Sunday, January 23, 2022

Be Present


That's what I was going to talk about this morning. Then Saul came and said it again here.

So I guess it's a timely message for all of us!

Yesterday was a quiet day at home. I noticed something funny on a credit card statement. I called to report it. And was placed on 'hold' for almost forty-five minutes. But I stayed on. I'm glad I did because I caught it in the bud. 

If I wasn't paying attention I wouldn't have known to correct it.

Also, it was a 'new shoes' day. Anthony is getting older. The time before last I bought him new shoes was February 2020--his everyday walking shoes. We have bought extra shoes since then, at a 'sale discount' place. But it was special because I bought a new pair of everyday shoes too. I haven't bought them in four years. 

When we go, Anthony likes to have lunch at a certain restaurant that's old school and makes burgers and milkshakes. I wasn't in the mood for milkshakes. But we tried their onion rings and they were odd. All the same size. I think it was chopped up onions in them. Not bad, but not 'onion rings' in the classic sense. 

They used to have little menus that were for the kid meals, that would fold up into cars. I was surprised they still had the cars! So we folded them.

It's these normal days that mean the most to us later, once the kids have grown. The singing in the car. The little conversations about what's changed in the mall and what hasn't.

Yesterday morning, when I woke up (uncovered) the bird, I spent some time playing with him outside the cage. I took pictures. Sometimes it's good to slow things down.

My friend in France posted a meme for her husband, and it said that our Saturday night together was nice. And right now, on Saturday, there are lots of people 'out there' looking for the right person to be able to spend their Saturday nights at home with the T.V. like we are doing now. 

Be mindful.

Be present.

Be YOU. Your energy is important to the whole, for us all, be certain to share it.

Enjoy the special gifts Spirit has placed in your path just for today. You'll be sure to find them. Just remember to be present.

And in doing so, YOU become the gift for others who know you and love you as well.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins