Thursday, February 27, 2025

Messages from the End of the Road: My Painful Discovery


My latest life lesson--which spans across multiple incarnations--has taken me a while to absorb and to heal.

It will sound simple when I share it.

Emotions may move massively once a single blockage has been removed.

I have been trained, from early early incarnations, to give complete and total care to my twin, Ross. As his wife in our last incarnation, I not only looked out for his best interests, I cooked, I cleaned, I wove fabric, I sewed all his clothes, I cleaned his body (wives washed their family), I fixed his shoes, I entertained his business partners by serving them dinner in our home, and I went wherever and whenever he needed to go, I was always there by his side.

Ross doesn't need me.

Where he is, I always worry. I worry because I can't personally see to it that he is healthy, rested, fed, and happy. 

But that is a lie.

He is fine, perfectly fine, exactly where he is.

I have no idea who is taking care of him. I highly doubt he is independent in the realm of Spirit because in all our lifetimes on earth together he was counting on me for a whole lot of tasks and helping.  Maybe he is. Maybe he isn't?

Either way, I do not know.

And from our interactions, Ross always answers my questions when I ask if he is eating okay, well rested, and the like. He smiles. And he looks healthy. 

But I am not there.

It breaks me to know I am not needed for him at this time.

And the lesson?

In all my lifetime here, the fact of the matter is, Ross has been taking care of me. From the sidelines, it is not obvious, but if I look for the patterns and the signs it is there.

And the hardest part?

Learning to welcome and accept and trust in his care for me. Learning to receive. Learning to trust in my heart that this is not an exchange of energy that I need to return the favor in some way shape or form. It is a gift. This is my time. Right here. Right now. 

I find it difficult to love someone who is 'invisible' (in the Spirit world). Oh how much I would prefer to make a cup of tea for us, and to enjoy it together and talk! It is hard too when most people here on Earth appear in couples. It hurts not to have someone at my side in that way. But I understand. And thankfully for the Telepathy Tapes, we are learning that distance is nothing, and connection such as this is real.

That is enough for today.


Can you believe that today Carla wrote what is on her heart in ten minutes? It took three minutes to select and download the picture. 

That is how pressing this lesson is on her at this time.

And it has taken a whole week for her to digest it enough to be able to describe it and share it with you.

In the grand scheme of things, I do not want to go down in the books as a taker, a domestic useless weight, that was a burden to Carla (although she does love caring for those she loves, and her caring is definitely one of her Love Languages--acts of Service).  My counselors and guides up here emphasize that in my relationship with Carla I am going to have to accept personal responsibilities I had assumed had always been there but in fact were deftly and swiftly managed by her. So as I work on this, I struggle, and I reassure myself that in the long run everything is going to be Worth It!

This goes for all of you as well!

So, I encourage you to go out and learn your Hardest Lesson! And to make progress with it, no matter how slow. Because the time is just around the corner where these learning opportunities such as they are currently will be absent. There is another Great Thing that is going to be taking its place.

Shhhhhhh! (he smiles and winks and holds his finger up to his mouth). P.S. I am not Illuminati! (he is cracking up!) I just can't keep a secret, myself. Not for very long. <3

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Messages From The End of the Road: Consensus


I went to mass this morning. It had been a long time, and I had missed it. Reading the things Cobra had released in 2012, and my awakening, had led me to depart from the Church, especially contributing financially to the church.

As the Pope lies ill, I have mixed feelings. I know. I know about what goes on beneath the church, I understand the things Jessie Czebotar shared about what goes on inside the church buildings after hours, all of it is extremely shocking and distasteful.

Even by extension the worst of the worst, the Black Mass, a total inversion of what was left for the followers after his death and resurrection, is a mockery of both the followers and the one who left the church behind for their consolation.

Today I saw with my own eyes that no matter how much darkness uses a facade of goodness to hide behind and do their heinous and unspeakable 'system'--it is the other way around. Yes! No matter how much darkness, no matter how 'strong' it may appear in the world, the power of good will vastly overshadows it. Darkness cannot overcome Holiness/Goodness/Love from Divine Creator. 

It wants to.

And there has been a slow organized, methodical approach to these times by Team Dark. 

What Creator has built is stronger. 

We are fortunate to get to see this in our times. 

Darkness is hidden deep within many organizations. The Church is one example. 

Goodness will prevail.

It has to, energetically. It has the upper hand in every way.

Lately I have been unpacking and cleaning after the tenting of my home for termites. As I work I listen to the Telepathy Tapes podcast. They are remarkable. I have caught up with all of them. I am most grateful to my friend who suggested I listen to them. It is deeply validating for those who are caught somewhere between the realm of Spirit and walking on Earth. Although the podcast is about non-verbal people with severe autism who learn to communicate by spelling, it is applicable to everyone. 

As more and more conspiracies come to light, remember to take it to heart how much stronger is the good will of our brothers and sisters.

If you would like a little 'extra credit' metaphysically, push yourself to extend love and compassion to all, even those who are enemies. If you are like me, and that is difficult then push yourself to be able to pick up that enemy and place them in God's hand and let them go. Loving our enemies is really difficult but is what sets us apart from all other beliefs. Again this is a can, not a must, but it is good to reflect on it from time to time.

It is a beautiful Spring day here. There is more unpacking and organizing to do in the home. I will excuse myself and leave you to enjoy the rest of your day.

With blessings, love and joy,

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins who are calibrated for Peace.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Messages From the End of the Road: It's Okay to be Incorrect


I have been told I do my best writing when I am annoyed and aggravated...which today I am.

Clarity is coming through. I need to practice compassion for myself.

First off, my son is away at college. There is not enough parking space for undergraduates to have their own cars. Initially, his Freshman year, it was just lowerclassmen without car privileges, the Freshman and the Sophmores.  Last quarter he needed surgery and needed to get to appointments back home, so he got a parking permit just then.  Bus far is free and so is the trolley public transportation. To do shopping, the roommates rent a car from a car share app, just to get to the store that is blocks away and a little too hilly for walking distance.

Universities like this ARE Fifteen Minute Cities.

They are already here. We just don't think of them as such because they are such a part of the culture. Thinking back to my college days, I felt trapped without a car on campus. My roommate had one, and so did my boyfriend. So it didn't seem so bad at the time. But comparing that to my graduate school experience, with a car, there was a vast difference in my freedom. 

So that was clarity 'whoa!' number one.

Number two 'clarity whoa!' is that this is a Spiritual War. And as spiritual as I am, I have been swayed properly politically according to my generation. Back in the day, I had no clue how evil the Bush family was, or that the son was a complete Archon, or that the two parties were actually friends outside of work (democrat leaders and republican leaders).  Thus, my clarity is 'I can be fooled'. 

Most recently I realized that all the leaked information about what goes on behind the Church, and my disgust and unwillingness to give them money like I had because how could I support such horrors? I fell into the hands of the Dark Team. How? Because corrupt as it is, if I had sent my son with me to Mass and to catechism and communion and confirmation he would have education about values, right and wrong, and the spiritual protection of the Eucharist! A mother's love can only go so far. I have to admit it, I was tricked. It truly is a no-win situation. I pray and I talk with my teams. But now I know how despicable the Enemy truly is, how organized and coordinated against us everything is.

Number three 'clarity whoa!' just happened while driving through a local military base between San Diego and home. I remember Svali wrote of what goes on there at night. I had always thought she lived on the Oceanside edge but I realized she most likely was on the San Clemente side. She shared that there was a lot going on for End Times preparation, back in the eighties and nineties, there at night. My clarity today is that like the Church being a cover for the dark stuff that goes on behind the scenes, the military as we know it is also a cover for a Military of Darkness that has been trained with the highest sophistication in warfare, especially Spiritual warfare.  It is probably like this all over the world.

Clarity number four, 'whoa!' is that after listening to Simply Graceful's three part video on the Big Game (being held today), and learning about how entertainment is simply that, not exactly 'sports', I recalled what my cousin who works in the industry told me about Hollywood movies and the CIA. He said of course they give ideas for movies! Everyone there knows. And he mentioned how FANG is a part of that too (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google).  The whole world as we know it is a product of that secret group. Just behind face value. With the different names of production companies and apparent competition it isn't as obvious. And most likely all that CIA is orchestrated by the military expert darkness spirits who control Team Dark.  That was disconcerting. 

I saw a post that showed how there are contracts in Idaho for people who fly to spray nasty stuff into the air. A friend commented that we taxpayers are paying for our own poisoning. 

I respect the enemy.

It is like a giant mousetrap has been set, and without realizing it, all of us are in it.

Remember to put on your armor of Spiritual protection and never forget we are in a Spiritual War and battle daily. Take time to heal your wounds by connecting with Spirit. Hate the sin and love the sinners. Because of the grace of God there goes us.  We know who wins. And the movie is exciting to watch, I must admit. 

So for today's lesson, it is OKAY to be wrong. There is a lot out there making it easy to be misled. Often we are in a sort of double-bind so either choice is rigged against us Spiritually. 

Keep your heart pure and LOVE. Remember this is a funny game, a weird dream, and none of it is 'real', like 'Home' back in Heaven is totally unmistakably 'real'. Be kind to yourself and to others. Have gratitude for everything that is good. And don't beat yourself up when you find you have been tricked! Just make a note of it not to happen again.


The more those who mock the Bible mock it, the more proof there is that everything written within it is Real. Including myself. But that is beside the point.

Remember to make time to strengthen your Spirit and your Soul. More than what Carla said, taking time with Source in order to heal. Do GOOD. Help the neighbors. Be kind to others. Be alert do not walk into any scams. And if you do, well, once you realize it is a scam you can get yourself out. 

When you learn you have been tricked, say to yourself, 'ha ha there you really got me!' and then turn your back and walk away from it. Do not let your blood pressure rise or yourself get angry and upset. For then they win. Just say to yourself, 'shame on them' and ask for our Divine Guidance and Protection to get you back on your journey path.

I love you.

This is going to end, this whole show, in the best possible way. 

clap! clap!

Aloha and mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Messages from the End of the Road: Try to Enjoy the Show


There is a lot of unrest in the world at this time.

Planes are falling out of the sky, roads are being blocked by protesters, economic sanctions are being taken against our allies, Kanye is having his wife go naked to the Grammys and food prices are soaring just to name a few.

Today's message is a gentle reminder that all is not what it seems.

There are two worlds, the Seen, and the Unseen.

Ultimately, we are heading towards a Heaven on Earth, where both worlds unite, and both the Seen and the previously Unseen are visible to all. 

The 'bumps' in the road, or the 'hiccups' are two-fold:  there is a portion of the leadership of the world who wants to have the unseen and seen unite into an unpleasant version where humans are cattle and have little to no rights whatsoever, and there is a portion who wants to have life be able to choose what is unseen and really worship it. For all that it is worth. Neither one of these groups are steering us towards the original blueprint of Earth, one of joy, creativity, freedom and happiness. 

These factions are doing everything in their power to win.  To gain economic superiority, to gain political advantage, and to persuade the public to have allegiance to them. 

The year 2030 is relentlessly marching towards us. 

Is it time to despair? Certainly not. There is a lot of joy to be had in what freedoms we are given.

Is it time to become martyrs for a cause? I would say only if you really have the Holy Spirit guiding you because for most people life is going to carry on. 

What time is it then?

Do not trust what your eyes see, especially if someone is telling you what you are seeing.

Do not trust what your ears hear, especially if anyone is telling you what you are hearing.

Above all, do not fear, even when others are becoming fearful and signs are ominous in the media, all of it, all media of every kind.

Know that it is time to become resourceful, and to tap into your reserves. Spirit it guiding me toward this. It might be for the fumigation, it might be for the times, to save money. All the stuff I had stored up on 'just in case' during Covid is meant to be enjoyed, that I know. 

Question everything at this point.

This is the most logical step to take because the most advanced psychological weapons and spiritual weapons are being used on the people. And sadly, the people do not even realize it. Their emotions are taking over, making them easier to control. 

Trust that when push comes to shove, Spirit it going to guide you and tell you exactly what steps you need to take and when you need to take them.

Until then, you have to hand it to whoever it is who is creating this show--it is a doozy! Be thankful you have eyes that see beyond the obvious and can appreciate the theatrics that are going on. 

Be strong and have courage! Everything is going to be okay. Make this a Feb-YOU-ary, and make sure you do self care, and are resilient. Help others are needed. And pray! Prayer helps so much.


Do not be afraid of what is on the road ahead. 

When you reach that part of the road on your journey, know that you will be stronger and you are being guided by a loving Creator who knows you very well. 

Everything is happening for the best. 

Try to stay away from get-rich-quick schemes and falling for scams, as there will be more and more of these out there taking advantage of the political instability. 

Remember to put your Spiritual Gold up where no one can help themselves to it--up in Heaven! Build your strength with your Spiritual practices every single day.

Even a cup of tea can be significant source of growth and fortitude!


Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla 

Monday, January 27, 2025

Messages From the End of the Road: Book Learning


I have been struggling. Really it has been a big struggle.  And a lot of that has to do with the current times in relation to the book of Revelation.

Reiki is not a religion. It is a practice, a healing practice. My faith is Catholic, as my ancestors were. And in the Catholic faith, there is talk of the End Times. There would be three phases, man against man, then Earth against man, and then Spirit against man.  You needed to have a candle that had been blessed by a priest in order to survive the three days of darkness. These blessed candles are the only thing that would provide light. Otherwise it would be so dark you could not see your hand in front of your face. And outside? There would be spirits, mimicking the sounds of your loved ones, begging you to open the door to let them in. You could not look outside, or open the door. In fact you should have put aluminum foil in all your windows so you could not see the battle waging on outside.

Then when it finished, it will be eternal Springtime.  Forever.

If you read the Bible, especially the last book, you know the dynamics of the big battle of Armageddon. I won't go into the details.

Where is my struggle?

In a way you could describe it as the discomfort of 'waiting for the other shoe to drop'--the fatigue of looking for signs of where this is all headed. 

On the other, it is a deep panic over the thought that there will be a fight between Our Lord and all the forces of Evil, after His being pierced and wounded I cannot even bear the thought of any danger happening to Him, any risk, any damage. Even if I have been reassured now that he cannot bleed because he is in Spirit form.

I even questioned why there is a Bible? Didn't some people in a secret society create the King James translation? Why would God create such a book?

I asked sources. One said, 'the Bible is a sort of History book'. I could agree with that.

But then it gets a little deeper. Why would there be a lot of prophecy in the Old Testament, describing how Our Lord would be born and fulfill it? Why would there be even MORE prophecy about the End Times?

Moreover, why would Team Dark do everything in their power to prove that the Bible is one big fat lie? Why would they go to great lengths to make one prophecy be untrue so that they could point to the whole thing and say none of it is real?

How much suffering is there going to be for the believers in the End Times?

Well, two recent things gave me answers that resonate as true. One was from Jessie Czebotar when she was decoding the Inauguration. She said that things are happening now because God had given authority to Team Dark for this current time period. 

What helps with that is that God is the one who gives the authority, and there is a time when God is going to take that authority back. I don't know if it is in my lifetime, or not, but at least it makes sense.

Another thing that helped a lot was this video on YouTube. I won't elaborate on it. It does help a lot with my anxiety over the Mark. And that those who do not take it will be protected. I suggest you take twenty minutes and watch the video, it is really very helpful.

The last thing to mention, is that certain leadership of Team Dark, is declaring not to go out without a fight. So, this explains the fire falling from the sky, and the darkness, and other things...with DEW and other technologies we don't yet appreciate it is entirely possible to happen. I also remember someone from Team Dark saying something to the effect like 'don't bother to be a prepper' and it makes sense because they can take out entire neighborhoods with weather weapons and the like. 

Know that you are loved. You are precious and special to Divine Creator. You can go about your days not worrying about these things that I struggle with, we need to live our lives as we agreed before being born. For me, I wanted to at least piece together enough so I could say, 'okay, I know what to look for and why' and then let go and trust in the Highest Good for all. For in fact nobody knows the exact date or time or even sequence of how everything is going to proceed. 

Just know when you have questions in your heart about spiritual things, if you are sincere and you keep looking, signs and answers will be sent.

That is enough for today.


Carla is a tender heart. 

That is why I am in love with her for all ages.

Keep doing what you find in front of you, I want you to keep yourself busy, not only with your mission and your daily requirements, but with the task of things that bring you comfort and joyfulness and well-being. 

We are going for the long road, and I want you to choose a pace which will help you make the most of your time on Earth, for the time being.

Never be in fear.

Not for anything.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The battle weary duo

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Messages From The End of the Road: Not My Prerogative


I enjoy photography because I can align the perspective and shoot an image to allow people to see things as I see them.  Writing appeals to me for much the same reason.

I would like to take a moment to remind everyone that this domain on Earth is still under the 'leadership' of the captain of Team Dark. And the prerogative of Team Dark is precisely this:  to lie, to cheat, to steal, and to destroy anything and everything that was made by Divine Creator. 

When I use my single lens reflex camera, I have the option to add different lenses. And also, filters. There is a UV filter, a cross-flare filter, even colored ones in all different shades.

I recommend you apply the Team Dark prerogative filter to any and all news you see, from anywhere. It will help you discern in these difficult times. Like in dating, make sure an idea truly earns your trust. Don't just give it. Betrayal and sudden pivots are the norm for Team Dark. 

While we are at it, when the news is upsetting, you might want to apply a Unicorn Filter to your perspective. Yes, I repeat, a Unicorn Filter. Remember that everything no matter how it may appear is LOVE, and Divine Creator is still in charge of how everything is going! We want to keep your heartbreak energy ('loosh') from feeding those opponents who thrive off of this energy. 

Remember if you are reading this, chances are you saw one of our leaders, several of them, repeatedly, take a major hit for our side in the past when they were incarnate.  Even if it takes all the energy you have to wake up, make your bed, get dressed, and go through your day, do it just to spite those who tried to destroy those who we have loved--our teachers, our guides, our spiritual leaders who have been paving the way for us long before we were born. 

Try your best to let go of the outcome from each pivot and twist and turn in these incredible times at the End of the Road.  Let your Unicorn Filter do what it does best. And when you reflect on current events, be sure to factor in the Team Dark prerogative filter and motives. Who benefits? Follow the money? 

Remind yourself this is one big movie and you are not able to influence more than your immediate sphere of influence. Do your best and angels can do no better.

This is enough for today.

Ross nods in agreement and waves hello. he says 'I love you' to you too.

Clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The ones from waaaaay back <3

Who love you very much

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Messages From The End of The Road: The Advanced Lesson


The other day I was driving to work and talking with Ross. I asked him, point blank, what the whole point of this existence is? All that was intended was for people to be alive and experience the fun and joy of being on Earth. Where is the fun? Why are we tolerating those who do not play nice? Not only do they play rough, they will not go away. 

Ross was quiet. 

He did not answer me.

He did not change the subject either.

I understood that this was too complex a topic for me to comprehend at the time. And I also knew that I was heard. 

Ross listens with his heart, and always pays full attention. 

This morning, right before I woke up, he gave me a little insight. Since it was from Spirit and not in words I will do my best to translate it for you.

Humans are born with creativity and with generosity and kindness. This is our nature.

The World has its own form of Creativity--the fine arts, music, fashion, design, dance, architecture. We are, as a society, 'outsourcing' our own individual creativity for those who the world says are better than us. And we pay money for it! We pay to go to music festivals, concerts, movies, wear designer get the idea. 

Earth is a school and some who wish to develop a career based on their creativity in the realm of Creativity may be internally motivated by Divine Mother and Divine Father to pursue this. 

But for every one, there are countless others who have been raised and groomed and promoted by The System. The System that is led not by Divine Mother and Divine Father, but the one who is in charge of this world.  (that was really the point I asked Ross, why this 'one' is 'ruler of the world' and not Earth itself?)

So the first way we are going to look at Ross' point, is 'who is telling you to be creative?' Are you listening to your heart and your emotions and your sense of creativity?  Or are you needing mind-altering drugs and the 'sex, drugs, and rock and roll' type motivation? 

It's subtle. 

But most important for you to know. 

This brings us to charity and kindness. Our empathy is from Divine Creator. Both Divine Mother and Divine Father. Not only does this make us human, it allows our society to coalesce and function. Those who cause harm are stopped by those who make it their mission to be protecting us. The first responders--fire, police, ambulance...

Our giving nature has been exploited. It is easy to exploit. The news shows you something horrible that happens to people. You are heartbroken and want to help. So there are lots of people telling you to give something. It is like all on the TV and the radio and online. You feel good because you gave. But like a wolf in sheep's clothing, no one can tell if the person/organization once it receives your gift, is actually going to help those in need as you intended. 

So there are ways to 'grade' charitable organizations by how much overhead they have and how much aid goes to those they serve. But in times of disasters, like 9-11, Katrina, or the fires here in Los Angeles...scammers flock to the opportunity to make some quick cash. 

Ross's point is, who is telling you to give? Do you see the person, they might be a neighbor, and you are so moved to bake them a casserole and offer it to help them in their grief over a loved one? Or is it something broadcast, and so easy to just click and send because you feel so awful for those people who are suffering? You don't want to feel that awful so you give. Then you feel like you have done something. 

The System of the One who rules the world, at the moment, knows how to exploit your natural generosity and kindness. 

Your money is your energy. 

And there never seems to be enough money no matter how hard you work. 

That system is not from Divine Creator, Divine Mother and Divine Father. 

Do the best you can in this difficult world. You are walking on a tightrope between truth and evil lies, and your very creativity and goodness and generosity and kindness are at risk of being harnessed by Those Who Do Not Have Your Best Interest At Heart. 

By having this discussion, you can reflect upon your motivations. Think before you act. Anything reflexive or automatic might be at risk of you being so great 'people' and using the term is being extra generous here.  Spend time in prayer and in meditation to help your discernment muscles strengthen up.

These are difficult times. 

Remember if you are not sure, apply the same concept as when giving Reiki where you ask Spirit to help correct any mistakes you may have made while trying to help and bring healing to others.

You are not at fault. You are never at fault.

Just keep your eyes open and avoid any pitfalls and traps that are easily put out there for you. Do your best to make one hundred percent sure you are motivated by our team, by Creator and the Divine Angels, when you choose to act. Even for the smallest of actions.


God always gives us the benefit of the doubt. Our discussion today is to point out that there are some pretty big puddles of rainwater out there in your path. Our encouragement is for you not to step in them. If by chance you do, do not be afraid, your clothing and shoes and socks will dry. There is no harm. But try not to step in them in you can. And by them, I mean, doing your best to nurture your own creativity and generosity and kindness and not be exploited into furthering the goals of the System who benefits off of Creativity as an industry and Philanthropy as a product to be mass marketed. 

That is enough for today.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Messages From The End of The Road: Cognitive Dissonance Meets Plausible Deniability


I am not going to tell you what to think. 

I can't.

Just today I had discussions, one with a nurse, one with my son, about the fires here in Southern California. I hit a wall. That wall of resistance which is called Cognitive Dissonance. They were willing to discuss the situation up to a point. But both times, after I presented my insights, I was met with 'well I believe' x, y, and z. The nurse rationalized it that 'she hates people who lie'. And my son said, 'it's simpler than that mom.'

I backed off.

We can't communicate years of study of the opposition in a casual conversation. The soil must be prepared to embrace the seed. My vibration is high, the aura to aura connection is functioning, but the verbal communication can only go so far.

This is where we get into a really slippery slope called Plausible Denial. The shadow side uses this as their best defense. With a good Plausible Denial, such as the electricity being turned off and the fire hydrants not being able to pump...well...the next step in the dance is the Cognitive Dissonance kicking in, and then, voila! Same old same old, different day...and the cycle perpetuates.

The dark ones have been screwing Earth and all of her inhabitants for so long, violently, raping mind, soul, body, emotions, psychology, environment, wildlife, and me, the only relief in sight is hoping for them to realize some post nut clarity after they finish. And like a rape, which it truly is, we are now simply focused on survival. Survival of the attack. 

In my mind's eye, the post nut clarity will come in the form of ambassadors from Heaven. Ain't no one no where denying that!

But until then, let me entertain you with some actual stories from survivors who have defected from Team Dark.

Kerth Barker, also known in those circles as 'Kathy', had to go to a home where two sisters who were both believers in that dark faith, as well as lesbian lovers, to sign some autographs. Kerth, rather, 'Kathy', was a celebrity in the child 'corn' (polite cough) 'business'. 

What happened after being told not to eat anything there, and watching the two eat a meal -- of 'long pork' if you understand the term--he was whisked away by the driver and returned home. The Baron remained.

These sisters had stopped 'tithing' to their 'church'. So orders came through a visiting messenger. But they restrained him, drugged him, and almost killed him. 

They did not obey.

So, even higher ranking people decided justice. They burned the house while forcing the two sisters to watch. Including the (polite cough) basement. You know what happened there. Ultimately the sisters were moved to the city, and had to work in a think tank. And be loyal to their team.

Jessie Czebotar, was in the system against her will. One day, when she had her foot caught in something and the firemen had to come help her, she whispered to them for help. She said something along the lines of, 'my family eats babies (baby broccoli, baby bok choy, baby carrots, of course, right?)'

What happened next? The circle gathered at the home of her protector, another child her age, like nine or ten years old. His family was made to go outside. The police chief raped his younger sister in front of everyone. No one was permitted to help. The parents and the sister were killed. Then their house was set on fire. Everyone had to quietly watch the house burn. Jessie let her pinky finger touch her protector and friend's finger ever so slightly to escape detection but convey compassion. Later Jessie was told her protector had died and there was denial of that family's ever existing. 

There was a home I toured in New York, the Roosevelt residence of where Teddy grew up. Actually the house I toured was next door to the actual house. The actual house had burned to the ground in a terrible fire, and this one was rebuilt for the museum. Why would a house like that burn? I can't say in this situation. Except perhaps it too contained a basement (polite cough) or access (I can't help but keep coughing) like some other places in New York had access without anyone knowing what that group was up to.

The other thing Jessie spoke of, were the Weather Witches. They control the weather. They were there before the technology ways were. 

Last I would like to share a story from Svali. There were no fires in this one. But she and her team dark had activities at night at a nearby military base. They drove on dirt roads with the lights of the car turned off so as not to attract attention. She, her husband and two kids. There at those sessions, she was a trainer and smoked cigarettes and had a lesbian lover. She lived a dual life. By day she was a Christian preschool teacher and had no recollection of her night existence. It took a lot of work for Svali and her family to escape. But once they did, there were people trying to get her back. They try very hard. They take advantage of weaknesses, such as calling with tones to activate her programming and make her return, for example. I haven't heard from Svali in any of her online presence in a long time. That system does not like to lose. They play the long game, and will not let up.

If these stories make you have questions, then they were useful. Questions about things people may have to hide, such as evidence. Questions about how elaborate lengths to plot revenge against people who disobey the system. Questions about the role of fire to get revenge against those who disobey. 

Remember and trust that we are in Good Hands. And one day, everyone, both those being screwed and those who are doing the screwing, are going to see everything with clarity and what is True will shine bright for everyone to see.

In the meantime, do your best to avoid scams around helping those affected by the natural disasters, and help in ways you know will be truly delivered to those who need it most, such as sending Reiki.

Thank you for your attention!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Cousins

Monday, January 6, 2025

Messages From The End Of The Road: Life Is Beautiful!


Remember the movie, Life Is Beautiful (La Vita E Bella)?

Remember the father's love for his son, and his son's love of military tanks? 

The father made it a game for them, knowing he was going to die, and took away all the fear from his son, creating joy in what little opportunity they had? And that the boy, hearing the silence, came out of hiding realizing he was the winner when the great big military tank appeared? 

He won his life while thinking it was all a fun game, in the midst of war and oppression and death.

Life IS truly beautiful.

The social credit score on social media, 'thirty eight'...the stepping down of a Prime Minister...the economic hardship here in the United States...we are approaching the end of the 'beginning' of the time of sorrows, and moving into sorrows, if we go by guidance from the 'great book'. 

Is everyone going to wake up and smell the coffee?

I seriously doubt it.

I transitioned from red to black in the pill department some time ago. The knowledge is out there, and a good portion of people are motivated by what they know and understand to be truth. True truth. But for every one like this there are at least ten others who outnumber them, wanting to believe in what their eyes see and ears hear.

They simply do not want to wake up.

In the past I have spoken about being able to hold the space for them, to allow them to wake up, and to guide them gently. And for the most part, the percentage that has been waking up has had an easier time of it than most of us had in the beginning.

But now, I ask, plainly, simply, will you be able to find your joy, and make space for that joy, in the face of great obstacles?

Will you be able to create your own 'cloud of joy' so as the most vulnerable ones can take shelter in your courage, your faith, your strength, and your commitment to seeing this assignment to its completion?

You may be asked to do this for those you love and care about.

You never know.

None of us do.

Even though we have somewhat of an idea of what is to happen, it is more the 'flavors' and 'nuances' but not the actual thing.  Stay true to your soul, follow your heart, ease your mind, and spread joy. Have faith. Set the world on fire. You were sent to light up the world with your energy. Remember how much we believe in you.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Encouragement from the End of the Road


Thank you sir, may I have another?

This is the kind of thing the new recruit soldier says to the commanding officer when pushups and punishments are assigned. 

That could be the end of this blog post, but I will elaborate.

Stress has been ongoing and really, really, intense. It has not let up. A simple roofing project turned out to be an ordeal last year. Then the insurance company flew a drone over my house and said something was organic on the roof--like, growing. They canceled the policy.

I prayed a lot. I am serious I was like, Jesus I need your help with this it's big.

I got a person to clean the roof, Anthony to help me submit the photos to the insurance company appeals website, and reinstated. 

Well, the power washers ruined some things at the house. So now I have been fixing those with handymen. And to save time, when Anthony offered to stop by someplace on the way home I asked him to pick up the porch light replacements.

I came home from work on Thursday. Not only were the projects not going well, there were live termites in the wood we were replacing, and the light bulbs did not fit inside the porch lights. The scope of the project was expanding because of the extent of termite damage.

So I have been on the phone. Coordinating, making appointments, and having termite inspections. ll

The house needs to be tented. This will involve a whole lot of scheduling and work on my part.

We were able to return the lightbulbs and get ones that fit. 

There also has been little footsteps of animals (rats) over my ceiling at night. Trying to get someone to take responsibility for repairs done in the past year has been difficult.

It seems like there are newer and more scary stresses right around the corner these days. There's the bad news on attacks that kill people. There's diseases and food shortages. 

Remember the book of Job.

Stay true to your values. And touch base with Spirit whenever you encounter challenges. Financial, time, health, political, family dynamics, work-related, you name it, there can be a stress about it...

Spirit keeps you calm.

Spirit keeps you focused.

And you trust and put your attention wherever you need it to go.

Ultimately, everything is about love. And sometimes, you get to meet some really good people who keep their word and help. Because they want to. This is a huge blessing.

So thank you for your attention. Be mindful even in times of stress and even in crisis. Remember you are deeply loved and valued by both Divine Mother and Divine Father. Every single day...

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The turbinates (his joke--these are little structures inside the nose lol!)

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Messages From The End Of The Road


I wish you a most Happy New Year!

Today I will get straight to the point:  you possess something of unimaginable wealth. Even if you have nothing to eat and are living in the streets, you still have it. And this something is of great value to those who try to exploit it for their own purposes.

This is your attention.

Just for today, I ask you to make conscious choices about who is going to receive this attention of yours. At any given time. 

We exchange it for 'entertainment'.

This takes away our ability to create plans and actions for ourselves...for our hopes, dreams, and wishes.

Thank you for choosing to give your attention to us today in reading our blog post. I hope it has helped you to realize the gift you have been given--freedom to spend your attention entirely as you please. For a lifetime.

The End of the Road is a metaphorical term for modern times. Are they the end times? Are they the gateway to a new beginning? Are these times Biblical? 

We won't know for sure until we find out.

At the midpoint between lockdowns for infectious things and the proposed Agenda 2030, I myself do not have 'good feelings' about the year 2025. But dread, fear, and patterns isn't going to lift anyone up. Or guide them in their life journey. Furthermore, placing my attention on anything that is not of the moment, is actually adding gasoline to the fire of fear. And our leadership across the globe is infatuated with us being in complete and total fear. This makes us easier to control.

Besides, who knows the future, anyway? None of us do, one hundred percent. Even those who make it their business to plan it because the outcome is never guaranteed.

So, we wish you love, hope, guidance, prosperity, abundance, friendship and lasting love in this New Year.

And be cautious about who you give your attention to, same as if you were giving them actual money from your savings.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Cousins

Doctors with Reiki 

Copyrighted 2010-2025