Sunday, February 23, 2025

Messages From The End of the Road: Consensus


I went to mass this morning. It had been a long time, and I had missed it. Reading the things Cobra had released in 2012, and my awakening, had led me to depart from the Church, especially contributing financially to the church.

As the Pope lies ill, I have mixed feelings. I know. I know about what goes on beneath the church, I understand the things Jessie Czebotar shared about what goes on inside the church buildings after hours, all of it is extremely shocking and distasteful.

Even by extension the worst of the worst, the Black Mass, a total inversion of what was left for the followers after his death and resurrection, is a mockery of both the followers and the one who left the church behind for their consolation.

Today I saw with my own eyes that no matter how much darkness uses a facade of goodness to hide behind and do their heinous and unspeakable 'system'--it is the other way around. Yes! No matter how much darkness, no matter how 'strong' it may appear in the world, the power of good will vastly overshadows it. Darkness cannot overcome Holiness/Goodness/Love from Divine Creator. 

It wants to.

And there has been a slow organized, methodical approach to these times by Team Dark. 

What Creator has built is stronger. 

We are fortunate to get to see this in our times. 

Darkness is hidden deep within many organizations. The Church is one example. 

Goodness will prevail.

It has to, energetically. It has the upper hand in every way.

Lately I have been unpacking and cleaning after the tenting of my home for termites. As I work I listen to the Telepathy Tapes podcast. They are remarkable. I have caught up with all of them. I am most grateful to my friend who suggested I listen to them. It is deeply validating for those who are caught somewhere between the realm of Spirit and walking on Earth. Although the podcast is about non-verbal people with severe autism who learn to communicate by spelling, it is applicable to everyone. 

As more and more conspiracies come to light, remember to take it to heart how much stronger is the good will of our brothers and sisters.

If you would like a little 'extra credit' metaphysically, push yourself to extend love and compassion to all, even those who are enemies. If you are like me, and that is difficult then push yourself to be able to pick up that enemy and place them in God's hand and let them go. Loving our enemies is really difficult but is what sets us apart from all other beliefs. Again this is a can, not a must, but it is good to reflect on it from time to time.

It is a beautiful Spring day here. There is more unpacking and organizing to do in the home. I will excuse myself and leave you to enjoy the rest of your day.

With blessings, love and joy,

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins who are calibrated for Peace.