Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Nobody Knows


Nobody knows what is going to happen , even though the end is certain that victory is to Divine Mother and Divine Father. 

It is a mystery.

How do we grow while living in a mystery such as this? How do we cope? How do we set goals? How do we function?

These are all very good questions to ask. On one level.

If we rise ourselves above to a slightly larger plane of perception, we realize that as individuals we are gaining knowledge of our sense of separation not exactly being 'real'...not only are we all in this boat together, we are reflections of our own perception and other's perceptions of us! So, let go and relax.

Make it a point to let go and relax and just reflect upon what is good and joyful for a little bit of time every day. 

This is going to help you weather the storm. And most definitely there is a storm, a few squalls 'out there' building up. 

Your natural state is love, joy, healing, compassion, and abundance! everything else is false, fake, phony, and totally unreal.  

Knowing this doesn't exactly help when you are suffering, hungry or have experienced great pain for example in the past. Look at these experiences as opportunities to heal. On many different levels! By giving gratitude for what you have that is good, you can work to shift the energies in your favor. 

But what IS going on out 'there'?

Remember 'out there' is a reflection of what is 'inside' the majority of the people. What is in their thoughts, in their hearts, and in their daily actions and plans.  Unfortunately, it is totally against intuition, in that it takes the insides to heal in order for the outer expression on a larger scale to manifest.  So first and foremost, the daily time in your natural state helps energetically to build the conditions for happiness for ourselves and others. 

What I see going on is the slow, planned demolition of life as we know it. Not only is it going to bring suffering, there is one worse thing than that--people are going to do anything that is asked of them in the hopes of 'bringing what once was ...BACK.'  This is a form of psychological herding of sheep/humans.  With each financial hardship, with each lack of food, lack of safety, lack of justice, lack of work...humanity is driven to the breaking point...for example such as in Sri Lanka.

Remember in your heart how the enemy has the motto Order through Chaos.  Being exposed to chaos traumatized people and makes them easier to control. Chaos also helps you because after you induce it, you can step in and offer a 'solution', typically one that removes freedoms. It's like a cook book only instead of food it's for global domination.

It's also a Spiritual battle going on.

Step one--after you spend time in your Natural State, daily, train yourself to embrace Chaos. This takes the fear out of it. And, remember, your guides can step in and help just as much as the enemy can. There's been a series of changes recently for me that's been like a roller coaster--only when I look closer past the emotions, everything is turning out really, really good. Really good. Beyond my wildest dreams good. 

Step two--tell yourself often things happen for a reason. You may or may not get to know what that reason is from the start. But trust it. 

Step three--stay observant and detached and look for patterns. What is see right now is raging Covid during the time of year it's supposed to be dormant. And it's super duper catchy. This has spread like wildfire through the O.R. staff. People who have never had Covid are now catching it. And I've seen the pattern of children giving it to adults (older forms that was rare)...

Think about the good. 

Remember what is in your control (your reactions to external events) and what isn't (external events). 

Go along for the ride.

Appreciate the little things, like being able to experience typical human experiences. They truly are a gift and your spirit will be glad it go to experience those things...even when in hardship. 

You may keep up your boundaries while reminding yourself to always be thankful for being here, now, at this time of immense and incredible change.

Then go for your plans. Review them with Creator and give thanks for them, in all states of your experience. If frustration and setbacks are on the menu today, well, give thanks you aren't getting watered down versions of those experiences. Be glad to be aware enough to recognized them for what they are--experiences designed for the highest good of all.


I love and adore Carla and all that she has been going through as of late. And her remarkable resilience is a pleasure to observe not just from my perspective but from other's too. 


Everything is going to be okay.

I mean it.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple