Sunday, October 24, 2021

Have A Seat...


Let's chat over ice cream, shall we? It's Ross' favorite flavor...

Soon I will make breakfast for Anthony and me. I'm very thankful because a colleague is helping me today with my call. Yesterday I was called in as backup, and did three cases. 

This whole last week, I marveled at how fast time flew by. How there isn't time for any real chores or anything, just bare survival, and we ended up eating takeout a lot because I took Anthony to urgent care twice after work. The last time we waited two hours to see a doctor. We were glad because the time before that, it was a Physician Assistant, and SHE--although professional--was clearly working from a 'protocol'--checking boxes on the computer according to the symptoms to come up with diagnosis and treatment. 

Such is life.

Here is a nice message from John Smallman if you haven't seen it.

News has it Magenta Pixie is in hospital 'with a virus'. Please send healing to her and blessings. She's a presence that's not exactly 'under the radar' and she takes that responsibility seriously. She's taken a lot of flak, from 'the comments section' and I respect her for that. Always professional, no matter what.

Here is something that will blow your mind! Vanilla Ice Cream compared to Instant oatmeal for breakfast. One of my bariatric surgeons I worked with last week did a study/paper on something like that. Instant oatmeal actually isn't as healthy for you as you think. 

He spoke of the NOVA classification system for food:  original source here

His point is that original foods in original form are healthiest for us. Those are one level. The next level, I think two, is slight modifications to provide flavor, such as olive oil and salt and pepper. Or drying fruits or herbs.

Level three is a food that's a little more processed.

And level four are the 'ultra processed' foods. I asked for examples, and he gave 'Ritz crackers' and things like that. It's the ultra processed foods that are causing so much weight gain and ill health. It was very insightful listening to him. 

What else has been going on? I've been listening to the weather. As Ross says, 'you like to tune out, don't you?' I enjoy hearing it, because it's actual information that's free from bias, and a cheerful voice delivers it. I have either silence in the car, or the weather, unless I'm close to home, and I turn on music in case Anthony and I get back into the car to go anywhere. I don't want him to think I'm weird lol.

How's work? Well, Covid numbers are way down. Not zero. But way down. All the restrictions are still way UP. I am in N-95 the whole day, and testing twice weekly. I felt sorry for the doctor at Urgent Care. She wears a small green N-95, and her hospital didn't have her size. Even during Covid surges, and she is on the front lines in the clinic. She actually used to work in private practice/hospital at a sister hospital for twenty seven years. It's financially impossible now to run your own show around here, for primary care. Specialties, yes, but not primary care. Especially with angry people giving bad yelp reviews. 

I'm grateful for my masks that fit.

I needed them yesterday. I was exposed to crypto coccus and tuberculosis during procedures in the OR that had them flying all over the room. I wore a face shield for the TB. Even though it was AFB negative three times, that's for quite breathing. Not coughing and spraying all over the room from a procedure in the airway.

I changed to clean masks after each case.

My garden, my home, show a little neglect. Ross counseled me to 'conserve my energy'. I'm on duty still, and through the week. I have so much more compassion for myself, while Anthony was four until fifteen, and I was working full time. No wonder why I'm so tired and wanting to retire! Reiki has been a good thing, and it's helped us all so much, and also, created a wonderful supportive community.  I don't know how I did it, everything, writing in the early mornings and driving everywhere and coordinating who would pick him up from work and taking call...

I have insider information on the Baldwin set thing. No one had been paid on the set for three weeks (weekly pay is normal). Almost everyone walked off the set, all the union people, due to concerns for this and lack of safety. It was non-union replacements there, except for the two who got hurt. 

Remember Svali. She says how people in what she escaped are highly proficient in guns and weaponry. Children from a very small age are taught how to use guns, as well as how to kill. They lead dual lives and don't even know it. At night they get the call and are programmed to show up for 'practice' in what Svali described as 'her real life'. The reason is to plan for End Times programming and to execute that programming (often called Alex programming). 

If in Hollywood, big famous stars are in the whatever million club (like Kanye, who had to make a 'sacrifice') and they have done that be be big players. 

So the data doesn't add up. 

That being said, my dear friend from elementary school, said that everyone deserves compassion. Just because of Mr. Baldwin's politics, or (I add, 'upbringing'), remember we don't agree with their 'philosophy' but we have prayers and love and refrain from judgement because we are aware that he, too, is human, and going through something awful, and have respect and love and prayers for the families of the injured ones too. 

Ross says not to gossip.

He says that the Baldwin stuff is okay.

And the Magenta Pixie too.

I was hoping Boston would go to the World Series. I don't like Houston's baseball team. Not since they cheated. Anthony says Boston cheated once too. But Atlanta originally WAS from Boston. They were the BakesBeans or some other weird names and in 1965 or 1966 went to Atlanta. It's sad for the Dodgers. But since I'm neutral for Atlanta, and there is the random Boston tie I'll cheer for them. 

Ross wants me to explain how I'm on 'cruise', to 'conserve my energy'. Today I paid my bills, so I don't have to worry. I'll make breakfast. My bed is unmade. He wants me to take a bath later, the heat is good for me. I've cared for the pets--feeding them. I hope to plant shallots and garlic but that might have to wait for tomorrow. I brought mail into the house, but I kept my paper sorting protocol with the filing, so there's no new 'pile'. I'm always listening to Ross, and checking in with him, to make sure I'm doing what is best at any given time.  I try to stay home and not drive if possible. And I wait for the week after next when things are better.

I have one small project to complete, fortunately there's no pressure, it's a report from a reading. 

Then I'll have Astrology and Sicilian to catch up on. 

I'm kind to myself. And I know my true friends, understand my schedule isn't really my own, and I'm grateful for this.


Carla has been doing a lot of growing! Especially around sleep. Not only is she going to bed earlier than before, and sleeping in later, she is taking naps in the hammock in the sunshine because she knows that's good for her too.

She was doing a few exercises in the morning, but now with the pressure and time constraints that's difficult. So she lets it go.

She knew in her heart, yesterday she was meant to be there with those patients and those surgeons. And she braces herself for whatever happens next with her remainder of her work schedule in this 'busy work week'.

We send you love and joy, it's free, and it sends well with little packaging : ) (he's teasing us on our 'modern lifestyles').

clap! clap!

Aloha and mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple