Sunday, February 2, 2025

Messages from the End of the Road: Try to Enjoy the Show


There is a lot of unrest in the world at this time.

Planes are falling out of the sky, roads are being blocked by protesters, economic sanctions are being taken against our allies, Kanye is having his wife go naked to the Grammys and food prices are soaring just to name a few.

Today's message is a gentle reminder that all is not what it seems.

There are two worlds, the Seen, and the Unseen.

Ultimately, we are heading towards a Heaven on Earth, where both worlds unite, and both the Seen and the previously Unseen are visible to all. 

The 'bumps' in the road, or the 'hiccups' are two-fold:  there is a portion of the leadership of the world who wants to have the unseen and seen unite into an unpleasant version where humans are cattle and have little to no rights whatsoever, and there is a portion who wants to have life be able to choose what is unseen and really worship it. For all that it is worth. Neither one of these groups are steering us towards the original blueprint of Earth, one of joy, creativity, freedom and happiness. 

These factions are doing everything in their power to win.  To gain economic superiority, to gain political advantage, and to persuade the public to have allegiance to them. 

The year 2030 is relentlessly marching towards us. 

Is it time to despair? Certainly not. There is a lot of joy to be had in what freedoms we are given.

Is it time to become martyrs for a cause? I would say only if you really have the Holy Spirit guiding you because for most people life is going to carry on. 

What time is it then?

Do not trust what your eyes see, especially if someone is telling you what you are seeing.

Do not trust what your ears hear, especially if anyone is telling you what you are hearing.

Above all, do not fear, even when others are becoming fearful and signs are ominous in the media, all of it, all media of every kind.

Know that it is time to become resourceful, and to tap into your reserves. Spirit it guiding me toward this. It might be for the fumigation, it might be for the times, to save money. All the stuff I had stored up on 'just in case' during Covid is meant to be enjoyed, that I know. 

Question everything at this point.

This is the most logical step to take because the most advanced psychological weapons and spiritual weapons are being used on the people. And sadly, the people do not even realize it. Their emotions are taking over, making them easier to control. 

Trust that when push comes to shove, Spirit it going to guide you and tell you exactly what steps you need to take and when you need to take them.

Until then, you have to hand it to whoever it is who is creating this show--it is a doozy! Be thankful you have eyes that see beyond the obvious and can appreciate the theatrics that are going on. 

Be strong and have courage! Everything is going to be okay. Make this a Feb-YOU-ary, and make sure you do self care, and are resilient. Help others are needed. And pray! Prayer helps so much.


Do not be afraid of what is on the road ahead. 

When you reach that part of the road on your journey, know that you will be stronger and you are being guided by a loving Creator who knows you very well. 

Everything is happening for the best. 

Try to stay away from get-rich-quick schemes and falling for scams, as there will be more and more of these out there taking advantage of the political instability. 

Remember to put your Spiritual Gold up where no one can help themselves to it--up in Heaven! Build your strength with your Spiritual practices every single day.

Even a cup of tea can be significant source of growth and fortitude!


Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla