Sunday, May 24, 2020

Far Away

I usually don't write on Sundays. I'll keep it short. A few things happened after I wrote yesterday which are noteworthy.

I'll backtrack a little. When I was driving home from work the other day, Beloved told me to work on something. To be happy with or without their presence. I was like, 'favorite verses not around, how can I do?'--yes, these are the ways to communicate with Spirit, not in full and complete sentences like I do with you here. They are concepts, loose ones, filled with emotion and feeling and sometimes I add pictures to the message so my Spirit friends/contacts will understand it. It goes both ways.

From what I gathered, it is important, especially for me, to be happy, no matter what.

Take it or leave it, is where I have to be, I guess, in order to have a bond of the heart that's legit and in my dimension.

This is hard for me, difficult.  I've been dealing with a funk all yesterday. I was in the pool and finally was able to tell Divine Father I was okay, I could be away now for a little bit. He knew me well, and said he would leave the table up just in case I felt I needed to come back. I like being in his presence because he is the only one who isn't with ideas and stuff that just seem way off target. He's pure, he's healthy, Divine Masculine, and he would never trick or fool, or even, just get mixed up and be hard to understand, for my healing Divine Feminine. He's constant, he's Source, and I just soak it up and remind myself that this is all an Illusion, and at some point, my learning will be finished and suffering will end.

I just saw this and it explains what I am healing. It's the attachment thing. There are phases and steps in going from unhealed to healed abandonment. And I had someone who was kind of like Divine Father in my life, but it changed, and it's gone. It wasn't Divine Father exactly, more of a North Star and close friend. Probably one of the first from the 'healthy' category, I don't know. I woke up in tears today. But they were healing tears, I was told by Spirit. It's going to be a while to get over that one.

It's okay, it is what it is, I am at peace and I accept it.

Back to the messages and events.

Yesterday I was floating in the pool. I like to put the noodle under my arms, and just relax, and enjoy the birds and the freeway and the sunshine. Anthony was in the hammock. He's not a water person like me. If it's cold, and yesterday he said it was 'cold'--then he doesn't want anything to do with it.

I crave being in the water almost like I crave fresh air and sunshine--it makes everything better.

I was happy, truly happy, and then a cloud caught my attention. It was the size of a scout ship. And behind it was another tiny cloud, and that one was shaped like a heart.

I gazed at the clouds, and gave thanks for those who are always watching me, and encouraging me to grow. Then they gradually faded away. The rest of the sky was completely cloudless.

This is a visitation. Don't let it fool you. When a cloud catches your attention when you were not even looking at the sky, there is probably a consciousness inside it who loves you and is making sure you are okay and wanting you to know it. They can't be seen or caught or breaking the rules but this is as far as they will stretch them just to show you they care. And they do.

This is close enough to what my shower looks like. There's a glass door on one side and the part for the soap is only on the left. I have the same exact handle. But it's a rain shower head up top.

It was six p.m. and I was showering after the pool. I got a visit.

Let me share that Spirit visits are completely normal in the shower. You don't feel naked. It's easier sometimes for Spirit when you are in the water, at least it is for me. I've had lots of visits from all kinds of people on my teams when I am in the shower. Nothing romantic. Just business to talk.

It was Khiem.

I miss him so.

He had a message for me, and I still don't understand it. He had to follow the rules this was all he could say...I'll say it in a minute.

First things first I asked him if he is okay and he says he's happy up there. Even him! Nothing bothers him or gets him upset. Ever.

I was like, whoa!  He was about as opinionated as it gets when he was incarnate.

He also says he has no pain, and again, he shares that he looks like he did in his twenties in the Navy, and wears his blue uniform, just like I saw him when he left his body, because that's the age he felt in the best physical shape and health.

I also asked him, to clarify his message. I told him I was having trouble understanding. And he says the information is geographic--not dimensional--as in farthest distance geographically here on earth.

He told me:  'find your happiness as far away from you as you possibly can.'

He said it many times. Over and over, hoping for me to 'get it', changing the inflection here and there. But that is all he was allowed to say.

I thanked him for it. I still don't understand it. He was turning to go, there wasn't much time, there's the rules he says...but I stopped him and asked him if there was anything I could do for him.

He thought a moment, and said yes. Tell his wife that I miss him, and that I wish her much happiness.  He said to text her. So I did. To his old phone, and to hers. Right as soon as I was dry and dressed again I did it.


My H.S. or Spirit told me as I was waking up yesterday, that You will have the beautiful joy of an angel.

I write these things down.  In my book where I keep track of my workouts.

Maybe it was Khiem?

If Spirit contacts you in the shower, don't be afraid. It's kind of natural, and very normal if you are incarnate and 'on duty' in service to the Divine. It's all good. You're not going crazy.


Ross wants me to share Sandy's story of Metta.

She has an aunt or relative who really, really, doesn't like her. She always gives a bad feeling to Sandy, no matter what she does. So finally, Sandy decided to just send her Metta. No matter what the relative did or said, Sandy had resolve to only send Metta in return.

After Sandy's mom died, this relative was having trouble with sleeping. She had stayed awake for nine days!

As an ER nurse, she knew that the relative would have a psychotic break soon if she didn't get sleep.

The relative was miserable, and deeply suffering. You could see it in the eyes, and in the face.

Sandy spoke with her husband, and after having gained permission, she invited her relative to come to her house, for treatment. She made it clear to her and the other relatives that she was going to coordinate the care on telemedicine with a treating PHYSICIAN, but to make sure she got the right medications and they helped her to take them and get better.

The relative said 'yes'.

Everything worked. It took a short time, but she was sleeping in a normal pattern again, and feeling much better.

The aunt hugged Sandy, and thanked her for taking care of her and easing her suffering. She hugged Sandy for a long time, just holding tight, and crying tears freely. Then she paused, looked up to Sandy eye to eye, and said, 'I'm sorry for how I have been with you for all these years. You saved my life. You really did. Thank you.'

Sandy didn't understand the implications in the Spiritual for what had taken place, as she was telling me the story. I stopped her, and helped her to see the connection. I said, 'Sandy, do you understand what has just taken place with this relative of yours saying I'm sorry like that?'

She didn't.

I said, 'Sandy, it takes people incarnation after incarnation to reach a growth in consciousness like that, to break a pattern, and to see it and experience the gratitude of this kind of enlightenment.'

It hit her like a ton of bricks! Sandy was amazed, and delighted, as she knew in her heart this was a Truth. How fortunate it was, that it was in this incarnation, both were able to witness the growth of a soul that was much needed and aching for relief from the suffering, not just from the insomnia, but from the character traits and mindset of 'lack' and 'negativity' to 'lovingkindness' and 'positivity'.

I am so grateful for our friendship.

Here is a Metta prayer for you, my North Star, and all of my teams, and especially you, inscrutable Khiem colleague and friend....and all of our beautiful, wonderful readers. Be sure to read in the comments section what the meaning of Metta is, and the Metta prayer translated to English there too.



Carla is going to be okay. I am with her. 

Sometimes she asks me how healing like this takes so much time.

In truth, her recovery is lightning speed pace. Take by comparison the Aunt with Sandy, which had multiple incarnations...

Carla was just as shocked as I was, and her teams, at her true feelings she kept buried within deep in her heart. They were just as fresh and raw a betrayal as the day everything happened. She didn't know, or realize, both the caring she feels for her North Star, or the suffering from having her baby boy, our beloved child, taken away from her after giving birth. 

May all beings be free.

May all beings be safe.

May all beings be loved.

May all beings have peace.

this is our prayer for you.

Do not be concerned about the depth of your emotion, or the time it takes to heal and release yourself from suffering. 

This is the way.

There is no such thing as time.

Allow and permit.

Allow and permit.

Permit and allow.

Permit and allow.

Accept Grace.

clap! clap!

aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The True Couple