Sunday, December 8, 2024

How To Work With Spirit's Gentle Reminders


Yesterday I experienced something very meaningful and gentle at the same time. This is going to be a very short blog post on how to trust that you are being guided without your realizing it until you are meant to realize it.

Energy flows like a gentle stream. It meanders.

And yesterday, after a somewhat frustrating day--the roof cleaners had not shown and not given excuse--the rat pest guy did arrive. It was not terrible up in the attic. Nothing had eaten the bait on the old traps. But evidence was present, and sunlight could be seen where roofers had worked earlier in the year. 

Some big things I had done were to lie in the sun outside, something now I am often too busy to enjoy. And I ate ice cream for dinner.

When I was not sure how to spend the rest of the evening, I asked Spirit what should I do next?

The answer was very clear--go find the eight hour opiod abuse training you need for your reapplication of your licenses next year. So I looked up, sure enough, both licenses are expiring next year. And I looked on my state anesthesia society website. No free online courses like in the past! But my American anesthesia society had some. I renewed both for next year, the membership (it is not cheap! but if you do not renew then you are dropped and cannot become a member). 

I started the videos. There are twelve one hour ones for the course.  As the third one started, I heard the rat in the ceiling again. And to my horror, the technician had not closed the attic door properly. There was a huge gap that a rat could easily fit through!

I got the ladder and closed it.

If I had not been in my office, I never would have discovered the risk.

So there you have it, slowly, gently, meandering through the day, with no pressure or fear, I was protected from something really unpleasant by spirit. 

I like that!

Do not be afraid to allow Spirit to guide you.

You will be glad you did!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Demystifying Self-Love


You don't know what you don't have. You just believe you are normal and everyone else is like you.

It has taken me sixty years to appreciate the concept of genuine self-love. I have heard it recommended for years, even my mother used to say we have to be our own best friends in life...I don't know, maybe I was too literal, but I couldn't see myself holding my own hand and riding off into the sunset like in a movie. 

I just did not know what it was.

I come from a double lineage -- both sides -- of highly traumatized humans. On mom's side was war, child abuse, and disruption. On dad's side was poverty, early death of a mother, and cruelty.  My dad's side of the family is especially low on self-esteem. I know this is genetic because I have a half-brother and he is just like dad and me in this respect:  humble, self-effacing, and trouble with starting and maintaining close interpersonal ties.

Are we neurodivergent? Probably.

I remember as a child I could see how the Down's syndrome children were incredibly warm and engaging, and loving openly to their loved ones. It was like sunshine! I could not help to note that for me, with that part of my brain, it felt like being cold in the shadows and no matter how I tried I could not access that bright, unlimited, radiant warmth. I might have been intelligent, but just as Down's skews one direction in intelligence, I was keenly aware of how that skew was gifted in areas of emotional intelligence and confidence that I lacked. 

I wanted that with all my heart, to be warm and able to bond with others who are close to me.

You might question how I arrived at self-love, then, on this sixty plus year journey?

Some of it was natural love for Divine Creator, it just flows and flows. Along with appreciation for Natura and Creation (animals, plants, science...).

Most of it was being devastated to my limits, over and over again, and realizing, 'guess what I'm still here'.

I wasted many years looking for outside validation, grades, possessions, partners. I bought a lot of things to help me feel better too. 

I think the key was acceptance.

I have been trying very hard to lose weight for many years now. I track what I eat and when I exercise on little apps. I weigh myself daily.  God wouldn't let me lose weight, no matter how much I asked for help. All my rental clothes subscription I had started last year because I thought I was going to shrink because I had found the right way to diet...I never dropped not even one size.

But I learned to look my best from the rental subscription my sister recommended when I asked her about my New Year's Resolution to be more fashionable and take pride in my appearance.

I looked around and not many people my age have tiny waists like I wanted to get back again by dieting. It was especially hard to see Joan the seventy-something weight lifter who went from looking like me to looking like I used to look with her figure. I realized her daughter is a professional body builder, and helping her. I still embraced Joan's encouragement and belief that health is number one. I continued to exercise but now for mobility and strength and enjoyment of life. 

My family members all looked like me. Or should I say, now I look like my aunties and grandmothers. 

Then something clicked inside. It was like a switch. The warm and glowing started to make itself known in my chest!

I can be heavy-set and still be beautiful! I can take what I have and make the best of it. And I can stop abusing myself by skipping meals and cutting carbs way the heck back (I do not really enjoy meat, to be honest). I was getting sad because I was so low on the carbs, it affected my mood. 

By following health and weight loss content creators, I have learned that weight loss is done in 'cuts', six week challenges then you go back to maintenance. It is not one long steady downhill to your goal. The whole time you practice healthy habits and exercise. But you keep the major effort short term. Then you repeat it as necessary.  I also know myself well enough that feeling full from GLP-1 inhibitors (miraculous medications, truly) is not something for me. I view it as there is GLP-1 'activators' hidden in almost all our food and the medicine is the 'antidote', but this is my own viewpoint and not based in science. The other thing is I limit carbs to protect my pancreas, but I also need to keep my brain and mood never lower than a certain threshold too.

From growing up in a rough neighborhood, I learned quickly that life can be harsh and to always be ready to save my own skin. That is survival.

Being able to look for and appreciate beauty as it fades in myself (and others, I adore Paulina and how she shares her makeup tips). 

There have been some awful curve balls thrown at me in the last six months. One right now is there are rats in the attic. I paid almost one thousand dollars last year to exclude the house from rats, to make it impenetrable. But there are things running and scratching over my bed in the ceiling that make my stomach churn. Today there are workers coming to set traps in the attic like I have had them do many times before. I know it is going to be okay. It is unpleasant. But I know the steps and I am taking them.

I helped to awaken myself to my attachment insecurity, and learn and practice and grow. 

My heart is good and always always is filled with love for others. Now I am learning to un-parentify and discover my own needs and to fill them too.

So, self-love is more than survival. It is making your way through a tangled mess, being proud of yourself and accepting for being able to keep going, and to truly appreciate your multifaceted beauty (or handsomeness!) that is your gift from Creator.

It never goes away.

The harsh self-talk turns into being your best cheerleader.

And you don't need outside validation any more. If it comes great but it's not going to change your opinion about yourself very much. You are strong in your own assessment of your weaknesses and strengths and are taking steps to improve always.

Even if it is just a silent prayer in your heart for things to get better. That is an excellent first step!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins who are One

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Cherished, Supported and Loved


Good morning!

Today we are going to explore three secrets to help strengthen you during Spiritual Attack, and also during Daily Challenges. 

Are you ready?

Let's begin!

Last time we spoke about strengthening your connection to Divine Creator. Well, at this moment we are going to share one of the most excellent ways to achieve this! I stumbled across this secret almost by chance, when I was waking up, and  still a little sleepy. I set the timer for an extra twenty minutes. I went back to bed, now mostly awake, but luxuriated in the warmth and support of my bed. I focused on letting in feelings of love and support and being cherished. Sometimes I drifted off back to sleep in this bliss. But that is okay, I was sleeping in the arms of Divine Creator this time. And when the timer rang, it was time to start my day.

That's all it takes.

Simply set a timer for twenty minutes, and relax somewhere with the intention of being able to receive love from Source. It can be anywhere but you need to be still and safe. 

Try to incorporate this into your daily routine as best as you can. 

It is going to help you very much.

The second, is to  monitor yourself for feelings of despair. Despair is the favorite energy to consume by the Dark Ones. Once you register it, use your spiritual and mental strength to FLIP the SWITCH in your mind, and start thinking of things you are grateful for in your life. Stay with it. Repeat it if necessary. You can look around the room and name items you appreciate. You can start with your five senses and your health. You can go through a list of vacations, or special events in your life. You can appreciate your connections with friends and family and name them one by one. 

Whatever it takes, starve that Dark One who wants to feed off your energy! Really piss them off! They have no right to you, or to your happiness! Even in receiving very bad news, as best as you can, reach out for support from those who care about you. Be grateful for this,..the people who tell you everything is going to be okay, and MEAN IT.

The last?

I have not felt like a spitfire or warrior for some time now. Life has been wearing me down. But this one does the trick. It really helps!

Make your bed.

Make your bed each morning.

Not for the sake of making it.

Make it because it is a discipline required of soldiers who are in Special Forces--the highest ranking, hardest to get warriors who are trained to do the most incredible things in battle!

When you make your bed, you are accepting your place in the grand scheme of things--someone who is entirely dedicated to Home and Divine Creator and that you have been selected to walk the earth at this time as a representative of All That Is Good. And you take pride in this! You are announcing to the Universe that you are stepping up and starting your day. No matter what happens, you are dedicated to being the best YOU you can possibly be, and flexing your spiritual muscles throughout the day if the need arises. 

It is also a beautiful reminder and reward at the end of your day.

So there it is! Soak in the love for you that Creator generously gives, and you DESERVE as your Birth Right--just because you breathe!--during protected time you set with a timer. Do this daily if possible.

FLIP the SWITCH when you acknowledge feelings of despair. Turn on the gratitude instead. This is healthy for you and extremely unhealthy for dark unseen beings that like to torment us. 

And lastly, make your bed. Not for neatness sake. But for being in an elite class of spiritual warriors who are engaging in the fight day after day after day while walking through their earth walk.

You've got this!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The Art Of Staying Still


At this moment in the picture, the dancer is still. During dance itself, the movement is punctuated by slow movements and stillness in contract with the bolder motions. 

Today we are going to talk about applying these stills of being able to achieve momentary stillness to reconnect with Divine Creator in the midst of our busy lives and the even more challenging upheavals going on worldwide.

It stunned me yesterday to learn of South Korea going on Martial Law. I could not remember any country doing that in my lifetime. Fortunately through the wonders of technology, I found information from a reliable source (South Korean journalist in New York) who not only explained what was happening and why, but also shared when about twenty-four hours later Martial Law was removed. 

Things are brewing 'out there'. I am starting to see it in the operating room. In reaction to the election, women who have never had children are opting to have their tubes removed for sterilization. Many cases are being booked. These are in response to anticipated removal of abortion rights. My surgeons doing the surgery (they are adults, over twenty-one, if they want it I will do it.) disclosed fascinating information. In Texas OB-Gyn physicians are leaving the state out of fear of being put in jail for breaking a law. The government is changing the status quo, for examples in the event of ruptured amniotic membranes, miscarriage, when to do a D and C. I am not a gynecologist so I am not certain of what these rules are exactly. But the ones in certain states are concerned. They said in Montana new rules are being put into place too.

The other disturbing news is about the CEO of a major insurance company that was shot today in broad daylight. My OB-Gyn surgeons have cancelled their contracts with United Healthcare because there was no money to be made in doing those cases. The reimbursements were low and too many cases were being denied (highest rate in healthcare, thirty-two percent of claims denied). These denials add up to multi-million dollar compensation for the CEO. Plus with the data leak that company stopped all payments to providers for six weeks. And then offered the practices going out of business ten cents on the dollar to buy up their practices/businesses!

A plastic surgeon I was eating lunch with shared that HMO's pay for his services, but PPO's do not. They will pay for routine office visits. But for surgery they will gaslight the provider (my words, not his), by denying pay under the assertion it was cosmetic even when the medical record clearly states it was for cancer. Then there are requests for medical records the office never receives, and payment is denied because the medical records were not sent in by the deadline. When the medical records are sent in, they are lost. It takes several times for it to go in. Then more denials. It takes about a year for him to get paid for his work.

Sometimes plastic surgeons will do a combination surgery--partially for the insurance, then partially for pure cosmetic (cash payment). It is like upgrades the patient wants. But then when the patient submits the cash part for insurance payment, the insurance makes him return money to the patient and sends him a tiny check that is not his going rate for the cosmetic part. He refuses many patients because of this double bind by being contracted with the insurance company but there is risk of the patient seeking insurance payment of cosmetic portions of the procedure. 

The same surgeon shared that his homeowners insurance was renewed but is up four thousand dollars. I was crying over mine yesterday. Absolutely distraught. They said I had something organic growing on the roof. These insurers are looking for any reason to cancel coverage. And you need it to have a mortgage on the house. So after having been an excellent customer for twenty one years, they canceled. Fortunately, many of us here in the state are having similar problems. I heard that for Covid they couldn't raise fees now they are trying to make up for it. There are ways to fix the problem the insurance company stated as the reason, and to fight it, so I am going to do that. Oh, and I heard insurance for an electric vehicle is four thousand dollars a year!

These examples are to show you that there is a spiritual battle going on behind the scenes, and it seems to be not so well hidden in the shadows any more. People are being squeezed and life is a struggle. Something is going to crack. Somewhere. 

So what can we do?

We are built to connect. 

And for today, the most important attachment we can have in these times of rapid change, is to Divine Creator. You need it strong. You need it alive. It takes effort and a desire to have this attachment be healthy. Reading spiritual materials may help some. Journaling may help others. Prayer is good. 

I saw Divine Creator today for the first time in many, many months if not years. I confessed how I am nowhere near as strong as I thought I was in 2012 for the spiritual battles. I told Creator how I really do not like the 'bad actors' and I am not enjoying this game at all. Even if it is designed for the highest good of all, it is not fun to me and I really do not like it. 

He said he had been in many meetings, that is why I had not seen him. And also, he had for me cookies and lemonade to refresh me. I used to share those with my teams and they looked at me funny because it was an Earth thing. So that I would receive Earth things to comfort me meant a lot about the thoughtfulness of these intelligent, caring souls back Home. 

Why not come up with a game plan? Follow your heart during these turbulent times. Feel your emotions, name them, but wait a while before you choose to act on them. Keep up your connections, to others and especially to Source.

That is enough for today.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

the Couple

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Focus on the Good


As the holidays approach I would like to take a moment to review my journey in healing, and to share it with you. Holidays are bittersweet. Sometimes it is helpful to have another perspective.

I was emotionally neglected growing up. Unfortunately, when the emotions are neglected we grow up with two erroneous beliefs:  we need to be something that we aren't in order to get our needs met, and our natural self has something so wrong with it that is why we received such abusive treatment.

For me, growing up, those two concepts went deep into my subconscious. I assumed everyone lived a life where their parents would give them the silent treatment if I disagreed with anything and spoke up. And furthermore it was okay for them to have emotional outbursts but not okay for me to have emotions other than happy, compliant, and curious.

My journey has been through counseling, self-help, working with Spirit, and reading a book (one of many, the most recent is how to deal with being Adult Children of emotionally immature parents by Lindsay C Gibson). A lot of it has been unlearning those tendencies to not speak up. And to boost my natural confidence by trusting that I have got my own back.

Many people have been on similar journeys of self-discovery. It takes time to realize what happened, how it hurt, and to heal. Some need to stop contact with a parent or family member. For me, both of my parents are passed on. It has given me time and space to heal.

Imagine your heart and mind like an empty room which you get to decorate! After years of clearing out all the items you no longer want and have been carrying around (the baggage), and after being given time to have a choice to what goes in there. Especially when it regards people as important in your life as your parents...

Yesterday, the memories came flooding back. The bicycles at Christmas. Maybe not the best food but the gathering of the family together and relatives coming over for the holidays. Mom making two tough decisions that helped my life and Anthony's--the first was helping me through college by paying my rent on my apartment, the second was deciding to give the baby I was carrying as an unmarried woman a good welcome to the world. Mom watched him while I worked, I worked part time, for two years. She was happy and said it was some of the happiest days of her life at my house in our neighborhood. It wasn't easy on me, she kind of lashed out at me at times but for the baby he was having the very best of care and happy. 

Don't live with a room full of nightmares and memories of them.

Make your room have what brings you joy. Once the old sad memories are processed, you may set them aside (think of it as you have a storage space rented, yes?) and allow the happier ones to have a place in the room of your soul.

Thank you again for hearing our call!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Enjoy The Snuggles!


The spiritual life need not be solitary and cold.

Life on earth is all about enjoying the connections!

When we feel low, it is okay to ask others for a snuggle. Even to ask Creator too, if there aren't many around who can actually snuggle with you.

The love of our pets can support us in our journey on Earth.

Family and friends, even coworkers, may surprise us with their gifts of generosity of Spirit. A friend gave me her biggest, most perfect persimmon from her tree, and we rejoiced over it! What a lovely miracle!

Yesterday I was hungry, there was not much time to eat between cases. But a nurse had brought in homemade bread, and butter. And another nurse had made some type of fruit salad called 'Fluff' and insisted I taste it. This nourishment kept me going until the end of my lineup three hours later. And the support really meant a lot.

Sometimes if I am lonely I ask Ross for a hug. You can feel it, the energy squeeze. It is subtle but it is there. 

Remember you are worth asking for loving support.

Sometimes you need to remind yourself that you are worth it! Buy the cup of coffee, have the scoop of ice cream, get yourself the thing you have been'll be glad you did.

Self-love, love from Creator, love from the outside, all of it is love! And it is intended to guide and support you along your life experience.

clap! clap!

Aloha and mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple

Sunday, November 24, 2024

A Precious Gift


You have a right to change your mind.

Up until your very last breath, this right is given.

You may invoke it at any time, again and again if you need to, and in this you are limitless in your potential.

Let's say you have been trying to quit smoking. You have had runs before, but somehow something always kept you from quitting for good. Why should I even bother to change? you may ask yourself.

Well, there is no time like the present!

Every minute, of every day, you have a chance to quit. 

You might find more success by aligning with a program designed for smoking cessation. You might want to invite Divine Creator to help you reach your goals.

Unfortunately, change, big change, such as quitting smoking, does not happen 'like magic'--in the blink of an eye. We must back it up with behavioral changes, changes in how we talk to ourselves, even perhaps our coping strategies with stress...

Taken one day at a time, slowly, these new actions add up, and strengthen up our new habit. In this example, I no longer smoke. And to help you realize change is happening, you may notice things like being able to taste and smell things better, or the cough in the morning may disappear. Perhaps you might be saving the money you would have spent on smoking into a fund so you may use later to treat yourself to something special as a reward?

Change applies to everything. 

No change is too small. One for me is being taught by a Filipino nurse how her dad taught her to fold towels and clothes nicely. Now I am doing that. And it looks wonderful! It brings me joy to see the order and neatness!

No change is too big! There is an author named Kerth Barker who was raised in the system. He learned of a woman called Susan the Poisoner. She had gone from Christian to the opposite (Team Dark). He had to hand copy her journal. This in itself was a catalyst for change for Kerth. What he learned, and that the people who had been sending him did not know, was that in the sequel journal, she switched back! 

Kerth was able to leave the system. It cost him his right big toe. And later perhaps his life. But he got out and was able to stay out. This is no small feat. Furthermore, he wrote and exposed a lot of secrets which is why he passed quickly after his books were published. He had a cancer or something. 

One of Kerth's friends and mentors in the system, the Baron, lived a double life and was deep into the occult. But on his death bed, before his last breath, he changed and accepted all the ways of Heaven. He died a peaceful death. 

Everything is open to change.

Sometimes you need the skills that are new, and you must take steps to acquire them. Let's suppose you wanted a career in medicine being a phlebotomist. Well there is a school for that and a test to pass, then you must apply for a job. But it is possible!

I studied as a chemical engineer and worked for five years in industry before returning to medical school.

A friend's son graduated with an engineering degree from Cal Poly Pomona. But he did not enjoy the work. So he went into law enforcement instead. And even through that, he gained skills. He is an expert on bombs now, and knows what to do to keep people safe.

Sometimes change is quiet. Sometimes you are not able to leave the relationship. Sometimes you must stay in the job because of the benefits. The change you apply in this circumstance, is your expectations, and your reactions. You change what you say and what you do. You don't take the bait and get into an argument. You realized that the other person is limited, for example, an emotionally immature parent, and they are never going to be able to give you the loving support you always wished you had. Then you learn to love and support yourself, and limit your exposure to the emotional pain from your emotionally immature parent. 

One change, especially starting now where I live in the United States, would be to focus on gratitude each and every day. Gratitude gives us hope, and takes away despair. We celebrate gratitude formally in my country with a holiday called Thanksgiving. You may choose to keep your gratitude to yourself in a gratitude journal. You may just as well choose to tell those close to you what you are grateful for about them. 

The options are limitless!

Even if you have tried change in the past, and failed, it is okay to try and try again until you get it!

Enjoy your precious gift of being able to change anything you want to change, at any time.

This is true freedom...being able to follow your heart and use your mind to make it happen.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Team Leaders <3 

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Togetherness Is A Gift


Good morning!

I made this image extra large because it is going to help demonstrate the lesson.

Connectedness with others is truly a gift. This would be the glowing lines between the people at the bottom. For some reason, they align--be it through vibration, nationality, family ties, commitment, university or place of education, work, the military, beliefs, or random encounters. Connection such as this is part of our survival system as large incarnate mammals. Because we are human these connections can have hiccups and even sometimes break, for example, in cases of abuse and trauma where the victim chooses to go 'no contact'.

This drive for connection is innate, and so strong, that for punishment there is solitary confinement, time out, restriction (when the parents keep the kid from socializing with friends), and being shunned from a group. This kind of separation causes emotional pain that is real. It is as disturbing to the person as physical pain to be given the 'silent treatment'.

This time of year can be hard on those who have recently lost a loved one or who are single. The connections are the focus of the holiday celebrations. I remember at Halloween just dreading the sequence of Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Valentine's Day as a person who was not in relationship. I literally counted the weeks until I was out of that brutal emotional window of time.

The people who we love are important and being able to love is truly a gift and a blessing to be enjoyed. Do know that these connections remain in the afterlife when they are loving and reciprocal. These are the soul ties.

What about if you are alone and single? This is an opportunity to focus on three very important soul connections too. Those in relationship are welcome to focus as well on these. But when alone it is truly the season of life to strengthen these connections and it is good to invest time and effort on that.

Imagine on the left side of the photo, that the connection is beaming down from Divine Creator to you. This is Life itself. The amount of love, if you open yourself fully to receive it, far outweighs anything you have experienced from humans or pets. This loving connection is unbreakable. 

I will say this again, this loving connection is UNBREAKABLE. No matter how much harm you have done to yourself, or others, this love remains! You could be the woman who poisoned to death eighteen members of her family for planning to force her into an arranged marriage--a ghastly thing no matter how you look at it, the arrangement or the response--and every single one of those people including the poisoner are bathed continually in the love of Divine Creator! Unconditional Love. 

As an aside, what happens to those who have been traumatized severely and traumatized others when they return back Home? Well, there are specialist angels who are assigned to them. There is a formalized healing process. I have seen one soul who was permitted to canoe through rivers where he grew up just to help his soul heal. After the soul enjoys activities then the instruction and guidance begin. Everything is carefully monitored and formalized in the process of getting the individual to see the impact of their actions. And ultimately, there is karma and reincarnation to repeat the lessons that were to have been learned differently in the first place.

So, the connection from Creator to us is a gift! Be thankful for it! In loneliness it is a wonderful consolation. Work to notice it and welcome it and open yourself to receive this wonderful Light and Love from the Universe who has intelligence and lovingkindness and knows YOU exactly as you are!

The next one, is represented by the red line, which goes across the bottom. I call that the 'Do Not Pass Go' line, if you have ever played the board game Monopoly. Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Receive Two Hundred Dollars. You can tell I have played that game a lot! When I do I play the terrier token and I often play the role of the banker as well. The reason I have called this red line the Do Not Pass Go is that through childhood trauma, I didn't learn healthy secure attachment. I had a fearful childhood. So I learned to place others before myself. I fawned. I catered. I did whatever I could to get attention from my parents and to survive emotionally. I quickly learned that the teachers would notice my actions, and I excelled at my academics in order to receive this validation I was not being given at home. 

Let me paraphrase the reasoning behind Do Not Pass Go:  if you have been conditioned to the belief that love must be earned you have a LOT of UN-learning to do before you get to enjoy the good stuff, the warmth and connection of partnership and friends as it was designed in the Original Plan.  In other words, you have been trained to abandon yourself and your own needs to gain the love, trust, warmth, and protection from others. 

Nothing could be further from the truth!

Healthy people, who are raised securely, somehow are given the correct information same as on that left side of the image above--not only is Divine Creator's love unconditional for you, so is the love of your parents and NOTHING you can do can change that.  This is what nourishes the concept of Self-Love. Of having your own back. Of being able to speak up for yourself when necessary, being confident enough to walk away when you are mistreated, and enjoying your own presence. Your likes, your dislikes, your gifts and talents. 

So being able to be alone, knowing your day to day and making adjustments to help be kind to yourself...this is how we regain our Self Love. For me, after a long hard day at work, I bought myself dinner, and not a cheap dinner fast food, but something healthy and warm and nourishing (a falafel). Consistent behavior which honors ourselves is the foundation for being fully present in loving relationships with others. 

The last connection I am going to use the right hand side of the photo, and imagine the light beams going UP. This is our conscious choice to send LOVE back to Source. Remember, in the womb, the umbilical cord receives blood from our mother, and with our heart we pump it back to her. She gives us nourishment and oxygen. We are permitted to live because we can have our wastes --carbon dioxide--go out through her and her lungs. We are symbiotic during our formation, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth we are nourished, we exchange, and we grow. 

A mother notices when her baby smiles at her. It makes all the work and the sleepless nights a joy instead of a burden because of it.

Smile at Creator.

Creator needs our love.

Try to strengthen your connection back with Source.

You will be glad you did.

That is enough for today.

It is my hope that this discussion will better prepare you to make the most of your upcoming holidays.  Enjoy life. Enjoy being alive now at this time. There is a lot of beautiful moments and memories that would be a shame to be missed because you simply do not happen to notice them. Think of them as a treasure hunt and search lovingly and with excitement through your day at the surprises and joys to be relished!

And as you lay your head to sleep, remember to enjoy them one more time, like a movie, and give thanks for your glorious day of being alive! Give thanks for your connections, all of them, and togetherness is a priceless gift.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple

Friday, November 22, 2024

The One and Only


Today the subject is the one and only way to enter Heaven.

For some people, they are convinced that their way, is the only way.

I am too.

But not like them.

People make a lot of fuss about what to believe, and why.

It doesn't matter.

How is this?

Because ultimately, Salvation is a gift from Divine Creator. And furthermore, Salvation--eternal reward--depends on our ability to humbly accept this Divine Gift. 

Children are in connection with Home. At least until life's struggles get the best of them.

Whether you were set free from demons, whatever the demon--or whether you decided to be reborn and you truly were--or you learned that Buddhist chanting took your cravings for cocaine away and stuck with it ---your ability to accept and I mean truly embrace the concept of returning back to the place from where you came is all that is asked of you.

You can pray for the conversion of others. You can be an example. But you can't make anyone change. 

Be thankful for your GIFT of Spirituality.

Work on it, develop it, make it strong.

But always be mindful that Divine Creator was reaching out to YOU, and by some Divine Circumstance, you opened your heart, and reached back. 

For those who have not experienced this wonderful lovingkindness yet, remember it is possible and be looking for it. Make your desire to grow closer to Creator known in your heart. 

Remember no matter what to appreciate and accept all of the other wonderful gifts that have been given: health, home, family, career, transportation, food, and your five senses! Those are really miracles too.

In this world there are many distractions. Remember to deal with those you must, for example, putting out fires (a friend has a leaking roof, for example). And otherwise, practice gratitude for the love and the blessings you have been given. 

Not everyone has to think like you to be loved and lovable. 

Practice Love. 

And practice all the other gifts of the Spirit. 

Each and every day.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos, 



Ross and Carla

The Couple

Thursday, November 21, 2024



Today's blog post may be considered controversial. These are only the views of the writer, at this time.  Take the best and leave the rest, continue believing whatever you think is right for you...

Once upon a time, there was a plan to create a beautiful new school in the Heavens called Earth. It was to use a new concept called Duality to test the soul of the students enrolled in this school. Now, whether this school was the concept of Divine Creator originally, or perhaps a concept that was proposed by someone else instead, I am sure that Divine Creator cannot be tricked, cannot be fooled, and has absolute control at all times.

For argument's sake, if we suppose that Heaven and the Heavenly Realms are considered 'good', then to construct a duality there must be someone to uphold the opposite polarity of 'evil', 'darkness', etc. And to make this believable, Creator selected one close in the hierarchy to take this 'secret assignment'  and play the role of the villain.

Everyone knows who that is.

The story is that the Bearer of Light (as he likes to call himself) stormed out and took a third of the angels with him. 

He fell.

They jumped.

And the rest can't go back to Heaven. The leader can, to get permissions and make changes with the 'battle plan'.

This is where things get a little fuzzy in the 'common sense' category...what we are lead to believe is that this is a random, haphazard, totally unorganized assault on mankind (the students). 

Do not buy this for a minute. 

Here is what I think.

If not before the 'jump' and premeditated, then from the process of 'jumping' it is like mad cow disease struck the Bearer of Light. Avarice overtook him. And now, according to insiders like Jessie Czebotar, his plan is to overthrow the Throne Room and take over Heaven itself. 

The Bible says that he will be thrown into a pit for a thousand years. And this overtaking is not going to happen.

This is why there is so much anger against the Abrahamic religions. And so much effort into finding some way to prove the Bible is not true. 

The part I want to discuss is that in fact, the 'opposition' is highly organized, highly disciplined, and the leader is a brilliant military strategist who is known for playing the Long Game. The Long Game is designed to make changes on the human gradually, perhaps very small ones a generation, so that the humans are unable to detect them.

According to Jessie, there are major and minor dark angels on that team, and there are about twelve who are at the highest ranks. Each of them gets a jurisdiction on Earth school. And their jurisdictions cover not only geographic Earth, but also time and the seasons. Astrology has the twelve houses. So does the Chinese zodiac. Then there are the planets, who are considered their 'territory' as well. Does this makes sense and do you follow?

So being born on July 7, for example, I was not only stripped of my memories of Heaven by the amnesia, but my place and date of birth assigned me under not only my country, state and county, but also the astrologies--and each and every one of these things is under dominion by these dark beings who rule the earth. 

What is this called, in other words, this innocent soul being put under these 'owners' if you will simply by incarnating on Earth?

This is what is considered to be Original Sin. 

It's not your fault. It is the facts of life of being born here on this highly organized and structured school that is being influenced by a military strategy genius. 

Let's take his Earthly realm, his hierarchy. Jessie has described it. There are five major branches (for censorship sake I would direct you to her work, but I will say they consist of one brotherhood, at least two separate religions, the military, and I think a order of priests). She says that the Mothers of Darkness oversee from the top, and daily, they take directions from The Boss. They talk to him. Then under them are the various ranks and councils. These are like Priest, Priestess, High Priest, etc. Please note that every one has a geographic area assigned to them. And at the top there are the quadrants, the western quadrant, the northern quadrant, etc. They even do things like weather magic and control the weather.

Furthermore, the systems that govern the earth--the schools, the banks, the governments, the healthcare--are squarely controlled by the earthly hierarchy who has infiltrated almost everything. And the technology has advanced so much that our psychology as humans is all figured out and sophisticated assaults on this are commonplace. Information wars. Advertising. Subliminal messages. Directed energy weapons. All that stuff...

So it is a two-pronged grip on each of us. There is the incarnate hierarchy, then the spiritual dark angel one. As if it was not hard enough to just get through our lives and learn our life lessons, right?

There is one and only one way OUT. 

And this infuriates everyone on the Team Dark. Well, I am certain there are some less than willing participants who would gladly leave but are under great pressure.

Of the incarnate Team Dark, there are two factions, the Light and the Dark. Currently they are battling for Earth. It is not over. And their leader is fine with throwing the Dark under the bus in order to have the Light create the false 'heaven on earth' so everyone will worship that fake religion. Because the last thing that they want is for us to follow the one who bucked the system and made a way out for everyone.

This is just to get you thinking, and even more important, observing and taking in information and processing it yourselves to see--to have eyes that see and ears that hear--and for you to continue to say yes when you mean yes and say no when you mean no.

You are truly incredible. Thank you for answering our call.

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla (mostly Carla today but Ross wanted her to write)

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Goddesses and Gods


There has been a lot of work and effort put into my healing lately. Truly, it has taken years. And more, knowledge and understanding is not the same thing as healing itself. 

I will spare you the details. Just know that there have been a lot of things that I had been carrying around, things that were my own 'shit', and I honestly did not even realize that it was there.  I always felt 'different' and 'not able to connect well' with others who were closest to me. What I have learned is there have been some very good reasons -- certain experiences or lack of them (emotional attunement, for example) -- for being like this.  ADHD in females is often misdiagnosed as anxiety or other conditions instead of neurodivergence, simply because females tend to mask their symptoms better to be able to fit in.

I was told today that actually, the ADHD brain is advanced. There is a long thin single crystal structure surrounded by smaller crystals in the brainstem. It had been turned off with permission from creator by the one who is given charge of this material world. This crystal structure connects the consciousness with All That Is. So once the consciousness of the collective raises enough, everything will flip. It will activate. Those lacking the crystal structure will be diagnosed as 'something wrong' and the rest will assimilate into the Higher Consciousness. 

I liked that explanation.

And it really does not surprise me. I had terrible allergies growing up. On hot, smoggy days in the public swimming pool my lungs would whistle when I breathed. I got enough air it was just a funny thing I thought everyone had happen to them. I was maybe nine or ten when I first noticed it. I was not diagnosed with 'reactive airways' (asthma) until twenty years later when I was in medical school and having a lot of cases of bronchitis. I could not get enough air when climbing up a small hill from the parking lot. So I got my first albuterol metered-dose inhaler to open up my tightly squeezed bronchi.

So many things go under the radar. Physical things. Psychological things. Emotional things. Even Spiritual things. 

So, I was introduced to a new term, 'Owner-shit' is a play on the word 'Ownership' because it means taking responsibility for your own things that need to be healed. 

Now the baby steps are to treat myself with kindness, to give myself rest when I need it, and to accept that everything happens for the best. Even this. It certainly has taken until later in life...but at least I stopped making the same mistakes over and over, and slowly am heading in the right direction. 

I see clearly now that God's love for us--we truly are God's children, kids of both Mother God and Father God--smoothes out our broken self-esteem. We ARE loved!

A Course in Miracles really guides us that everything is for our own benefit. It is a like a show that is being created by us, our lives, and for our highest good. Hope Johnson makes me laugh in how she often asserts 'we are making the whole thing up!'  

We are.

Which brings me to our next part, the feelings. Feelings are our teachers too. Sometimes they are giving us insight, sometimes they are the result of being traumatized in the past and this new situation is similar enough to set us off. Staying with the feeling and accepting it, but later choosing when to act and how to respond to the feeling is possibly the most important part of our Earth Walk.  Not just discernment when talking with the Spirit world, or from watching the news, but even reaching deep into our innermost world and seeing what resonates as Truth for us. 

I have had a lot of dread lately with Current Events. I can't put my finger on it, but something is not right, and something worse, it reminds me of what I have studied in the last book of the Bible, Revelation. I was feeling really upset over it. I spoke with Ross. He asked me insightful questions to guide my thought process. I realized I am afraid of the drama. I do not like what I am seeing now. I understand things are supposed to get a lot worse before they improve. After living through past lives as well as this life now, the suffering is something I really really really am concerned to witness. 

Ross said something helpful to me. He said, 'Let all the skirmishes and battles go, do not give them your attention. Remember the fact that our team wins in the end. We win. Everything else is of no concern to you. Focus on what you can to pass the time.'

So, if you are concerned about the future, specifically, the AC on the world stage, and things like Armageddon, you are not alone. And as best as you can, if you are not the type to take a 'sporting interest' in the play by play, look ahead. Just like reading the last chapter of a mystery before reading the rest of the book so you know how it ends. 

What I have learned is that our interpersonal connections are highly important to nurture. Even more so than working with Spirit or the Past. We make the highest difference for ourselves and others by validating them, being true to our own souls, and accepting what is to be accepted. I choose to work diligently on my healing to help pass the time, since that is important to me. It keeps me going. Find what is important to you, and give your very best to whatever you choose.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Appreciate The Passing Of Time


The other day I had the privilege to spend some time with my niece and nephew, both of whom are very young. Having grown Anthony his whole life, I can see what a treasure a little one is. How they think and how they play. For the overwhelmed parent it is a little difficult to appreciate because the challenges are many and providing for a family, especially in these times, is no piece of cake.

At work on Friday I got to do a very specialized case, the first of its kind at our facility, and it went well. It was a challenge and oddly enough, when I asked my colleagues for any advice on how to approach it, only one person answered and their information was incorrect! Fortunately I have the experience to anticipate contingencies and I did. The surgeon asked me what I thought was 'fast' for a case like that. I said, 'I don't know, one hour I suppose?'. Well he turned it into a friendly challenge 'from anesthesia'! Commenting off and on throughout the case, in a good-natured way. The patient and their support system was phenomenal too. 

Just like the seasons change, so do the seasons of our lives.

But without the changing colors of Autumn, and without the cyclical nature of the seasons of the year.  Spring returns. But our youth? No. It slips away while we are raising our families and living our lives. Yet the entire process can be enjoyable and deeply rewarding. Lessons are not fun, I will give you that. And they can make us wish for the time to pass quickly. Even though there are always more lessons to follow!

Open your eyes. Watch. Look around you to the little vignettes that you are allowed to see--the parent holding their sleeping baby. The little one's joy and running to give someone a hug. Where I was yesterday I saw a lot of 'little people' walking around--genuine achondroplastic dwarfs--and enjoying their families. I saw one walking with a cane (they get terrible back pain and spinal stenosis due to their condition)...and I thought to myself, 'Wow! you don't get to see this every day!'

Appreciate the color and texture of your life experience. Realize everyone around you is in the thick of learning their lessons. When you can, give a smile or a polite compliment to brighten someone's day.

Dig in to your life lessons! They will propel you to much happiness! Especially when you complete some of the more challenging ones.

Dream your dreams. Try not to compare yourself to others. For example, your lesson might be on resources (money) and no matter what you do you can't seem to get that one right. But your rich friends with the nanny and the housekeeper, remember they are learning their lessons too, just they have already completed the money one. And a few, if they are having a really sweet life, well, they may be on a breather incarnation after a series of really hard lessons lived one life after the next. You are at the best place for YOU. 

I do not know what the future will bring--higher prices, political unrest, a super modern lifestyle?--nobody knows that. As long as your eyes and ears and senses are working you have very incredible gifts. Especially when you have loved ones to love.

Take a moment to think about this.

You will be glad you did.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Listen and Trust


Your inner guidance system is key. 

Sometimes, especially lately, there are a lot of thoughts and events going on which have a strong ability to distract us. It used to be easier years ago to hear Spirit. It felt 'close' and now the information given from the Other Side seems 'quieter'. 

Discernment is still very important. But in times where the guidance is advising to do something that won't hurt anyone or yourself, if it feels 'right', follow the guidance.

Years and years ago, I was guided to bring an angel food cake to my ballet class. I thought it was very weird. So I didn't. It turns out it was my ballet teacher's birthday. That day.

On Monday, I was guided to ask my surgeon if she had taken her son to the Pumpkin Patch? I waited until after the case. And I asked. She just had, the day before, and her son who is very young had loved it. This time instead of the train he drove the 'tractor' and loved smashing into the hay. 

Yesterday I was guided to walk to lunch. I had another one of those long, unpaid gaps in my assignment. This restaurant ironically was one that Anthony's father had taken me to after we had gone to a Scottish Festival in a nearby town. It was Japanese. So I had noodles for lunch. It helped.

This is a Spiritual battle -- all over the world -- in these times. Technically it has been a war our whole lives but it was not quite as obvious. And as a battle there are going to be some really challenging experiences that come into our paths, perhaps from work, perhaps from family, perhaps from things completely outside our control. Dig in. Use your weapons. You definitely have them! Prayer. Healing. Kindness. Validation. Giving. Using blessed objects. Applying the Blood of Jesus. Sending Reiki. And getting support from others. 

We are in this together. Both on Earth, and with Heaven. Remember your Home. Remember you have the full support of Home. Always.


Carla had a shock the other day. It was a big one. She reached out to me at once, and also to those she trusts, for truly, she had been overwhelmed. 

She couldn't sleep.

That is why I sent her to the noodles at the little Mom and Pop. 

I also sent her to look at Jewelry at the discount stores, to help pass the time. 

She got a lot of steps which also was good for her.

Today, after raising all the flags and ringing the bells, metaphysically, the ball is in my court. Carla is watching to look for signs and developments. Carla knows and trusts that the invisible may even be a little MORE important than the physical in dealing with something like this. 

Much as Carla would like this resolved forever, Carla knows to wait.

And Carla knows what steps to take to prevent risk to her future. She knows what boundaries to hold and to hold tight. Because sometimes through mistakes one gains wisdom to help clear and protect their whole life.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

We Can't Quite Put Our Finger On It...



You know what?

My son was able to locate our favorite kind of bread for sandwiches and toast the other day. It had been about a year that our local Costco and Trader Joe and Ralph's and Pavilions stopped carrying it. He went to a different store. It's called Milton's bread. 

Anyways that was a small miracle in and of itself!

Here is news from John Smallman's daughter Kirstie. He is getting better! 

I almost titled this blog post You Ain't Fooling Nobody! But it does confirm something I had sensed back in Covid times. With the restrictions imposed in my home state of California, many many have sought refuge by moving out of state. Specifically to two very large states, in addition to Tennessee. One (the stars at night, are big and bright...clap clap clap clap...deep in the heart of Texas!--nice song, isn't it? we sang it in grade school)--last year was frozen without power and the solar energy did not produce during the cold snap.  The other is famous for no state income tax, and many people go to retire there. There's a lot of coastal acreage in that state. 

Anyhow, I wondered if perhaps these states were set up to draw out people of a certain mindset, and in the back of my mind I was curious if once these people were concentrated geographically, would they be at risk to be targeted in some way?

I wonder and am curious about a great many things.

The auroras are really strong this year, stronger than others, and I have seen colors like red I hardly ever have seen before. Is this natural? Or the New high-tech world that we live in?

Mountain Dew had Baja Blast and Maui something. DEW. Hmmmm.

And if I recall correctly, in Columbine or somewhere in Colorado, some shooting in a theater during a showing of Batman happened long time ago. And in that movie was a scene that when frozen you would read and see a map of Sandy Hook. THE Sandy Hook. 

What famous movie is out now? The one about some joker? I thought that had been the movie when Heath Ledger had gone too far in the acting and ended it all, years ago? Maybe I had the wrong character? But movies like these are filled with comms (communications by symbols). 

I recall someone high up somewhere saying something like, 'prepping can't prepare you for what is coming'. 

That seems a pretty accurate description of the sudden and severe natural disasters, which by the way, are considered 'acts of God' and insurance doesn't cover...

There is so much to think about!

At my work, it was a good place during Covid. They did force the, how do you say it? Those who did not participate in certain medical recommendations to test and isolate to the hallway for breaks as the break room was only for certain other people. But now, it's been making its rounds. We have two people out at a time, for a week or two, and need temporary workers to cover. It seems disproportionate who is catching it now and who isn't. There seems to be a pattern and I can't quite put my finger on it...if you know you know, right?

Speaking of work, we are now asked to 'conserve' i.v. fluids. The Baxter facility who makes them was affected by the last hurricane, Helene. So, whenever possible, patients must hydrate orally and take medication by mouth instead of i.v. There is no maintenance of i.v. fluids, just heparin locks. There are other makers of i.v. fluids but Baxter has like, eighty percent of the market. They just need to get back on their feet. Ironically, the other makers of i.v. fluids was in Puerto Rico, and when they had a bad hurricane many years ago, we had trouble getting i.v. fluids at my work too. Hmmmm. 

Mosaic warfare, or also called 'non-restricted' warfare--is something that the masses do not realize is happening. There are information control and psychological operations parts of mosaic warfare. There is high-technology stuff most people do not realize exist being used openly under cover of plausible denial. And critical infrastructure gets targeted. Hungry, fearful people are easier to control. Never mind the spiritual overlay of conflict between team dark and team light to factor in to everything.

Although this is all pure conjecture, and we can't quite put our finger on it, we know. 

We know and we have our tools. Our faith. Our commitment to what is right and true. And our hearts. 

Be brave! Be strong! Be courageous! 

Remember we have each other!


Remember it is always darkest before the dawn. I want you to remind yourselves of this often! 

And pray! Pray for others as well as for yourself. That all needs may be met and safety be apparent to everyone.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

How To Assist with the Waking Up of Others Around You


For those of us who have been with us, we salute you. Early on you have taken the bitter truth knowingly and in Divine Trust.  Together we have looked for opportunities to support and assist others in their awakening. 

The Truth is hard to hide.

And now, with global circumstances, the audacity of TWDNHOBIAH is becoming more evident to those who, until now, have been in 'slumber'.  Some of you might have a little resentment going, and thinking to yourselves, 'It has been pretty freaking OBVIOUS hasn't it?' and wondering how they never were able to see it before, no matter how many meme, posts, hints and direct discussions you would have with 'these people'. 

Well, at the end of every anesthetic, people 'emerge' from the chemically induced 'slumber'. 

And now, circumstances are forcing people to see with their own eyes, what up until now, had not been possible--due to a number of things--highly sophisticated psychological forces, magic/enchantment, and denial. All are stronger than we know individually and these three 'technologies' (for lack of a better word) are very potent. 

I think there is a common thread among those who are already awakened--many are survivors of horrific abuse (mental, physical, emotional, psychological). So they know from first-hand experience that humans can be cruel and unkind. Even those for example like mothers and fathers who are in roles to help nurture their young. 

Fortunately this makes the survivors less susceptible to the big three 'technologies' ...and dissociation. 

Like the frog in the slowly boiling pot of hot water, those around us are starting to feel the heat. Life is getting uncomfortable for themselves and for others.

So what do we do?

We hold the space for them.

We do not get sucked in to their drama.

We answer questions such as their asking us, 'Is it real? or am I going crazy?'

And we nurture ourselves because holding the space takes an awful lot of energy. You have to be on the alert and consciously deciding what to do and say.

It also helps to be familiar with perception. Our five senses can be victim to illusions. That inner knowing, that trust, that faith, and our belief systems will help guide us even through the thickest, most blinding storm in this spiritual battle.

When all else fails, have compassion for those who are newly awake. For us, we did not have geographic catastrophes happening while we were realizing how the world is run and who runs it and what these people running it believe.  These new ones needed the extreme circumstance to wake them up. And I can anticipate even more people needing even more extreme circumstances before they too will awaken.

God is in Charge and everything is taking place for the Highest Good. Even though it may not look like it. 

Things are being positioned to set off a Civil war--many of them. Due to the manipulation of perceptions. Also keep in mind that we have been in a non-localized unrestricted warfare for most of our lives, as well as a spiritual war on top of that. What you think, say, and do is highly important and besides journaling, probably the most effective way to counteract and heal mind control programming in others. Consistency is key. And mindfulness is important.


Carla is looking forward to making blueberry pancakes from scratch! Anthony is home for the weekend!

Remember to savor the joys along the way. Even in the worst concentration camp, Ravensbrook, Corrie Ten Boom remembered to appreciate the beautiful birds and flowers she would encounter in her day.

This is important for the mind, soul, and body to appreciate beauty. 

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Officers

Monday, September 30, 2024

Willingness to Make Adjustments


Feeling what we feel and acknowledging it is the first step when it comes to healing the deep, inner work that is necessary to lighten our being.

The next step is a willingness to change. How can that be? Well, part of it might be for some people, to accept what is, up to the point of Byron Katie's extreme perspective on 'Turn It Around'. Paraphrased, when you catch yourself in a mental dialogue loop of 'it shouldn't be this way!' Byron Katie embraces the opposite--'it SHOULD be this way!'  This helps to take the ego out of the driver's seat.

I write when interesting things happen in my growth and development. And what was interesting was a subtle awareness shift once I was able to let go. I do not like being alone. I have felt alone my entire life. And even with my family of origin, being misunderstood made me feel more alone than ever. My deepest longing when I was four was for a sister, someone like me, someone to understand...

Over time that longing was replaced by wanting a partner. A good one.

The only thing was, I didn't know how. And two divorces and a terrible breakup with a baby daddy later, I understand intellectually how I am a fearful attachment 'attacher'. Disorganized is another name for it. 

The shift was when I realized yesterday, that I am going to need a lot of alone time and space to heal from all of my experiences. They have been one right after the other up until the father of our son left me during pregnancy...and the custody raked me over the coals with my heart. 

I even experienced something new--anger! Anger at my life circumstances (when it comes to partnership). Anger at God. Anger at Ross. Anger at everything, just spitting angry and upset that these lessons totally SUCK and I wish I had never had to experience them!

Anger is healthy. When one is able to emotionally regulate themselves, anger is a way of telling you an important message. In this case, I have not had my needs met for ages, because I never learned how to request them and walk away from those who are not able to even negotiate them with me!

So, in a short span of time, my perspective has changed from wanting someone to 'make it better'--to just wanting to be alone and have the time and space to heal. I did not fight it. I had been telling myself to accept what is as I navigate being an empty nester. Since day one the nest emptied. 

You are going to be surprised at how your perspectives can shift! They can move quite suddenly! And it is all for the highest good.

I learned this weekend of something sad. Our friend John Smallman, of the John Smallman's Blog (Saul) and Jesus through John, has not been in good health. His daughter posted a request for prayers for him

Much has changed over the last fifteen years in the spiritual community. John has been a hard-working, contributing member. His messages have helped me so much. 

Remember him. 

Just like we remember with love the others--Svali, Kerth Barker, Cathy O'Brien, Tex E Marrs, The Black Child on YouTube, Really Graceful, Kauilapele, Alexandra Meadors, Sheldan Nidle, Marc Gamma, Isabel Henn, Cobra (his Red Pill really was a game changer back in the day), Andy Bojarski, our own circle of soul family, Jennifer Farley, Source Messages, Sark, Anne Reith, Tim Braun...and Linda Dunn who helped immensely and tirelessly with the original Ross and Carla well as Ann Johnson who also helped with many bracelet drives. Dolores Cannon. A Call for Glitter Kittens (you know who). So many sending love daily out and leading the way in ways only they can do.

Such incredible people! I have been lucky to know. And to be guided by them. 

We have a lot of common ground behind us. Be sure to spend some time reflecting on the sacrifices and gift of soul from these incredible Light Workers!


Everything is happening for the best. I want you to remember this! Everything truly IS happening for the best. 

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Changing Your Attitude to Change


I used to hate change.

Viscerally just stress and fight the inevitable.

Now with the Autumn season, and many more years under my experience, I am learning to adapt gracefully when in truth there is no other option available to me than to accept and allow.

Just for today, let's focus on change. 

Even here, there's a change. I used to blog daily. Now people don't read blogs like they used to, they enjoy TikTok videos. The platform Blogspot is still awesome! Over the years it has changed too. I have had to adapt and find work-arounds to certain features. 

A big change is taking a new level in being a mom--an anticipated one, but still, it is awful quiet around here. On the one hand, it is freeing. And considering I fell into motherhood quite by accident, this is kind of a 'fresh start' once again. This time I have Reiki training, all the psychic development courses, all the personal development, even the understanding of attachment styles to help. It is my hope that we have been able to bring you along on your journey as well, along with us.

It is so easy to numb your feelings out. And to just work and continue your routine. Today, it took me asking two separate people--trained ones--to make sure my habit of canceling exercise classes taught by the person who was teaching class the day I got hurt in class--was not being a baby. Some people are more knowledgeable than others, especially for someone my age and with my injuries. It just makes sense to let that one be and not risk it. I am not used to feeling my feelings and acting upon them, not for me, in my personal life. Professionally, sure! That's different. 

There's lots of changes ahead. It depends on who you listen to, really. Cobra says that even if nothing more is done by the Light workers the framework of the dark has been damaged beyond repair and will implode in seven years. Ben Fulford says that lots is going on behind the scenes especially with international finances. The book of Revelation says that we are moving right along with the End Times. Even with the elections in the United States, anything can happen! Will it be like 2020 or like 2016 this time? Either way large groups of people are going to be extremely upset. 

I see change here. I see businesses closing in my neighborhood. The economy is tough. Really, really tight for the majority of the people. Are we at 'a loaf of bread will buy a bag of gold?'  Not yet. But some company sent a letter saying to go with them for forty dollars a month to have a 'land line' even after California gets rid of the 'land line' telephone system. My house doesn't even have access to the old 'land line' networks. Our 'land line' is connected to the internet. And the new business works with a box you plug into a plug and then your wireless phones connect to it. The only way it will stay 'working' when the internet is 'down' is for the battery in the system. 

I miss land lines.

I miss the security of knowing they would be always working in an emergency.

I miss SoupPlantation restaurant. 

I miss BigLots who is going out of business.

Times change. 

We are not Superman, who was able to turn back time.

Once we grasp that everything is happening for our benefit, to help us raise our awareness and to grow as souls, then change becomes less scary. 

It helps me to accept that everything was written into our pre-birth contracts. Even the end of life. Between those two endpoints, it doesn't hurt to ask for what we want from Spirit. And to work along those lines to gain skills and knowledge. 

Keep in the game. Just let your your grip on the outcome loosen a little. You will be glad you did.

Ross agrees with this message.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Healing on a Continuum


Good morning!

It has been a while.

I have been busy doing my inner work.

Here are some of the fruits of this work. It's taken a long time to reach these conclusions. Keep in mind I was always like one hundred five to one hundred thirty pounds for most of my young adult life. Now for the last three to five years I have struggled to get my weight under two hundred pounds. I am strong and healthy, with good endurance, because I work out. Most recently, after all this effort, a vacation brought on weight with a vengeance I have never seen before! It was scary.

Number one:  Although it would be nice to be thin, it is possible to use fashion to look your best at whatever weight you are. Making an effort is noticeable by others. And it boosts the confidence too.

Number two: Older people who are in my old 'low weight' range look kind of bony and thin, some of them, when I examine my patients. It is muscle and fitness that affects the look of 'health', not weight alone. 

Number three:  When you are looking for healing it will arrive. I read this book with interest:  Why Does He Do That? Inside the minds of angry and controlling men...Wow. Now I understand why my first husband who was sweet and kind turned mean once his parents took him aside and told him to 'put his foot down with me'. We were no longer equals at that point. I did not understand what had taken over him. And I could feel the tension between explosive outbursts of anger building over days and weeks. I would trigger the fight on my own terms instead of wait for it to surprise me. Most important is that this is a separate behavior from addiction. It is difficult to cure. There are positive consequences to the abuser for being angry and controlling people. They 'justify' why they do what they do, and never realize how horrible it makes others feel. Long story short, thanks to this book, I understand the techniques that were used against me, I understand why I did the right thing to leave, and I understand what to look for to avoid being around this kind of person. It also helps me understand why a dear friend of mine is seeking divorce after being suicidal and attempting it...the abuse she endured was behind closed doors. Nobody, not even me, realized the extent of her suffering. It took ten months of therapy for five hours a day to help her recover. With this knowledge from the book--which is a difficult read, painful, if you have been abused--but empowering nontheless--we can not condone abusive men in their 'game'. We can identify it as a community and withdraw support to discourage such actions.

Number four:  God doesn't want me to quit. I am a simple soul. I never thought I would make it past sixteen, seriously. I was ready to settle down for a quiet life with husband number one. That didn't happen. I was ready to settle down as a doctor...then I discovered Reiki. I was ready to just be a mom and that's it...but now my nest is going to be emptier again. I get this feeling that God isn't through with me yet. There's more to do, more life to be lived, and some very important lessons heading my way. 

Number five:  Goals are important. But connections are often overlooked. They actually have more long-term influence on our lives. Learn to appreciate the blessings our connections and community have to give to us.

Spiritually, things have been quiet. That's because I have been needing to focus on my lessons at this time. 

I will relax and accept and allow what lessons and messages from Spirit arrive next.


Ross wants me to share about football. You know I enjoy baseball. Basically the season is over for my team, which is placing last and the second-worst team in all of the sport. But football, well, my son has been teaching me about the game. American football, not soccer. It started because I was embarrassed to be in the OR when the topic being discussed was football and I could not have anything to say. I did not understand the conversation. We have been working on games, the Red Zone, and talk sports almost every day. But just this week, he showed me the Alt 22 tapes. The are the films of the plays, each play of the game, without sound, from two different angles. You can watch them from any game, just like the coaches and players do through the week. I learned the strategy--the shotgun, the pistol, the back-something, the run play, the pass, as well as the defense against it. It is an art, really. A battle art. To design the plays, as well as the defensive plays. I had no idea it was so organized, that there were so many minds working together to create what you see on the field. It is not random, whatsoever. Do I have a favorite team? No. But I appreciate my son helping me learn about the sport.

Ross says to all of us, 'just have a good time' as we go about our days.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple

Monday, September 2, 2024

The Internal Guidance System


Today is a holiday in the United States. Before when I worked in the main Operating Room I did not always get this holiday off. When I did, I usually traveled and made the most of my time away from work to enjoy my family.

This morning, my son was fast asleep, and we were at home. Today is unplanned. This is to avoid crowds and traffic. 

I was able to do something I have not done in a long time. I was able to go outside, relax, and not pressure myself to do anything. 

This is when Spirit guided me through a very fast meditation, one I believe is important to share, especially in this day and age of digital online distractions. It is very simple. You check in and see how you feel about a variety of things, both the immediate circle of your friends, family, and work...and for the bigger things. For me, I reviewed current politics and recent events. I was surprised to experience my gut reaction which is different from thinking about each topic. I was like, 'gosh I really feel that way about that!'

You see, algorithms are designed to give us what we want--what resonates with us--so imperceptibly that we are bombarded with ads and posts designed to get us to engage with it.

I heard just this week of a nurse who was no longer permitted to work because her phone addiction was getting in the way of patient care.

We believe we are in charge of our own thoughts when we scroll. But the psychological manipulation is highly effective. You can't put your finger on it. But it reinforces our perception of our place in the world.

Disengage during your meditation. Even for five minutes. 

Dig deep for the real YOU. The one that is not connected to the internet. 

Get in touch with your heart. 

This is what makes us human, our hearts.

Our ability to feel.

You do not need to decide to do anything based on your feelings. That is not the purpose of this exercise. Just get a general idea of what aligns with your heart. What you like. What you do not like. And take a mental note of how strong those feelings are.  You will be like, 'wow that really bothers me! Hmmm.'

There is so much in our world we have to just adapt to, suck it up, and live with it. Be sure to keep this from making you turn numb to it. Get away from the distractions for five, ten minutes. And check in with your internal guidance system. 

You want to make the most of your time on earth. 

One of the big things that came through, is realizing how much I am loved and taken care of by The Universe. It is a very wonderful thing.


Carla has a difficult chore to do. She must not delay it further. She is following my request on the meditation and sharing it with our fantastic readers.

How often to do this meditation?

Daily is best. Keep it short. But do it to keep you aware of your perceptions in the world which are uniquely your own.

clap! clap!

Aloha and mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Cousins <3

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Poco Loco


Yesterday for the first time in ages I was called in to my council. I felt a little sheepish. It has been years with me learning my latest lessons. 

I felt embarrassed because gone was the woman who would say, 'bring it on!' and yell--seriously! I would raise my voice--at my teams who are guiding me and loving me. 

My guides appeared more relaxed and calm, a little less formal. It was almost like a reunion of sorts. 

When they asked me what has changed, I was extremely grateful for all of the lessons I have been able to experience since those days when I was feisty years and years ago. The amount of growth which has taken place was really remarkable. Back then I thought I had all the answers. Yesterday I was humbled in a nice way. I was permitted to see how the plan really works for our life experiences moulding us into something more. I have so much more confidence, understanding, patience, love and kindness. Both to myself and others. I also have the blessing of working outpatient so I can enjoy my evenings and weekends and holidays like a 'normal person'.

Some of the lessons were not fun. Yet I completed them. Perhaps not perfectly...and that is okay. 

My council did not give any indication of what the future may hold. But I am very glad they helped me to appreciate the enormous changes and positive effects of my going the experiences I have gone through in the recent past.

It is subtle. 

If they had not given me this opportunity I would not have been able to see it.

I am certain in your own way you have achieved tremendous growth as a human incarnate too.


I would like to talk about why Carla was invited to visit her Council yesterday. And for those of you who are asking yourselves the question, yes, I am on it. I am one of Carla's team of advisors in addition to the other roles I share with her.

It was because she was not expecting it. 

For a while now Carla has been focused on her hobbies, her work, her personal growth, and slowly coming around to helping to guide others with her healings and writings again. 

Some things take time in order to process and heal. Her attachment wounds have been painful and she has been studying and opening herself to improving herself to overcome them. 

Carla did not need us pointing out specifics. Our meeting was in general and it was designed to encourage her (and therefore you after hearing about it) along her path. 

A lot is changing in the outside world. This is a reflection of what is changing cumulatively as a collective on the 'inside'. Just like a teenager growing and challenging others to find their place in the world, a similar thing is going on not with the TWDNHOBIAH but with the masses, the bulk of the people, who are doing their best and trying not to be deceived any more by anyone.

We are moving forward. There is a lot of spiritual inertia as a collective, but things truly are moving forward and picking up speed. We are at barely perceptible movement, just like when you get your muscles prepared to lift a heavy object, right before you lift. 

Enjoy the ride!

clap! clap! 

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple