Thursday, June 30, 2022

Spiritual Learning Is Limitless


Am I still crying?


I have plans to go to lunch with an old friend, she has it kind of worse than me, and I hope to cheer her up. You know the saying 'be careful what you wish for?' (you just might get it).  She was a single mom like me, was dating, and wanted to get married. She did. But he has a terrible temper it turns out, and is really mean to her. I know they love each other very much. It's so sad. She puts him in his place and sets boundaries and holds him accountable. She does all the right things. It is exhausting. 

Anyhow, before the crying jag, Ross had a message and gently today he reminded me to share it.

I'd like to bring your attention to the beautiful 'Om' pendant in the photo. I'm wearing mine, which had diamonds in it too. All tiny ones along the entire metal of the Om. 

When I got to Karuna Reiki Master, I thought that was as high as my Reiki skills were going to go. It's the highest class offered by my teacher. During the class, I wore a nice dress, brought a special mug that said Love on it, and was surprised during my attunement to meet not one but two guides, Ross and Buddha. Ross was a little formal, and reserved. I'd seen him once or twice after communion years earlier when I was in Medical school. I didn't understand how a person could have two Reiki guides, usually I have met one at each level. 

Mine are, in order of increasing level, Mikao Usui, Blessed Mother, Eric from Sirius, Kamehameha, Jesus and Buddha. 

I didn't know Ross was paying a social visit, to see me, I totally didn't understand. Just like I didn't understand years earlier why he showed me his project (New Earth) and asked my opinion on it. 

I remember back then, feeling like it was the most natural thing in the world to have him consider my opinion, and I noticed he looked tired and worn. So I told him matter of fact that he didn't have to continue in this any more, it's taking too much out of him, and why not just give all of his job responsibilities to like, the Buddha? He has to take care of first things first. He explained and mumbled why he couldn't but the dynamic was there--I look out for Him when everyone else looks out for number one and for what He can do for them. 

So anyhow to celebrate completion of Karuna Reiki Master teacher, I got this necklace which I figured would be the last one I'd ever wear. It was on sale at Macy's. That was back when I used to read the ads.

I've since worn lots of other necklaces.

And the teaching point?

After that, I learned Galactic Reiki levels one, two and master teacher, Agarthan Reiki, Gaia Sophia Reiki and this one now I haven't taught anyone and don't even know the name of. All of these forms of healing came through me. Typically others found the first symbol, and showed me and the rest just came through.  I've also done videos of the keys, the healing ones. And Marc Gamma entrusted me with the Divine Healing Codes as their caretaker. 

I heal entire stadiums and theme parks. Yesterday there were over twenty-seven thousand in attendance, not counting the stadium working staff. All at once. I help set geographic healing for Gaia's energy flow systems. Daily Reiki and Divine Peace Healing has been going out to millions of people a day, daily, for over twelve years running. I've learned to manage negative attachments and dark attachments. The Guides of Compassionate Healing and I work very closely together. 

Someone I care about recently had a headache and the chills. I was able to scan the energy from a distance. I was stumped because the life force was very low, all over, shockingly low, and I couldn't find a 'source' for the infection. I only saw lower energy in the throat chakra, and something in the left calf.  I asked Archangel Raphael for guidance, He pointed out the top of the throat like where the tonsils are, and the eustachian tubes. It turns out it was a pretty bad case of Covid. That's exactly where I saw lit up in green is where the virus replicates. The left calf is likely a tiny clot/DVT. There had been recent air travel. 

I've grown so much as a healer.

Way, way, way more than I thought possible when I bought myself that necklace with the diamonds and Om. 

It's nice to look back, and to appreciate ourselves for our healing energy. And the progress we've made.

I'm having nice chats with Ross this morning. He gave me a bouquet of flowers too, spirit ones. It helps. 

Even though being human can be challenging, especially keeping our hearts open and embodying Love in this place where so many people are under the influence of zombie-fying factors and their hearts are more closed than a mussel or clam or oyster shell--it's important to be here nonetheless. Take it easy. Try not to take it personal. And just give yourself a break from the chores and expectations when you go through healing like I've been doing. 

A lot of what I talked about with Ross is that I feel broken in my ability to 'attach' emotionally to anyone. Even my brother who was so open and we talked daily, once I friended him, stopped. Ross assured me, so very gently, that the next one I attach to will actually come and attach emotionally to me, and it's going to be okay. Everything will work. 

I need to go prepare and I'll meet my friend.

I hope this lesson helps you. Yesterday I took the 'blood' of my broken dreams and sorrow, and added it as 'payment' or 'offering' to Divine Creator during the healing I sent out from Angel stadium. It seemed to 'stick' better and have more effect than my usual healings. So, if you're blue and suffering, why not put that suffering up to good use as a gift, a precious pearl of a spiritual being having a human experience being incarnate? Creator appreciates all of our creations, especially our lessons, and it also helps us to separate and move on from our suffering too, by making it a gift of healing for those who are deeply, deeply, deeply asleep.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple