Friday, April 2, 2021

Hearts Can Sing


Hearts can sing.

It's easy. That's what they were made to do. To feel joy, happiness, nurturing, wonder and delight!

Why on earth, after all the talk yesterday in our last blog post, about how you could have died from this and from that and from the other thing?

Because chances are you have already lived many times both the roles of the hunters and the hunted.

Because Divine Creator allows us to see the world and Life Experience through all different kinds of perspectives.

This game of 'Halloween' where we take on not only 'costumes' but cultures and belief systems and degree of 'lack'--has grown old and is coming to an end.

Ross says, 'been there, done that'.

That's for all the world to see.

You are one of the fortunate ones to gently be made aware of this. And hopefully, your level of compassion, and your degree of compassion will increase exponentially with this new awareness.

Hate the sin, love the sinner.

Yes, sin exists.

Yes, sin is highly disturbing, especially to those who are sensitive to the energies and above all the lowering of the vibration.

Give thanks that you are still here, your Consciousness continues on, and that you know there is a place entirely devoted to Nurturing, Warmth, Love and Compassion. A place that makes sense, when sometimes where we are right now incarnate, doesn't make sense.

Be glad that there is a great big book filled with scripture and wonderful stories, which is meant to nourish our souls, and be sure to access it often.

Know that there are entire traditions of spiritual awareness, exercises, and opening of the soul, and you are free to take the very best of those perspectives to nourish yourself too.

Spirit's messages are getting louder and clearer and stronger these days for our family, our little family here in my home. 

Yesterday, I knew for sure to go visit a certain place. I checked to see when it opens. And I found a friend who had been thinking of me who hasn't been there for a while. This friend asks for a spiritual healing, and I gave my number. I do healings for friends and family. 

But even more than this one friend, there was another friend there too, and we talked--about my surgery, about the hospital with the virus, my experiences, and lots of other things for catching up.

Since my surgery, I've learned that there are some close friends at work that I can open up and share. And I did. I'm glad I did. I spoke from my heart about the working conditions I have experienced for the last ten years, they are unusually difficult to manage, especially as a single mom. Just last night, again, the assignment came at my bedtime. And again, like when Anthony was little, I was trying to organize assistance for him--contingencies if I have to work late and can't get him here and there and wherever else he has to go.

I'm also volunteering to share the hell one of my sisters is experiencing. She has a newborn and a toddler. Her husband had to go out of town for a few days. So I will spend the night and help any way I can. I know my mom and dad helped me by living with me for two months, until I could get my routines. Then mom lived with me when I had to work. I worked part time, it wasn't every day, but she was the sole caregiver for Anthony for the first two years of his life. I paid her monthly, but she saved the money and gave it back for his college. 

It goes both ways. 

In pretty much everything.

In this we have one huge, wonderful, significant advantage over the other team, TWDNHOBIAH. They are trying to force things going 'one way', unnaturally, against the energies. That's why evil always destroys itself when left to its own devices. 

Only Divine Creator can see the future.

The opponent has military skills and prowess, and makes plans upon plans, and executes the plans. It's a formidable opponent. But the playing field isn't level.

I watched a nice video about  foodflation and shrinkflation--food prices are going up faster than inflation, and also, packaging sizes are going smaller for the same dollar or euro value. We live in a system where there are 'just enough' delivery systems with very low inventories. With the ice storms in Texas the food ran out pretty quick.  So, think about having victory gardens, sharing with neighbors, dehydrating and canning your surplus food, having chickens, and making meals now with beans/rice/dehydrated foods so if the distribution chain gets disrupted your system will already be used to eating these things. Barter systems and knowing who grows your food is a plus. They also said to learn to forage in your area, perhaps once a week go out and learn what is edible. At the end of the year you will have great knowledge. I have an app on my phone, Picture This. I take a photo of a plant, and it tells me what it is. I'm pretty good at most plants already, having been raised by my farmer mom and her family. But this helps a lot. Even the weeds I take the pictures just to know what they are.  Imagine what you would do without electricity. Without running water. Without trash services. Without the mail. Without gasoline. Go through these scenarios with your mind every now and then. Figure out what you would do. 

Hopefully, you'll never need to go through these experiences. But if you are vigilant, you'll think ahead, and be ready, no matter what.

This one was captioned, Hindu Sticker for Furniture.

That's an inside joke for those of you who are aware of what this sign is. Especially those who have taken Karuna Reiki too.


Ross smiles and waves. He's happy. 

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

Ross says Carla is and has always been for him, 'quite a handful' and 'some things never change' (he smiles)