Sunday, May 7, 2023

Our Advice


I've suffered from anxiety, oh, most of my life. At three I know I didn't have it. But by five I did. One of my biggest stressors was going to the dentist. I would yawn and try to fall asleep in the car on the hopes that perhaps this time, just maybe, if I was sleeping I wouldn't have to go.

My father worked with me on my anxiety issues a lot. He's ask me, 'is it here yet? (whatever I was worrying about)'.  Why waste this precious time when nothing is actually happening?

He even said, 'a coward dies a thousand deaths, a hero dies but one'.

I have been working on my emotions. I don't eat when I am stressed any more. I used to. 

But today, was something new.

Before I was waking up, Ross told me, gently, 'put all your worries on me for today.'

And I did.

I focused today only on the tasks Ross said to do. To finish cleaning out the pantry. And I finished. We went to a ballgame (our team lost by a lot). And even I didn't really cook any meal, because my project took so long. So we had takeout. 

Food goes bad. It does. Even when it's in cans. Nothing is forever. Except maybe pasta and rice if the bugs don't get to it. 

So I threw things out. There's a lot of food I stocked up on because of the pandemic. Some things I can use even though they are a little expired. Anything with oils in them, I tossed, because oils go rancid and that causes inflammation. 

I found things I needed. So it saves me money too, going through my supplies and knowing what I have. 

I set a goal that by next year to be worked through half of the pantry. It doesn't need so much there. And I'm surprised that my handiwork--canning jam/marmalade and drying figs--still is good! That's a wonderful feeling to be able to take care of your family. 

Sadly, the bottom/floor of the pantry was full of black widows. It's funny, they remind me a little of dark entities. With dark entities, there's always a major and a minor, they travel together in pairs, and the minor one is who you encounter first. (We are talking about attachments to people's auras, I have been taught how to remove them, only with my teams, of course). Here I saw the smallest ones, then next to last was a pretty big one that knew how to hide. And the last one was the biggest, and I have seen a lot of black widows in my life. And I killed that one too, even though it was in the very back. People talk about minimalism, and I have to admit, with less stuff there's less silverfish and less black widows!

This is just chatter.

The lesson for all of us, is daily, put our worries on Ross. Or your guides, or Creator, whichever you prefer. Free yourself up from that anxiety and dread. Make lists. Do. Act. And then be kind to yourself if you can't get everything done. Be willing to pivot, if you know what I mean, for example, not cooking dinner. At the end of the day, rest and let everything go. Worry takes time away from trusting Creator, and also, from forming a plan and carrying it out. Take notice of things, and prepare, sure. But let that cycle of worry and dread just not have access to you any longer. It's counterproductive.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The couple