Tuesday, March 29, 2022

A Walk Up To Heaven; The Last Walk


It looks like this, only crystal clear.

I helped someone Home today.

It was Jacqueline D., from France. 

I was a little sad because my birthday gift for her I mailed just last weekend. It will be too late. I got news from her daughter that she is no longer eating and they have started the morphine drip. That was at about one fifteen my time. 

I had tears in my eyes.

Jacqueline was so amazed I would name my son, my baby boy, after their Anthony, who has Pierre-Robin syndrome. She treasured for many years the little angel sun catcher I had given her, and it hung with pride off the lamp right over the dining room table.  She called me HER angel. I've known her since 1996.

At 1745 my time, a little before, perhaps a minute or two, I felt the call. I showed up at her side on the walkway. She was taken aback by my shininess, and I dimmed myself a little so she would realize it's me. On her right arm was her daughter Jeannine who predeceased her in 2018.  Jeannine nodded in acknowledgement to me.

I asked Jacqueline if she was ready?

She looked over her shoulder, went back for a second, and then came forward to us and said she was prepared.

We took a slow, almost processional speed walk up the walkway that looks very much like this, same size, same slant up. 

It's an honor to guide a soul home, especially one I have loved very much in Life.

About halfway up, Ross came to my left and had his arm around me. I was glad to see him. Jacqueline didn't know he was there.

At the top, waiting for us (even though I could see and sense the excitement of the reception party just beyond the top of the walk), was Blessed Mother Mary. Vierge Marie. She was wearing blue, with a white head covering. She is always so very beautiful. She greeted us warmly and I introduced Jacqueline to Vierge Marie. 

Jacqueline was overwhelmed, and cried tears of joy, and kissed the robes of Mother Mary. Ross had stepped aside, and walked all in white towards us, coming to replace Jeannine. 

This was the first time I was ever allowed to walk all the way up to the party. I've never been allowed this much into Heaven. All of us escorted Jacqueline Home. I could hear the excitement, the commotion, the festivity and the embraces of reunion on The Other Side. There was music playing, French band type from perhaps the 1940's or 1950's. 

I will never forget the look of joy of Jacqueline's face. It was absolutely beaming. She had lived through so much in her time. She had lived a good life, lived it well, and was coming Home to all her deceased Loved Ones.

Then I came back. 

It's a thing I do.

I've done this since 1992.

A service to souls.

I'm happy to assist with the Transition.

Remember if you are ever in that situation, ready to cross, know it's really me. Even if the brightness kind of hurts your eyes. My heart is the same there as it is here, and that is how you'll know me. My voice sounds the same too.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins to Walk Often on this walk (Ross smiles)