Thursday, April 29, 2021

Compassion and Wisdom


Last night as I was going to sleep, I was thinking about what I wrote yesterday. I realized how the end is known by 'LC''s in their tradition. I thought it was horrible, how the transfer of power takes place.  Jessie C talks about being four years old and watching it happen. Her trainer turned to her, with blood covered hands, and said, 'one day you will do this to me!'

Jessie held her posture, said nothing, but inside to herself said, ''hell no!'...and she didn't.

So as I was falling asleep, I asked for LC to be spared, if possible, for her to experience a natural end of life, and to perhaps give her a chance for eternal happiness like Jessie has found. Even for all the things she has done, there is always a chance for a change of heart. She is a good person, with many good qualities I'm sure...

I talked with Ross about all the wasted talent and kindness that is in that old, old, older than any other religion, 'religion'...and how it makes me sad that people get sucked up into that.

Ross listened with his heart, and always, I can see it on his face, he has the benefit of full knowledge as he helps me through this life. I don't know or see everything. But I do give thanks for the work Jessie is doing trying to reach out to people she once knew, and to help them find their way, so they can experience eternal happiness and joy too.

When I woke up, Ross was gently reminding me of the joy that awaits, how I've never seen anything like it, how it will completely surprise and overwhelm me, with just how wonderful it is.

That's a good thing to reflect upon as we start our day, and live it.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple who are very young in years when we are in eternal life. <3

P.S. Here is a Ben Fulford. Take it with a grain of salt. At least it sounds like there is movement in the world's for article here