Thursday, November 16, 2017

From Our View

Today during my meditation I had the strangest vision. I had to ask someone later for help to understand what it was. Later, by late this afternoon, I understood what it meant.

See this ladder here? See the daylight at the end of the ladder?  That's where I was with Ross.

Kind of like this:

The ladder didn't extend up into the clouds like the picture.

I kept seeing dark haired, very surprised men, who looked kind of similar, coming up the ladder.

Ross would greet them and shake their hand and say, 'Welcome!'

Next, like a receiving line, they would come to me, and I would say kind words and smile and shake their hand too.

They kept coming, and coming!

These were people who felt like they weren't going to make it.

They were genuinely surprised to meet us and be welcomed to the afterlife. 

I puzzled about this all day!

Then late in the afternoon, I remembered!  I remembered that I had said a prayer from my heart, in earnest, on behalf of all the child prostitutes like Kerth had been. I wanted Heaven to help these poor souls who had experienced so much suffering and pain. I also extended it to ALL prostitutes, not just the child ones. For example, the male prostitutes in Houston who often die mysteriously. And no one gets arrested or even reports it.

The puzzled people were the souls I had requested to be blessed, coming up!

It was also the most natural thing in the world to be next to Ross welcoming these people. It was really warm and caring, and I adored being where I could see Ross work and do my work too.

On Monday I had told Ross I wanted to talk.

I know someone at work who is very likely to be 'on the other team'.

I actually have an idea who is involved in it, as I 'pick things up' and sense it.

For example, I sensed fear and suffering when I was in the break room under Tomorrowland Terrace. It was in the tunnels under the park. It was all white, there were many doors...but I knew not to 'go there' or wander around. It wasn't safe.

I also went once to a drug rep dinner at this odd place seemingly in the middle of nowhere in the town where I lived. It was a fancy meal, in a concrete room that was all artsy.

I smelled death. I knew this was a killing room, being 'made nice' for the event.  I felt it.

So I told Ross it made me feel icky to work with this person.

He showed me how intergenerational ritual abuse is just that, intergenerational.   It helped me to forgive.

He also showed me how perhaps another way to turn it around is not only do they hate him, the dark ones hate his family...and it might be a form of payback coming just to face those they hurt in this past life with Ross where he died way too soon!

I appreciated Ross' candor in answering my questions. And then, I read the book by Kerth Barker.  The Angelic Defenders one is superb.

My questions from the Cannibalism book by him were answered by reading the Angelic Defenders one. The child prostitutes use condoms. (I was like, why don't they all get STDs, right?). And also, I understood how the parents let Kerth get away. Finally, the icky Shotzy gets it in the end.

I loved the Angelic Defenders part so much. It's given me hope.

This video really helps. It's just like what Kerth saw.

And today's vision let me know for sure there is a Heaven. And I feel at home there too.

I'm literally falling asleep.

I wish I could write more, I'm sleepy.

Ross sends you his love.

He wants me to share our joy--we have sent out bracelets to people who needed them, and they are responding well. It gives us great purpose and great joy to assist the awakening of humanity in this way.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Couple