Friday, April 16, 2021

How To Reflect


Today we are going to metaphorically 'chew the cud' like the ruminants do. Cattle, sheep, antelope and many other animals have a stomach which requires them to chew their food essentially twice in order to digest it. Herbivores, some of them, do this.

To ruminate also has a second meaning, which is, to be thoughtful and reflect upon things, as part of your personality. 

Ross and I had some wonderful times when we were both alive together. They bring me joy even now, when I pause to remember the connection we shared then, and still share now.

So I remember, always, to pray for him.

Even when I didn't know who he was, and that he was my guardian angel, I used to badger Creator all the time to tell Creator what an excellent guardian angel I had, and to please give him a raise and a huge bonus for his fine work!

This is a very wise approach to praying! Guardian angels' jobs are Not Easy! It's Hard Work and both a Pleasure to guide--somewhat like being a parent...

So pray for all of your angels, guides, deceased loved ones. 

Pray for the angels and saints. 

I do. I say, 'please help them God'...'please help them to do the work they are sent to do and for them to do it well and to be strong.'

Prayer is multidimensional. And it totally works, but not like casting a magic spell. It's more like Reiki--you can sense the energy, feel the results, but you can't really describe it. You trust for it to work for the highest good.

Do you have little ones in diapers?

Pray well ahead now into blessings for their futures. Ask for a wonderful mate for them, who will bless your child and your family. Ask for good work that will support and enhance the life of your child when it's time to take a career. 

This is practical prayer.

I pray all the time for help to be sent to Earth. It's crazy here. It's like being under siege, spiritually. So I ask for 'things to make sense' (conflicts to resolve and the energy of Home to return). I ask for justice. 

I pray for homeless people when I see them or their encampments. 

Rejoice for the good that still exists--people's kindness, honesty, and commitment to help make the world a better place. Ask for Good to Win in this battle. Celebrate Good when you witness it, and give praise and thanks! This will help the energy of Good to increase.

Be gentle as doves.

Be wise as serpents.

Stay strong on your path.

When you need rest, rest, and remember that Heaven will help you carry the load.

It's been a long week of working at the hospital for me. I've worked every day, full days. It's been a pleasure to be 'back to normal'...but then, I feel it. I've been running behind the clock the whole time. And I realize that's why the house isn't so clean and tidy always--there's literally no time and it's not worth beating myself up about it. 

Besides it gives my son time to step up to the plate. I came home to a clean sink and freshly washed dishes. I was so very grateful for this. 

Invest in Prayer, both for yourself and others, even those who are currently in the Spiritual Realms.


I am at work, working hard, very hard. I am always here for Carla and our family, but I am 'busy' and 'quiet'. I gave notice to her yesterday about it.

It goes both ways.

I would never ask for prayers.

But when they are given it is like cheering on your favorite sports team to win, utterly sweet and inviting and encouraging me to give it my best shot every single time.

So pray.

That's what we do for you, even if you currently are not able to hear it.

It goes both ways.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins who are happy and in love
and God will have a Victory!