Thursday, April 1, 2021

No Fooling!


I have today off!

Wouldn't you know it? Yesterday was my first day back at work, and then, today, there were not many cases. 

Ross and I wanted to put together something very special for you.

Today we are going to talk about the influence of memories, soul memories embedded in the Consciousness, on today's lives lived. 

This was my first experience with witches. My parents chose the costume for me for Halloween. I went with my cousins on my father's side of the family in the neighborhood around my grandmother's house. 

I was both intrigued at the candy-obtaining process, and terrified of the homes that 'decorated' and had anything scary outside.

With my strong connection to the Otherworld, I felt comfortable with characters that were connected to the Other Side--the things we cannot see. I enjoyed over the years dressing as witches and vampires. It was more pleasant than being a princess for me. 

My curiosity for things occult was strong, all through my life. I was reading Linda Goodman's Sun Signs when I was seven, and pouring through mom's books on palmistry, phrenology, numerology...

It had to have been a past life connection.

There was a familiarity with these topics, like they were old friends...


Let us walk through the doors of our past lives together.

Often times they influence us today.

I can see in my son, who is my grandfather returned, many, many familiarities. The walk. The whistling. The love for the automobile and freedom of driving. 

The pride at being able to swim, because in the past life, he couldn't and was embarrassed about it.

I understand the conflict between father and son is a repeat of what happened in the lifetime before. Both are here 'again'. And I am sensitive enough to the mom dying when my grandfather was two (tuberculosis) for the pain and suffering that loss caused to them both. Basically father left for America to start a new life and a new family.

It takes a long time to graduate from the school of Earth. 

Why may you have been killed?

For being a 'good witch'.

For being a 'bad witch' (dark magic)

For being a wrong religion. Christian. Muslim.

For being a wrong culture. (for example, First Nations when there was expansion Westward)

For being in a country that was at war. There are many, many, many of them in our history. Probably the most tragic is the souls lost in Hiroshima. From what I understand their souls were blown to bits and there are specialty teams picking up lost pieces and putting them together like an archaeologist would with relics.

For having had a habit that was destructive and making bad decisions. (gambling debt to the crime mafia, perhaps?)

Humans haven't always been able to live peacefully with one another. 

Even in the Spiritual realms, there has been conflict. Fallen angels. Demonic entities. Fighting Heaven itself for control.

You may have inside knowledge on some of these battles too. 

Remember Daniel.

He was thrown into the lion's den.

None of them ate him.

There are miracles that go against the 'normal' and 'usual' outcomes.

Have hope.

Make your bed.

No, not in a 'make your bed and sleep in it' sort of judgmental thing.

Really, make your bed after you get up in the morning. Make it right away.

Studies with Navy Seals have shown that this is a start to success--you've completed one task successfully that morning. It brings order. It raises the vibration...because of this increased order and cleanliness. It's good for the mind, it's good for the body, it's good for the soul. 

Remember, every soldier who ever died in combat, woke up and had made their bed that day. They were preparing to be their best selves, from the minute they were getting ready. 

The ones who were wounded, and the ones who lived made their beds too.

We encourage you to reflect upon your strengths and weaknesses, your unconscious fears and motivators, your familiarity and things you dread...and connect them to something you might have experienced outside this particular lifetime.

Try to find peace with it.

You might have been killed for helping people with fortune-telling.  That's why you might avoid it like the plague now.

You might also have died from the plague! Who knows?

Remember, long ago, every physician was taught astrology. It was part of the curriculum. And astrology tells us a lot about people! Even the natal chart explains so much. My teacher explains that the natal chart is kind of like a road-map for this incarnation. The gifts, the struggles, the basic plan for the life to be lived. She teaches that it's not fixed--we can decide how to live with our situation, we have choice and free will. 

Trends come and go with the times. 

Tools are merely that--tools. 

Science as we know it today is really the extension of the five senses. That's what's celebrated.

Remember there is also a sixth sense. And it's very useful.

No matter what happened in your lives lived, come to terms with the sixth sense, and ask your guides to help show you your way through your lessons, and to have everything come together. 

This is our gift to you at this time.

No fooling!

(this is written on April 1, which is known as April Fool's day, in France as Jour du Poisson--fish day)

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The mysterious couple