Saturday, May 6, 2023



I was a tomboy.

I enjoyed all of the activities while growing up--and with encouragement from my father, I became confident, capable, and self-assured with my ability to master new skills. And to learn.

That's how I ended up becoming a doctor.

It's a long journey with many challenges. Each one I was able to meet and overcome.

There is greater and greater clarity these days being given to me. And today I'd like to discuss the unseen energies of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, especially in relationship.

I am, unfortunately, what could be described as a Masculine Female. And here I ended up, a single mom, which as a provider of food, shelter and sustenance, is a masculine role still. Even though it's a mom.

I look back at all my boyfriends and husbands. Not only were they, as it turns out, feminine or 'soft energy' men, in relationship the unhealthy imbalance between our poles of energy created lots of chaos and unhappiness. 

For everyone in partnership with me.

I look back at Anthony's father. He had two main girlfriends after me. He lived with them. The first had debt, massive debt, and she ended up taking his car. The second was a student who was supported by him--rent and transportation and food--and ended up leaving him to go to nursing school out of state. He didn't want to go with her and leave his son. She did take another car from him too!

So his last girlfriend, who is now his wife, was set up by mutual friends/her cousin. And she is Basque. She has a very close family and lives blocks away from them. She also is a professional who works in a hospital setting. 

I remember early on in their relationship, the family made Jared work. Lots and lots of physical work on family member's projects--remodeling a home, stuff like that. I guess since he quit his job he had to do something. And then later, they made him get a real job. Which he did. It's in like refinancing home loans now. 

She has a special-needs son. He's stepped up to the plate, and actually, hasn't put his foot down on anything. She's very fearful and anxious (lol and he once called me 'needy' !) and to assuage her from her fears of long covid he had to comply with a medical procedure he was against. It was that jab or her. 

Jared got the medicine he needed. The family put him into increasingly masculine demands. Having been raised in a family where the mother earned more money, he never really found a desire to find a wife, to provide and protect her, and to create a family. Perhaps my coming along in his life pre-empted that, I don't know?

I understand now, that my birthright, is to be feminine. 

My sister who liked my dad, like I did, well, we both are the main breadwinners for our families.

My sister who hated my dad, well, she and her husband, at the first child, went to a Christian counselor, who guided them to have her stay at home and the husband provide. And he has. For over twenty years.  Not to say that her marriage is happy and balanced or anything. But her husband provides. And she doesn't have to work.

The Divine Feminine is important. 

We are here to anchor that energy upon the Earth, which itself is a feminine planet. 

Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest at Heart have messed with that. With so many slow, steady, carefully planned changes over time. You can see Amish by comparison--unchanged--and us--totally different. 

The Divine Feminine isn't something we can heal with a ceremony or a workshop or a couple of YouTube videos. This too is a lifetime journey. And it will take help from the Divine Masculines out there, as well as the Divine Feminines. Divine Masculines? Hug your women/feminines, for a long time, and tell them that everything is going to be okay. And mean it! Start practicing chivalry. Anticipate her needs. Help her feel like emotionally she is safe and protected and HOME. Feminines? Make requests. Invite. Turn up your radiance, which is your birthright. Acknowledge and appreciate the Divine Masculine for what he does for you. 

Ross provides.

Ross protects.

I see it. And I thank him. Every single day.

To be honest he's not the best at conversation. With the dimensions being what they are, and telepathy, we communicate. But it's always information, of a spiritual nature, and never just idle chit chat.  Being human, I kind of enjoy the chit chat, it makes me feel bonded. 

Again I had a horrible scary drive to work on Thursday or was it Friday? Just between the two exits kind of close to mine. It was so bad people talked about it at work--guys too!--how they were thinking oh man should I just pull over? It helped me to build my trust more in Ross. And also, with others sharing, it validated that my fears were not unwarranted. 

Last night's ballgame finished with those I ask Ross to help, being able to shine and rise to the occasion. It was such a big win the players sprayed baby powder on each other while giving high fives. 

My Ross helps me lots with planning my days. I have a lot of boxes of organizational bins downstairs. I need to unbox them and take care of the cardboard. He makes things easy for me to understand when I am overwhelmed. 

Ross says to you, 'delight in your energy'. And I remind you, in this spiritual war with so many battles, remind yourself, 'strongest vibration energy wins!'. Do what you can to strengthen your ability to anchor Divine frequencies to the planet, and to live your utmost striving to always be in Harmony with Earth and all things Divine. 

The effects are true and far-reaching.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Two who are One