Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Our Counsel


There are two worlds. The one of the physical, and the one of Spirit. We navigate them both, simultaneously on our journey in the physical earth.

As we approach the end of Daylight Savings Time, in the United States, and the things that happen to immediately follow, it helps to gather together and share our precious advice to you.

There is an artificial form of intelligence which was once used to hunt down and seek terrorists or something. It has been turned on again, onto the internet and social media. It is looking for things to silence and sennnn sore. 

Be mindful in all you do.

Be aware.

Know that some channels/platforms/pages have been 'hijacked' by others. There was a dispute over ownership or even aggressive controlled opposition took over and said it's theirs. And the platform agrees. This has happened to backups for ex twenty two and also a reader.

Know that many people are being blocked, shadow bandied, or restricted in what they can share. Like on restriction until December!

In general, smaller accounts fare better in this 'digital battlefield'.

However, we recommend direct person to person sharing. One on one. To only those who are interested. Keep your platforms, experiment on new ones. But know that holding your light, being loving 24/7 are your absolute prime directives. Getting banned won't help you to carry that out. 

Ross wants to remind you to remember how Carla does her research. And what she found was that the American Revolution was thoroughly planned by those who 'plan things'. All of the key players had a financial stake in the outcome. They were made fabulously rich by the events. Every single one was an occultist. And that one of the best financiers--who wasn't 'one of the club' but just a genius--was later thrown into jail for three years and they took everything he had. He died broke.

Ross wants me to remind you of the famous line by George Carlin, 'it's a big club and you're not in it'.

Those who control happen to like to control. And as far as conscience goes, those who happen to like control have little to no conscience. 

There is a possibility that someone on one side deliberately threw the old Veep 'under the bus' to have a last minute switch. The Veep saying, 'I'm just the place holder' was probably the truest statement to ever come out of that mouth. 

We don't know who is working with whom, at the very highest levels. Whenever there is war, usually both sides are financed by the very same people. The goal is to increase their wealth. And to cause pain, suffering, and a decrease in population in the general public. 

I do know for a fact, that if it wasn't for the Chinese government showing Mark a video of Cathy O'Brien's handler/husband raping a Chinese Boy, Cathy would never have gotten to live past her thirtieth year, and get her mind back. 

I do know for a fact, through Kerth Barker, that the positive Christian mystics are influencing current events, through the Positive Military, who are at the root of the plan we see today, and that they are in control, not the figureheads...we HOPE that the figurehead is in on the plan. But we are well-aware that many lacking a conscience are in leadership positions across all governments and businesses...

I do know, in my bones, that my patient who was telling me that his healing 'would be for the glory of God' right before falling asleep under anesthesia, that the God of my understanding doesn't work that way at all. God IS glory. He doesn't need to prove it. Or for anyone to prove it for Him. Or Her. Heavenly ways are different--partly because there is telepathy up in Heaven and everyone knows everything and everyone's motives from ten feet away! lol. 

I trust in Ross, in the plan, and that we are in good hands. 

If we weren't so close to the goal, there wouldn't be so much opposition.

Be mindful of something big that could clog the news cycle. If you are in a public place and see lots of white vans parking--get as far away as you can! 

Know that no matter what is done on the physical, the Spiritual is much, much stronger, and your prayers and your intention to be loving 24/7, 365, to everyone you meet is far more influential than anything you could ever post or share or 'like'. 

Ask for Truth.

Ask for Divine Intervention.

Continue your daily meditations to unite the right and the left--alternating days and sending healing to each side on their turn. 

If it can happen to Tibet, it can happen anywhere, any time. 

Don't be a hero.

Be a Spiritual super-hero.

That's why you are here.


How do you know me? How do you know me and Carla? By our vibration. By that feeling you get when you read our words, or get a healing. 

Do not believe anything that is written or you see that is 'written by us' or 'posted by us' -- for in fact we could get hijacked just like the other people!--without having that recognition on a soul level that you have come to know.

The healing won't be flowing unless it is from our source--US.

That is how you will be safe and sound spiritually. In everything!

We say these things not to  belittle those who have so valiantly supported the movement of patriotism that has spread worldwide.

In summary, we have taken the warning of a recent queue post, and said, 'follow the money and know there are deceivers out there who say they are us. be careful who you follow!'

clap! clap!

Aloha and mahalos,



Ross and Carla