are some videos to help encourage you to keep the faith, to keep going, and to carry on with your task of being loving 24/7, to all people you encounter, 365 days a year...

Remember that the unknown in the whole Wind of the East, and the Wind of the West, and the conflict, is the role of HUMANITY. And trust that humanity as shown by these incredible examples--is capable of incredible change for the better. We all are <3 

We don't know how the story ends, exactly, or how close we are to the ending, but trust it is a good story, and as long as we stay true to our goals of being loving 24/7, 365, to everyone around us, we are helping the story to proceed according to plan.

I'm going to share from some friends--they posted these things--I said nothing--but I took them as 'internal data points' to calibrate the stages of the Awakening.
  • An internist from my old hospital, a professor of long standing, updated his profile picture to a face of someone, and said, 'in support of Dr. Fauci. Facts, not politics. It is completely unacceptable that he is targeted by POTUS and the cult is not threatening his life.'  The date was July 15. But the friend, a nurse, reposted that, adding, 'There are many things wrong in this world! this is unacceptable!!
  • Magenta Pixie (who has had impostor pages Mangenta go up, with her face by the way!) the real one said, 'The only way to find the truth is to stop watching or reading any mainstream news whatsoever (except Fox, Sky News Australia and OANN all the rest you MUST boycott as they are totally false) once you do this you will be free to tune into your own inner news channel and thus allow outside sources of information to resonate with that inner connection. You cannot do this when you are under the collective dream spell of MSM which is deliberate psychological brainwashing delivered whilst lulling you into a suggestible state (a light hypnosis) so you end up thinking your thoughts and opinions are your own, instead of realizing those thoughts have been placed within your mind by mainstream media (and other entertainment broadcasts). Free yourself from this and find your own genuine thoughts. When balanced and away from this nefarious incfluence, your thoughts will always be in alignment with what is true and real.'
  • Love and caring is what we need. (shows image of Democratic presidential candidate embracing a boy who is crying on his shoulder)
  • From a lawyer who isn't practicing, 'How many networks and news publications, including news magazines, and social media platforms have been denounced by 45? What's the count? All except, what, Fox? And the evangelical assortment? I'm living behind the Trump Curtain here in Indiana. Am I to disregard local reporters, too? I've always revered the role of a free press and hold those in the profession of journalism in very high regard. Hard to see and hear so many fellow Americans swallowing this shyte. Harder still to process that an American president is peddling it. I never thought I'd live to see autocracy with oligarchy and theocracy slavering in the shadows right here in America. I'm exhausted. But, we can't afford to rest on the polling data. That's what the hell happened in '16. Who else is going to subject themselves to whatever this debate turns out to be?'
Remember, God wins.

You don't have to awaken anyone. That responsibility is on them, not on you.

Your job is to have compassion for those who are sleeping. And when they seek comfort and emotional support, to provide it, no questions asked, all the while keeping your own cup full and meeting to your emotional needs first.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins