Friday, November 13, 2020

I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You


I adore this image!

It's lots of little white bunnies circled in both blue and red, and they are covering one eye.

Ah! The symbolism of the times!

I'm noticing a trend. Now I've seen three people, two are very close to me, who have had a change of heart.

I won't give specifics, but, it's like, they decided they didn't want to be 'like that' any more.

One had something happen in her personal life, and decided to stop putting her strong feelings about politics on her social media with her friends. It looks like it cost her someone dear to her. 

Another, was abused emotionally and neglected. Now when he is with his abusive parent, he finds he is passive aggressive, angry, and wants to put the abuser 'in his place'. But he's only that way around the abuser. He is otherwise kind, open and loving everywhere else. He's not sure he wants to be like that. Long term where is it going to lead? Possibly into turning into what he hates.  So where to go? At the corner of 'civil' and 'friendly and polite' with that person.

I gave the example for myself with my patients. I am friendly and polite, making the best of the situation, but all the while knowing I have a job to do. And to be able to do that job, I can be nice but I'm not going to open myself all the way emotionally to each and every person I work with. I am friendly and polite, but after that is a solid WALL, which is my boundary, which protects myself.

So it's not 'all open' or 'all closed', it's what you feel is appropriate in that particular relationship. 

I believe we are being bombarded from the Higher Realms with the energies of Contrition. This was an old term used in the Catholic Church for something that goes along with Confession (the Sacrament of Reconciliation).  It just means you are sorry for what you did, and you don't have to be like that any more.

My best confession ever was in New Orleans, at the big church there. I didn't realize it, but I was talking to their Archbishop in that little room. I had just been let go from my position as an Associate Professor of Anesthesia at the University. And the chairman of the department was at the same Anesthesia conference as me.

On my knees, I explained to the clergyman what happened. And how I hate the Chairman who caused me pain. I totally hate him. I wish him bad things, I wish him dead, and I can't stop thinking about him. 

I paused and said, 'Father, that's not like me. I don't want to be like that any more. I want to be free from being like that.'

He encouraged me that yes, this was possible, it was understandable that given the circumstances to feel that way, and would I be able to see him as God sees him? With unconditional love?

I said that was too much of a stretch for me, given the stress of being a single parent and the financial burden he put me in. But, I could pick him up and put him in God's hand, and let go, to let God take care of him.

Then I was given absolution, and certain number of Our Fathers and Hail Marys to say, and I was done.

The energy of reconciliation, or 'Ho'Opono'pono' if you understood the secret message of the title--is electrifying for both people involved! The one asking for forgiveness, and the one who is helping them to find their way, and offering the forgiveness. 

If you find yourself faced in a situation, and you wish to 'make things right', you just find the person, and say these four things:
  1. I'm Sorry
  2. Please Forgive Me
  3. Thank You
  4. I Love You
It helps to throw in an 'amend', a physical something to show you truly regret your behavior and you won't do it again. That helps to increase trust in the relationship.

If Ross ever had one mission, it was to eliminate this separation, and to unify our hearts across the globe in loving unity.

Not the 'I'm right, you're wrong' thought police type of 'unity', which is false.

It's the, 'I'm there for you buddy, I totally get it, I've been there too.'

So whether you feel the need yourself, or someone who is feeling the need approaches you, remember it's the energies, it's the awakening, it's the opening of the heart...right on schedule. It's a sign of the times. And it's okay.

Everything is going to be OKAY.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Adjuvants <3 (Ross says, go ahead and look that one up and he smiles)