Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Work It!


Yesterday I read the new John Smallman post. Ross says that we are awakening now. And that our teams are ready to re-orient us back to the Higher Realms. 

Part of me has a sinking feeling that we are all going to die. 

We ARE going to all die, eventually. But by the tone of it I was concerned that perhaps mass extinction is on the horizon, and after having been through Atlantis when it sunk I'm not really looking forward to that. Even though I adore my teams and I look forward very much to reuniting with them. 

I guess you could say as an old soul I have a little Ascension anxiety, yes?

I am also a little annoyed with the 'show'.

I don't like it.

I didn't like sitting in the break room with a bunch of nurses eating my 'dinner' last night while I was on call--it was lentil hummus, some red thing I don't even know what it was but was part of the mediterranean feast, and by the time I got to the hummus hummus I just couldn't eat it any more. I'd had all the grape leaves, that's what I like best those little rolls, for last night's dinner and lunch. There weren't even crackers or pita bread to eat the hummus with. The time crunch heading to work had been so great I had to skip it. 

Over my head was the goddamn CNN, which I hate, and the nurses are all never-trumpers, they were hating on Trump and his followers still, and looking forward to mandatory mask mandates.

Frustrated, I explained to them how I wear the N-95 all day, it's fitted, and even that will let through five percent of anything I'm trying to protect myself from. It will exhaust itself in about eight hours and no longer protect. How is a cloth mask made of the same jersey material as tee shirts and underwear going to protect anyone from anything?

They agreed, and said that only the surgical masks are 'protective' but from what they understand it's to keep the droplets from speaking down. 

Covid isn't droplet transmission. It's aerosol. Very fine particles that can easily pass through any mask besides an N-95, and possible small enough to easily pass through that--if it's virus particles which are 3 microns and the mask protects to 7 microns.

I started thinking about Life on Earth. And what's the whole point of it? If you look at it one way, it's totally senseless.

You live in a fragile body that needs food and medical care. And light and Vitamin D and exercise and rest.

So we learn how to grow things and to care for them. 

Things break. And we need to know how to repair them or find someone trustworthy to repair them and not rip us off. 

These office worker photos always show excitement and success. But how about lazy people who don't pull their weight? And deceptive ones who teach us the lesson in betrayal again and again?

There are hardships only someone who walked a mile in their shoes would understand. 

We were talking about white privilege in the operating room yesterday. I said I had a lot of that growing up in North Long Beach, a very poor and rough neighborhood right next to Compton (I was actually conceived in Compton, my parents had their first apartment there).  I was being sarcastic.

And the guys in the ortho room were like, 'You grew up in Long Beach?'

And I said, 'Yes, in the LBC. In NORTH Long Beach.' which everyone knows is a bad part of town, with the downtown area near LB Polytechnic high school (where my dad went) a little worse. (My new job for extra part time work is right near there, and also, right near where I was born, St. Mary's hospital.)

Then there's the whole social part of life...who you find to associate with. Who settles down to live with you and raise children. And how you do that. 

I've had people recently tell me honestly that they realized how hard it is to be a single parent. Either it was the situation or they heard about how I had some hard times with Anthony.

When I had to get him to counseling once a week and myself too, I was spending two hundred fifty dollars a week for it. And one worker used to help me leave work early, I hadn't told her why until last night. We were talking about the lady urologist whose son just took his own life. We are going to the funeral together. It's incomprehensible the sorrow. 

Sorrow happens too. And suffering in this life.

So here is a basic teaching point available to all of us. 

Is that why we incarnated on earth? To improve our attitude or have it tested?

Sometimes I get the feeling that whoever designed earth--and it very well could have been my HS and perhaps that's why I've been so upset at her for so long, I'm not now, but I was--decided to assign all different kinds of soul 'grade levels', and soul 'assignments' (team light or team dark)--and throw them in the blender.

With this little snow globe, you shake it up, and the effect is beautiful, as it settles down. 

But with souls and hearts?

I know Hope Johnson says that everything is a projection, and it comes to help us reinforce our beliefs--every person, every happening, every memory, shows us how well we love ourselves. It's all fake. It's all perception. But what's REAL is Love. Everything else is Drama.

What I can't understand is that some people are ROTTEN. I'm talking bloodlines of the Illuminati, people who invoke demons, all that stuff.

I'm sick of them doing 'great in those roles' and torturing and eating innocent children and human sacrifices.

So this is where I personally, have a difficult time with Ross, and his saying that nothing is 'bad', there is no 'judgement' and it's all part of being in Duality. 

I couldn't live in an eternity where it is okay for people to drink blood and rape children. 

I can't live in an eternity where it is okay, anywhere.

So, in my full capacity, I officially announce that Earth School for all sentient beings is closed forever. Only good and kindness, nurturing, warmth, love and compassion, are going to be in existence. I don't care if it's boring. I don't care if you don't like it. You can move to another universe and do all that crazy shit if it means so much to you. I don't want to be a part of it. I never condoned any of the things that have been happening here. And between Divine Mother and Myself, there is a giant clean up of low-vibration, negativity that has been removed steadily from this planet for going on ten years now. 

If I misunderstood Ross, and perhaps the people who have been doing horrible things are welcome to stop, and won't be judged because they want to stop and heal and get better, then I apologize most sincerely. I wouldn't judge someone who wanted to better themselves, the planet and humanity.

For those who are currently in mass MK Ultra 2.0, the first being when Kennedy died and shocking so many...it appears like everyone who was a never-Trumper, and an Obama Lover, I have a word for you. Energetically, do you think all that hatred your whole cohort manifested against Trump was without consequence to yourselves and Earth? I felt it dissolve once the media said Biden won. It was like a huge black cloud lifted off the planet.


You made that cloud with your thoughts and emotions, those are REAL things, and they had an effect on everything in the planet. How do you know it's global warming that's melting the ice for the polar bears--because it's 'science that tells you' , with science being something that can be measured by experts...when you have no inkling that the world leaders are experts at the occult, they know THAT science and the laws perfectly for their own benefit and hoard it to themselves, and they mine ATTENTION and direct it however they want. Yes, the hearts and minds of the people? How do you even know that your leaders and scientists are what they present themselves to be, honest and trustworthy? They could be lying.

So, if you dislike Trump, fine.

If you as a collective obsess on it and burn cities and look the other way to voter fraud, and create a dark cloud of unhappiness, that's not cool.

From what I see, there is a very high possibility of a massive reversal of the vote--not for Trump to win--but for the purpose to traumatize everyone who is celebrating, with a ginormous betrayal. And THAT will not only trigger civil war, but it will psychologically break this cohort into dissociation or vulnerability to being brainwashed to the next level.

In satanic covens, they will love bomb you for the first two years of life--you can do no wrong, then when you are ripe for it your father will viciously rape you. This shatters the mind into something they can work with for mind control programming. 

Next they will give you a pet, usually a dog, and you will be able to bond with it. Then later, they kill it. 

They teach you that only betrayal is normal, and expected, and if you let yourself be betrayed or tricked it's your own damn fault. 

That's their world.

It's like battling illusions. Their beliefs. And the general public. And their goal with NWO is complete control and everyone to think like/obey them.

In a way, there's nothing 'wrong' with it as they are souls carrying out their life purposes and perhaps they are doing really good at the dark lives, everyone has learned them.

But if you are celebrating, be careful. First of all, after torturing and calling everything against your beliefs  a demon, for four years, that's not without ramifications. People aren't going to just 'unite'. Not with hypocrites. Second, I see a stage being set to really hurt you as they rush in the NWO--because they want to 're-Trump' you and break your spirit. This makes you more workable. And right now, with the current Biden stuff, it's breaking the spirit of the Trumpers who know a little about the deception and occult and sacrifices and want it to end. They are just flaunting it that the swamp is in control and can do whatever the hell it wants to anyone, and no one can stop it.

I need to make breakfast for Anthony now.

Be in your center.

Take mainstream media with a huge grain of salt. Turn it off if possible because there is advanced psychological warfare going on there.

Stay close to nature.

Enjoy every day of life and freedom that you can.

The other day, my highlight was checking on my worms in my compost bin in the morning, and realizing the compost was steaming hot. I've never seen compost do that out here in California. It was exciting to see I was doing something right.

Support one another spiritually.

And know that the easiest way to control a society is to divide them politically. Otherwise, united, they would overthrow the government. That's why they do what they do, to keep us down and barely able to survive.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

Ross will talk a little more next time about this subject. He will have his say. And he says we are not all going to die in 'some mass extinction'. Everyone is living/keeping their Life Contracts, everything is Kosher and on the 'up and up'. So don't fear. He wants you to see what resonates with you in what I said. With my (he giggles) 'Ascension Anxiety'. He said if every there was someone who could get anxious about something wonderful, it would be Carla.