Friday, March 14, 2025

Messages From The End of the Road--Reflections on a Journey Called Life


It is a cloudy day. I have the heater on right next to me while I write. Oh! What a journey it has been!

The point is, that we are not encouraged to develop our souls, our spirit, and our knowledge of things metaphysical.  To support this, may I point out the many distractions in forms of entertainment or even struggling to be able to survive and pay the rent...being incarnate has a lot of reasons to overlook the pursuit of the ephemeral and the unseen.

But that is how our life works! Everything, after all, is composed of frequency and vibration, energy. We attract things and experiences to ourselves. 

So, on the one hand, we have a group of beings who are keeping this information and knowledge to themselves, and doing their best to take advantage of those who lack understanding of how everything works. What I have experienced is sort of a long, deep path like the Colorado river here at the horseshoe bend, almost a one hundred eighty degree bend...

I started out deeply fascinated by the metaphysical. I was seven years old and reading Linda Goodman's Sun Signs, my mom's books on numerology, handwriting analysis, palmistry...I couldn't get enough. I felt vaguely familiar with the materials. It was like meeting up with an old friend I had not seen in a long time.

At the same time, I was so drawn to religion! The first time I saw a rosary, I was like five or six, and I stole it from a family friend's dresser when we were visiting! Of all things to steal, right? But I HAD TO HAVE IT and I couldn't explain why. It was not for the beads or the sparkles. I couldn't understand it. We were lapsed from the Church. I made first communion at thirteen and confirmation at fourteen. I went weekly to services ever since. I remember at my grandfather's funeral, actually the rosary service, and I was at the podium guiding the family in their grief, saying the prayers (I did not know how to pray a rosary at that time). I felt energy flowing through me, so strong and powerful! People came up to me and commented afterwards how much my reading meant to them and helped them. 

Once I was in a serious relationship, his mom, who went to Mass daily, gave me a Rosary and I learned how to pray it. Through their family, I met Barbara Matthias, a visionary and locutionary in Santa Maria, California. And that was how I began a personal relationship with Blessed Mother. 

Medical School was daunting! I went to Mass every chance I could! But also, not once but twice, I had the experience of communicating with the recently deceased (not patients). It was just a place I could go. Instinctively, I could talk these souls into taking my hand and I gently walked them over to the Light. I also could go to an old, old house and talk with the owners in Spirit--my favorite conversation was asking the man of the house, in his wood workshop, what was Jesus' favorite toy? It was a wooden carved duck with wheels and a string you could pull. He showed it to me.

I got to a point where I was at the end of my rope. I did not understand why I had these otherworldly experiences, or why I was having them. Then life took me to an education, from psychic development, to Reiki and higher levels, to Divine Peace Healing, Astrology, Mediumship, Healing, and Sicilian/Italian herbal medicine.  I was hungry to learn!

And I was happy. I considered myself a Tribal Catholic.

Then, I read something in 2012. It was Cobra's Red Pill article and I read all of the links. It took a long time, days, but I understood that things are not what they may seem. And I stopped going to church because I did not want to support a facade of good over a deep, dark underbelly of secrets and lies.

It has been like things have been getting harder to hear in Spirit since 2012. I know I used to drink distilled water, and had stopped, perhaps it was my pineal gland getting re-calcified? Was it the trauma of Covid and how it affected our lives? Especially being in the hospital and being made to take care of these patients. I had to take twelve hour shifts just being available to intubate if there was a Code Nineteen overhead page. 

I had lost my bright energy. Yes, my thyroid was half removed. Yes, I had lots of stress being a single mom. I did a lot of learning about myself, my attachment style, my undiagnosed highly functioning ADHD/autism...I learned to open up and share on a personal level, not just here as it had been my only outlet for the longest time, for my heart to just open.

I listened and learned a lot from YouTube like Jessie Czebotar, near death experiences, orthodox Catholics. I struggled with my weight, tore my ACL in Pilates, recovered...I got the job of my dreams (no call! no weekends!) but then increased responsibility (forming a new corporation) and politics really started to get me down.

The only positive is I have learned the Hawaiian language and culture, that has brought me joy! I have adjusted to my son going away to college. 

One thing that stuck with me is Kerth Barker knowing that Christianity is legit. Then Jessie and others have escaped the System through the mercy of our Divine Creator and our Lord Jesus. 

Then I participated in something called a Deliverance session led by an exorcist who is pretty well known online. I felt an incredible lightness in my chest and like all this weight had been lifted off of me!! This was in December 2024.

Then, right after that, the letter from the Homeowner's insurance of cancellation. Then, I had the power washing (expensive), car trouble (expensive) and damage from the power washing to repair (more expenses). This led to the termite tenting (really expensive!). This time I was also having a rat scratching away inside the ceiling over my bathroom and bedroom. Three visits from experts to isolate and stop it were unsuccessful (and expensive!). I also discovered my son was involved in an expensive addiction that he was hiding from me. The next month, more car trouble (expensive!). Oh yes, and a golf ball broke a window, which needed to be fixed (expensive, frustrating). But that has led to more things to need fixing...

Can you tell that someone somewhere did not like my participation in the Deliverance sessions? That someone was majorly pissed, was it not?

Now I have come back to the Church. And my heart is very happy, my energy is good, and I feel complete. What the Church does is say a St. Michael's prayer after every mass, and for this I am thankful! Divine Mother has helped considerably with my son's concerns, there has been improvement.

Both hands need to work together. A good tool for Divine Creator needs to understand both the easy/happy parts of the unseen, as well as have a working knowledge of what deception and activities are hidden in plain sight. It is almost as if I entered one curriculum that has been followed by another. 

I remember a long time ago, I was sick of having my heart broken by men, and I considered joining the convent. For the first time in my life, God said NO. I ended up becoming a mother. I learned about Sister Charlotte. God was protecting me! There was another time God said NO, and I trust again it was for my own benefit and to keep me from harm. 

Am I staying with Reiki?


Nobody can appreciate the experiences in Spirit I personally have had. Does the deliverance guy hate Reiki and does it hurt when he says so? Yes. It does. But I also take into consideration where he is coming from, and his Purpose. He could not do what he does if he was having experiences that were any different from the ones he has had, right?

Am I pulling a Doreen Virtue? No. Not on your life.

Am I doing a Lisa Raven Eddy? In my own way, I would say yes. Both of us are processing our experiences with respect to our upbringing. And, like her, I would say there is a group of souls who are not the 'witchy witchy woo woo' healers Jessie Czebotar has described, but are more like the James and Deb who Kerth Barker describes. Super strong Christians who know things through the Holy Spirit and have a working knowledge of both this world and the hereafter. And this type of connection is very sweet. It connects hearts and brings out the best in ourselves and those around us.

We long for the afterlife because deep down everyone knows that is what is truly REAL. And like Hope Johnson says, what we are doing here is 'making everything up!'--here in the third dimension. The greatest purpose is for LOVE. 

The Colorado river started off as snowfall on the Rockies! Then it ended up flowing through canyons, carving them, taking seemingly random turns through a literal desert! Sometimes the water is green, blue, or even red/muddy! But it always keeps flowing, and keeps heading towards its final destination, the sea.

Be like the Colorado River. Always keep moving and learning. Pick yourself up after your mistakes and know that mistakes are totally human. Remember you are both loved and cherished. Of incredible value to all of us here and on the other side of the Veil. Keep being YOU, experience JOY, and make the most of the time you have here with us on Earth, incarnate.

Ross said he couldn't get a word in edgewise and is waiting until next time to speak and share his perspective.He is poking a little fun at me and that is okay. I am used to it!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple