Friday, November 24, 2017

Bringing Out The Best In Others Also Will Bring Out The Best In You

We are guides.

We are incarnate and learning out lessons too, but for the most part, those of you who are reading this post are pulling double-duty as guides to your 'circle of influence'...the people around you, where you work and live, and also, for some of us, in our online communities as well.

I'd like to share with you some incredible synchronicities and examples of growth with people who have resonated with the last two blog posts.

For the blog post before this, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, we have this share from a reader:

The other night, we were on the phone with PayPal and xoom with about 15 different people, trying to fix a problem so we can get our money and live. It was very stressful and I kept praying. This went on from 10 pm to 2am. Then continued in the morning. Finally it got resolved and the guy from PayPal asked the guy from xoom his name to thank him for his help. The guy sounded Indian.He said, my name is Ross. R. O. S. S.  haha you can imagine how happy I was. Thank you Ross! So off we go to Rusi, the motorbike place because I haven't paid in 2 months and I am still paying our bike off. At the glass window by the cashier was taped this paper with quotes from the bible. It was beautiful and long but the line that stood out for me was .."You are fearfully and wonderfully made". I did not understand it and was was wondering about it but my attention was called to other matters after that line. When I pray and talk to my council I always say, let's wrap it up!   Yesterday we had to go to the big island for some errands. On the boat on the way back, the waters were choppy. A little girl was scared along with the rest of us. You can be sure that I use a lot of codes, pray and ask help, connect with the angels, the elementals,the dolphins..then I realized ...instead of praying to be saved, what if there was no danger in the first place and our fears are born out of habit? And if I can calm myself,,.then maybe the other passengers will calm down too and will also calm the waters... We did not see dolphins this time but I am sure they are there. Thank you! Thank Ross and Carla! Thank you everyone who has worked so hard for the meek who we never hear about and are behind the scenes. Thank Mother, Father! Happy Thanksgiving indeed! I love you all! 
 -- Maria Lourdes LeaƱo

For the blog post before that called, Thank You For The Lies  we have this perceptive summary from a reader who is also a physician:

Thank you both  Monday received a letter from NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center} whose mission is to inform all willing eyes and ears about topics related to vaccinations, toxicities, injuries, changes in legislation, bills up for review and how to have a voice...on the outside of the envelope was the phrase "Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies". I also read your post on your personal page from the ER physician railing on all the greedy pediatricians. Greed crosses ALL disciplines. Few people become pediatricians because they are greedy. They choose this specialty because they genuinely care for children and want to make a difference in their lives by promoting health. Pediatricians are used to people respecting them and following their recommendations and truly BELIEVE that getting vaccinations are the only rational choice for parents who care for their children. The indoctrination starts in the first year of medical school; parents making other choices are derided by the professors of the basic sciences, and virtually all other classes/rotations that teach the care of children reinforce that belief. The students are required to learn "the schedule" for vaccinations, but learn very little about potential side effects. As such then, when there are children under their care who actually are having reactions, they are minimized, unrecognized, sometimes with devastating consequences because the schedule must be followed no matter what. In central Indiana, parents who refuse vaccinations are just as likely to be bullied in the emergency room by ER nurses and physicians as they are by their primary care providers. Although greed may be a motivating factor for some, those MD's employed by large groups often don't see profits hit their direct income from vaccinations. Instead, they are judged by government issued "Clinical Quality Measures" that are then published to enrollees of various insurance plans. Those physicians who do not meet the variety of different measures are not given the highest rating by the insurers. For pediatricians there are far fewer quality measures than their colleagues who also care for adults. Vaccination rates can and are measured and reported. my experience this is a PERFECT example of what you have talked about in this post. It is actually not about greed, but waking up to The BIG Lie about vaccinations, and what that would mean for their life's work, from one of protecting children to injuring some of them every day they ever worked, some of them catastrophically, is so unconscionable that they remain asleep and believe and propagate the lies. Typically, it takes a personal tragedy involving vaccines to "wake up" and be willing to question their professional paradigm. I also know, that the energy of conflict, anger, and blame only feeds the Dark Energy. So as a holistic practitioner, the majority of my patients have been impacted problematically in some way from vaccines, food chemicals, agricultural chemicals. environmental pollution, electromagnetic radiation, emotional traumas, subtle bioterrorism. So each day can either be filled with sadness over the injuries I see, or with gratitude for the opportunity to daily give compassion and healing to those who are ready. Love, gratitude, and compassion are how we are to respond, not with anger, judgement, and blame. Thank you Creator for the lessons, thank you for the lessons, thank you for the lessons. I know who I am, I know what I am, I know how I serve. Love to you all
 -- Catherine Rupp, M.D.

We heal and touch each other's fact on a daily basis. This is why you are important. Your presence Here on Earth, NOW.  There is no substitute for your Awareness and your Heart and your Consciousness where you are at a time like this. 

Another friend, one who is newly awakening, had the following concern:

I feel like all areas of relationships are being tested. My friendships, my immediate family, my in-laws, my side of the family..... I feel like everything is crashing all around me and testing my strength in perseverance. Not to mention all the typical symptoms such as neck pain, thirst, dizziness, increased sense of smell and clarity, tingling of crown and third eye sensations. I also sometimes feel too much emotion or not at all. I can get over things way too easily versus it usually bothering me for a while. I almost don’t even recognize who I am sometimes since all of this “change”. Any explanation or words of wisdom is appreciated. (I also just found out a little over a month ago that I’m going through the ascension process.)
-- S. E., R.N.

Here is my response to her:

Focus on your heart center, as well as your emotional and physical bodies. Any difference in vibration that is greater than one dimension will cause discomfort in both parties. You job is to ease this discomfort in others as they Ascend, once you have 'gotten used to it' and learned to manage it for yourself first. Drinking good quality water, is a good support. Some people feel the need to go vegetarian for a while. I'm a huge fan of 'grounding'--bare feet on earth, 'sunning'--direct sunshine to skin for about ten minutes a day, and warm salt water baths. These help me to assimilate the incoming energies with ease. I also take naps if I feel sleepy. Letting chores sit for a while helps too. I find when I get back to them I finish them faster than if I forced myself. Fill your own cup first--keep yourself grounded, with daily self-Reiki and possibly journaling, exercise too...As you connect to Source you will find your heart center will 'resonate' and bring you great joy when you are doing things that are in alignment with your true purpose. Follow this and you will find your way.

I must admit my Lessons as of late have been far from easy. Last night I went to sleep with the uneasy feeling that there had been a lot of interactions at our family Thanksgiving Dinner (which was wonderful) were outside my ability to process them with my Asperger mind. The social cues, the interactions, I had trouble 'reading' for anything more than 'face value' although I had the feeling that perhaps I should have been able to 'get it' and I failed. I also have been at a very low point with my personal appearance. I wore jeans and a large striped tee shirt with a v-neck, my hair in a simple pony tail, and makeup because my family finds makeup is very important. My two sisters and my niece are very good at finding clothes that accentuate their features and are fashionable on them. It's always been a struggle for me, and after looking at myself in photos and seeing how the scale is the highest it's ever been, I --you must understand I am a Southern California Native where our image is important, even to an Asperger like me, you pick some up by osmosis--I just don't feel like making the effort. 

This too will pass, I am sure. And I'm putting more activity into my days. For example, I played basketball--shooting and exercises--with Anthony this morning. This helps me to feel good about myself. My body feels healthier. 

Sometimes, very very rarely, I let myself think of the enormity of what is going on. For example, this message from The Council. About how The Council reads and responds to what I write. How many Gaia Portals reflect things which have gone on between Spirit and myself, which I had thought were in private (in this case, the ring from my guides, the alchemy).  About the millions of people who Ross and I send healing to every day.  Or the souls who come to this post and our healing work, searching for truth in an ocean of lies and deception. Hidden Disney 'smells' technology for a total park experience video is one example of this hijacking of our senses. One of the mildest ones. It is a joy to bring these 'waters' of Truth for those who 'thirst'. The deception out there is premeditated and surrounds us completely. It makes you have to stop and think about that too, and what to do about our predicament we are in, all of us...

That's when I realize we are in good hands.

We are not alone.

Spirit is always guiding us.

Our Teams, for example, Ross and my guides, and my incarnate Star Family, are keeping me going although the climb is steep and it's not easy passage.

There's also this incredible sense of balance I've found. I set the goal this year to find 'more balance' in my life. I thought there was a magic way to pencil in everything I needed on my schedule, to trick it, or to force it. I thought, in January when I made my New Year's resolution, to be accountable to my friend who shared this same goal, and we would figure it out.

Instead, I've found increased acceptance of What Is. Inside. Inside my soul. And this gives me incredible peace. I feel that I have all the time in the world to figure this 'balance' mystery out--many more incarnations if need be. I find that 'balance' is more of a being aware of self. Sometimes I need more sleep. Others, lately, more wanting to be like Jack Lalanne in this video:

And always, always, always, I am strengthening my connection to Spirit and to Source.

When I make bracelets for others, it gives me great pleasure. The one for the Grief had a terrific resonance with our readers. If feels wonderful to be available to people in that way.

I made some Shields for someone. These are energy shields which are with you forever. One I made for this person is the Loving Embrace of Gaia, and the other was a Rose Petal Shield.  It's wonderful to fill this need when people ask. 

Ross has also given me permission to do readings. They are simple ones with a new layout I stumbled across with the Earth Magic cards by Stephen Farmer. They feel 'right' and have been guiding me for about three to six months now. I've done one reading for a friend. Basically you have one question and Spirit gives a response in the context of where you are and where you are going. Ross set the energy exchange at twenty-five dollars. It will be exciting to see how this works. Due to my schedule all readings will be written and not in person or face to face online. 

There is an increasing sense of my not needing to go through the old paradigm of my work. It's hard to explain and I have this sense of being able to help MORE people by going this route. Until January, I have more days where I am not on the schedule, and we can see how things go.

Ross had really wanted me to write--TODAY--and I checked with him. He says I have written enough.

I'm going to relax for a bit. 

It's been a good day.

Please don't be overly concerned about the nature of the things being exposed in the media and on YouTube. Many things I think none of us ever want to know, they are so awful! Try to look at it as a phase, where the more the hidden icky things come out into the open (This video of celebrities freezing up is an example), the closer we are to an era where Nurturing, Warmth, Love and Compassion will heal all.

clap! clap! (that's Ross)

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Twins

P.S. This video is 'one extra' for you from Ross. He wants you to pay attention to the part with the eyes that have swirls on them. How they act like mannequins and how people interact with them. He says although the video is disturbing, it will help you see what we are up against. Most people, to some degree, ourselves on Ground Crew included, have some degree of the 'swirling' in our own eyes too. Ross and his teams assure you they have seen this type of thing before, and know what to do to heal it. Both for the mild cases like we have because we are living in this culture--and for the most severe cases like Kanye West and those who are 'freezing up'. He says, 'try to see them--disturbing as it is--as the victims they truly are, and to say a little prayer for their souls  to heal. Every day. 'For those who are asleep to Love which is their True Nature.' he says to use these words if you have trouble coming up with some yourself.