Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Something New


Today we are going to communicate with you like Spirit often does, through what Carla calls 'thought pictures'.

In the higher realms there's no need to speak at all.

Everything is understood through telepathy.

And when you participate in communication with telepathy, you will receive something that flashes quickly through your mind, and it is visual, but there is a feeling attached with it. Through empathic sensitivity you will understand through the emotions/sensation you are experiencing what that feeling is. 

For Carla, there is a flash of a vision, and then, shortly after while she still sees it, there is an emphasis on this feeling that she senses.

And then she understands.

This is just for practice. It's for fun.

Remember, always do what Carla does. Once she receives the message and the feeling, she doesn't just 'accept it'.

Carla applies DISCERNMENT.

Over every message she receives.

Does this make sense? Is this message for her? Who sent it and why? What is the purpose of the sender sending this message to her? Is this information to be trusted? (there is an icky feeling when a message is from an untrustworthy source, but it's very subtle and you must condition your self to habitually look for it. If the message is something you want to hear in the first place then you can easily be tricked.)

The ask yourself if it passes the test of Nurturing, Warmth, Love and Compassion?

Some messages have hidden meanings which will come out to you over time. That is a good thing, Ross says, because then the message is safer.

Remember this is just for practice and for fun.

There are no secret hidden messages in this.

What does the jewel represent to you?

What does it represent to us?

Why are there people working with it?

Enjoy your challenge for the day.


clap! clap!

Aloha and mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple