Monday, July 18, 2022

Free Will: A Mighty Lesson!


This image is here because most 'choices' seem to imply that you pick one, you never can go back to the other, and that's it. It's what I call the 'duality spin' on the entire subject. This image here, is different, in that not only are there many possibilities, here, only in two dimensions in the flat picture (and we know there are many dimensions, within our own, and beyond including the realm of Spirit which has infinite dimensions...). 

Sometimes we need to be given the freedom to clearly learn a lesson. Our guides see the paths, from their perspective. And since time doesn't really exist, our guides know the outcomes! Of each and every possibility. Moreover, our guides actively help us in many ways, when we ask and sometimes even when we don't, to help us meet our goals of learning our lessons we set in place before we incarnated as 'us' this time around...

It doesn't look so scary when you think of it in this perspective, does it? The ego doesn't really show up, the strong feelings and emotions we experience...the Big Picture makes a lot of sense!

Well, how did I arrive at this picture and this degree of awareness?

It took ten years. Almost to the day. Ten years of working and working and working to heal and feel my feelings and release what I needed to release and to work with my teams and to GROW...

Please let Ross and I share with you what I consider to be a real sign of his genius as a guide...for me.

Here is the lesson:

Before birth my mother dedicated me to Blessed Mother Virgin Mary. She wore a medal the entire pregnancy. 

I was baptized but never raised in the church in my early years. I hungered for it but didn't know what it was. First time I ever saw a Rosary it was so beautiful I had to take it. Yes, as a wee child of five I stole a Rosary--awful, isn't it? 

We had vacation Bible school, a short run at a local Bretheren Church until my dad thought the pastor 'got too political' and stopped going. It wasn't until my younger sister had a friend preparing for First Communion that my mom decided to do a 'two for one' and take care of us both. We started going to Mass, and I had Confirmation the next year.

I loved Mass.

At my grandfather's funeral I was invited to read a part of the Rosary to lead the family, and I felt electricity flowing through me for the first time! 

I had realized that Jesus gave the church to Peter, who founded the Roman Catholic Church, so that was good enough for me! 

I had a little dark shadow of foreboding though. I was interviewed for Confirmation by the priest, alone behind a closed door in the rectory. I knew there was nobody to save me, and if anyone was going to believe either one of us, it would be the priest they believed before they believed me. I was on edge, ready to run if necessary, and the priest was kind and did the work, he wasn't evil. But I saw a 'loophole' for selfish evil human nature to exploit the innocent and was careful to protect myself. This was years and years before lawsuits and news stories...

When I graduated medical school, I went to Lourdes. It was a wonderful experience! I loved the unneeded crutches and wheelchairs nailed up to the grotto from the miracles!

By that time I was experienced with the visionary Barbara Matthias, I had visions and locutions myself, and I had seen Jesus. 

My Uncle Ben, who grew up in Sicily, believed in extraterrestrials and used to ask me why I loved the church. He would say, 'can't you see how evil it is? how barbaric?'  I told him it was a spiritual gym and I needed to exercise my 'muscles'. 

I brushed aside the lawsuits on pedophilia, as rare, isolated occurrences.

My son was born, and I had him baptized. We went to church every week until he was seven.

Then I woke up.

I read the truth in Cobra's many links included in The Red Pill. Many of these don't exist any more, the internet was a lot 'freer' then. Not so much silencing of truth. 

I decided there and then I could never support such a thing! I donated the money I gave once to the church to the San Diego Zoo every year instead. 

Until I realized just about everywhere there is lots of donations...there's risk...of money not going where it was meant because it's human nature to help themselves and look the other way whenever there is a big pile of money...

Anthony's religious education stopped. 

I went to maybe two masses since. I missed it.

I think we did a fish fry dinner one time. 

Anthony is seventeen now. 

I'm in France.

I love it here.

By almost accident, we came upon a local church, and went to mass. 

It was a beautiful church.

This priest was sincere. I've know a few, you can tell, one of the greatest souls ever was Monsignor Paul Martin, who was in charge of San Juan Capistrano mission/Basilica. He even let a homeless man park his ancient car in the lot and live on the church property. All that was asked of him was to direct parking for mass. 

I went to communion.  I was sorry in my soul for everything that I knew, for everything that had ever happened, in this life, in past ones...and at a special part of the mass, when you can make a wish, I wished for Ross' wounds to heal. For all of them to heal, including ones I've caused him and ones he's caused me.

It was only then after communion I saw two beautiful images from the stations of the cross. One was of a woman hugging Jesus as he was about to be punished. She was able to comfort him, and say goodbye. The other was of two women, with Jesus deceased, those moments before they were able to do what culture asked of them to wash the body. 

So what is the lesson?

People who are deeply asleep believe lies.

They cannot give consent because they don't know the part of the story that is hidden from them.

Newly awakening people, recoil in horror from the hidden part it is so awful once they learn the truth. They rationalize, the adapt, but they miss the point of the lesson...

The lesson is, with Free Will, and full awareness of what is hidden--in my cases not only Red Pill but a decade of hearing survivors like Jessie C, Kerth/Kathy B, Cathy O, Svali...can you decide if something is right for you. And even then, once you've decided it, remember the picture! You are free to adjust if more information is coming in. 

Would I have asked for Ross' healing, from my heart, if I had taken any other path? 

I truly don't know the answer. 

What I do know, is that his giving me the time and space I needed to arrive at this on my own was vital to the completion of this lesson with success. Not because of cognitive dissonance! It's because I needed to be ready on many different levels..first.

I feel closer to him, and have more awe and respect for him, than ever before. And gratitude. Lots and lots of gratitude. 

When one heals, naturally, so does the other...especially in souls like ours which have a very deep connection.

What is the lesson for you?

First of all, my lessons grow more complex. So I write less, I grow more, and I share when it's pertinent. 

You may find your lessons are 'changing' somewhat like this too. There's more 'meat' on them, in a way. And if you're still learning lots of lessons in a row like popcorn, that's good too! It's appropriate! I was that way for ten years! Daily, daily lessons!

The second is to have patience. You won't miss it when the conclusion of a longer lessons arrives for you. You'll have it resonate strongly and you'll just know. 

I hope our discussion helps you to realize the enormous gift we are given when we are born!

It really is a wonderful thing.


I'd like to take a moment to talk about Carla. Carla when she isn't in her 'lesson learning groove'. 

Carla who is a single mother, who gets only one week off a year for vacation. Carla who is working half time, and getting half her income...and has to basically go without pay for the month in order to have someone be willing to cover her shifts for that week...

Carla who wasn't planning on going anywhere (because of the money), leapt at the chance when France opened, to come visit her family...and in time months ago when the family was bereaved, promised to come. It cheered them greatly...

Travel expenses and complexity have increased markedly since 2019 when Carla last went to Europe. And Anthony who is now grown, no longer can fit easily in the economy seats. Carla does what she can do to the best for her family.

With negative covid tests in hand, they set on their journey, only to find Anthony arrived completely sick from Covid. One of the new variants. 

With him coughing next to her, Carla had one of the worst nights imaginable. They had train tickets for going to family. But to expose them? What to do?

It turns out family had also come down with Covid. Many had positive tests. So with precautions, they took the train to see family, and also, bought tests. Anthony was positive. Strongly so.

Family found a wonderful bed and breakfast nearby the house. In the heat of the day the two were picked up to enjoy meals and escape the heat. And rest. 

It was her first trip here, she never saw a castle.

But first things first.

Carla's immune system was working hard. Anthony got better. Carla's asthma and allergy got out of control from the dusty couch she had been sleeping on in the B and B. 

Carla listened to Spirit, and went to the pharmacy, and got allergy medicine. Along with taking her asthma medicine. She slept with the door open (there were no windows). She took it one day at a time.

At the birthday party, all was well, Anthony had been negative for two days. 

Now vacation is almost over. Except for the B and Breakfast all the fees were lower than what she had expected to spend. 

The heat has been oppressive. There really wasn't much for anyone to do. 

This is what happens when ego 'takes a back seat'. 

Carla didn't think of herself with the Covid. She thought of Anthony first. Then she did what was right and notified family. Later she learned another in the household was positive four days before the trip! They would have been exposed regardless!

It wasn't 'much of a vacation' and at the same time, much progress and growth and healing took place. Probably some of the most important for the two of us, and therefore our family, ever. 

We are on the right track.

And I myself give thanks for this!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple